Paradox — CHAPTER IX : Another Crystal : Nanorobotics!

(Day 16 : 1914 : the Road)

Tim, James, and James(I) were travelling on the road for several days. They went to several towns, several people, but still no sign of Bennet. Tim's prediction of Bennet being blocks away was actually wrong. James(I) stopped by at the rightside of the road, he said, "I have to pee, okay! Just wait here and watch the road." James(I) went outside the car and went to the back of the bill board. The ninth day, James gained conscious of his actions. James said, "so that guy's really my grandpa?" Tim said, "yeah, he is!" I fainted too when I heard that I was in 1914. He's a good man James, a good man! You should have seen him at war, he killed many soldiers, some were on our side, but it's all good!" Then he had a straight look in his face. "he still thinks I'm my grandfather." James said, "why's that?" Tim replied, "I sound like him, I look like him, I even act like him." James said, "Grandpa did say something about your grandfather." Tim said, "what's that?" James said, "he said that your grandpa was a great scientist, a great man, and a great friend. Enough of that subject. Let's talk about us, it's been awhile Tim, I actually thought you were dead." Tim said, "why's that?" before James could even say that he was the one who made Tim immortal, James(I) was done peeing and went back to the car. James(I) said, "what'd I miss?" James said, "nothing, just continue driving!"

Hours later, they went for a stop by at this small house. James(I) parked the car infront of the house. This house that they've found seemed to be abandoned, so they went inside the house. The inside seemed to be pithc black, there were no chairs nor tables, just some blueprints scattered on the floor, some broken test tubes, and a case of plutonium. There was also a guard dog watching them straight in the eye, but it seemed not to bark or anything, just looking at the three standing still, taking details by detail. While they were just standing there, James went to the dog, trying to find it;s calming part. Particularly, James studied Animals or Zoology, so he was kind of the expert at this point. He patted the dog at it's head, then he scratched it's chin, the dog was very obedient at this point. James looked at his company and said, "Who do you think this house belongs to?" Tim replied, "Probably, it belongs to a scientist!" then a voice in the air spoke, "a scientist indeed!" it was William Bennet who spoke in the depts of the shadows. He walked slowly into the limited amount of sunlight near a window at the left side of the room. He said, "sorry, I didn't pay for the electricity this month. I have indeed predicted that you 3 would come here. and by accident too! My name is William Bennet, I'm a scientist. I was born before the time's of Jesus." Tim said, "you've lived thousands of years already, and still counting. I'm Timothy Evans." Bennet said, "yes I know that! I know all your names, there's you Tim, James Monroe, and you James Monroe III. I have the ability to know everything, or in other words 'I'm psychic', yes I am a psychic. I gained these abilities because of the presence of chromites running through my veins. I can live for the rest of eternity, know everything, breath underwater, survive anything, even hold my breath for the rest of eternity, I'm a telepath, a technopath, but the only things that I can't do is do anything beyond human capabilities, what I mean is i can't fly or anything." James said, "I talked to your 2015 counterpart, can you predict that?" Bennet said, "indeed I can mend with my mind millions of years in the future!" James said, "you somehow remind me of a comic character, but he was bald and was in a wheel chair, he had that kind of power to, because of his mind giving him too much information about everything. But that was Just a comic character, you're the real thing!" James(I) then said to his grandchild, "who was that character?" James said, "you'll find out soon...when they get invented." Tim said, "you said you were born before the birth of Christ, were you a friend of him?" Bennet replied, "indeed I was born before he was, I began to look like this when I touched a fragment of the chromite at the age of 21. Yes, he became a friend of mine. Before that, I saw the time that Mary talked to the 'Holy Spirit', it wasn't a 'Holy Spirit' really, It was an extra terrestrial that came from the same group of extra terrestrials that we would encounter on the year 2015. It formed into a star person or light, so that it's victim or should I say 'mate would think that it is the so called 'Holy Spirit' like I said. The 'aliens' form of light was too shiny for dear Mary, so she passed out from what was happening. Then the light beggins to impregnate Mary. And at the next day, she was already pregnant. I therefore now conclude that Jesus is part alien, that's why he has the ability to do his 'miracles', obviously it was a part of him being an alien." Tim said, "so all this time we believed in some person that turned out to be part alien?" Bennet said, indeed it is!" James said, "why did you bring us here anyway?" Bennet said, "It wasn't I who brought you here, fate did. You three, including me, are brought here to see the other crystal, the nanite." Tim said, "where is it?" Bennet took something in his pocket, and held it to his right. It was a test tube, that had a grayish liquid inside. He said, "This is the Nanite crystal." Tim said, "That's a test tube with gray liquid inside." Bennet said, "never judge a book by it's cover! It is only a sample of the Nanite crystal, made in liquid form. You can see more where this came from in the other half of the secret tech, you do have the first half right?" James(I) said, "it's in the back of the car." Bennet said, "yes i know that, I was mearly testing you if you knew! Tim, come along with me to your car, which should not even be shown through public in the year 1914. This car of your's doesn't even exist during these times!" Tim said, "don't blame me, James here brought it." James said, "well it was your idea, Bennet!" Bennet replied, "indeed it was, but we had a limited time back in the future, the world was going to be destroyed so I had to send you here in this particular time. Come on, we have no time to argue, let's get out of this house of mine for awhile and head on." Tim took the blue prints that was scattered all over the floor, rolled it up, held it to his left hand, and proceeded outside. James was second to go out. While Bennet and James(I) was still inside, James(I) said to Bennet, "I'll be driving, you'll be at my rightside, it's time to get to know you!" then he proceeded outside. Bennet on the otherhand had deep thoughts about his soldier companion just awhile ago, knowing that he will earn James's(I) trust on the way. Then he went outside closing the door. James opened the trunk and handed over the secret tech to Bennet. Bennet said to James, "would you be kind to close the trunk for me?" James closed the trunk immediately. Bennet put the secret tech on the trunk and opened it. Tim said, "you're the only one who can open this thing?" Bennet said, "Well, based on many conclusions, I was the one who created the secret tech. As I said before, I see the future, And what does the future behold James?" James said, "The End!" Bennet replied, "...I was going to say, 'destruction of the whole entire earth' but that would do too! I have created the secret tech. for endless reasons. I will say one reason, and it is also the final reason, 'to save the human race'." Tim said, "good reason".

-End of Chapter-

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