Paradox — Chapter X : Another Crystal : Nanorobotics (Epilogue)

(Day 16, 1914 : at the car's trunk)

The four men were mearly talking about the secret tech. Bennet took the thing that was kept inside the vault out of it's case and on to the car. He said, "this my friends, is a source of infinite power! The things that made me achieve this 'infinite power' is highly classified, so there are no questions to be answered about this." James said, "I have a question!" Bennet abruptly said, "no questions!" James said, "okay, okay!" Bennet took a deep breath and said, "as I said, this information is too advanced for the two of your minds." James(I) said, "okay, not including you, there are three of us. So why have you just said earlier, 'two of our minds'? Does it not include one of the three of us. and if that's so, who is the one with the advanced mind?" Bennet replied, "comparing to how much memory a computer can restore to an average mind. A computer's memory can take millions of data. To a human's mind, not even half of the millions of data that a computer can recover! Since half of the things that I just said aren't picking up on James'(I) mind, because it hasn't been created at this point in time, I will insist of translating, but lesser words. Timothy here has the advanced mind!" Tim said, "why's that?" Bennet said, "it is part of the chromite's affect on us humans. When one of us humans get infected by the chromite, the human's mind gets too much information from anything, and it is kept there for the rest of eternity." Tim said, "I don't want know the components for making that anyway, maybe some other time." Bennet said, "As I said...again, this is a source of infinite power. The other half contains a super missile, to destroy the spaceship known as Oblivion. The components of how it was still just me and Tim's minds!" James(I) said, "I want too see this 'super missile' of yours, where is it?" Bennet said, "Oh, it's inside the house, I'll fetch it to you!" Bennet went inside the house and took the secret tech. from his room, under his bed, covered by a few books, then he went back to the three friends of his. James said, "what is it with you and vaults?" Bennet said, "as I said James, highly classified!" Bennet opened the vault and took the 'super missle' out. "This" Bennet said, "is the super missile!" The super missile was made out of the combination of iron, titanium, aluminum, and silver. Tim said to Bennet, "How can this 'super missile' of yours destroy the Oblivion?" Bennet said, "this baby can't destroy anything without the 13 crystals. Each crystal has it's own special power, at this point, the chromite lets you time travel, become a super genius, and live an eternity. The Nanite on the other hand goes through your veins, from the name itself, the Nanites are small mechanical organs living inside you, making you use that power to make mechanicla things come out of you, for example, you can make a giant-metallic hand out of you, this giant metal hand will be attached to your skin, but still you can take it off by consentrating". Tim said, "let me see that test tube." Bennet handed over the test tube, that was kept in his pocket, to Tim. Tim gave James the Nanite sample. James said, "Why're you giving it to me?" Tim said, "There is a bodn between your destiny to what contains of this test tube." James said, "What do you mean?" Bennet abruptly told James, "It means that whether you like it or not, your life is up to it's greatest journey." Tim said, "Someday, maybe even this very minute, you James...will experience the power of every mechanical structure known to man. Once I extract the liquid based nanites to your body, it will run through all of your veins. First you'll feel pain, then you would loose track of what is happening, after that you will feel that your body weight is increasing, that is because of the nanites that are inside you, they began to multiply into millions and millions, until they turn all of your bones to solid metal, it will only increase your weight by 20 grams but it's okay." James said, "so whats the catch?" Bennet abruptly siad, "everything that Tim just said was 'the catch'." James wasn't surprised even though that will happen to him, he simply asked of what his upcoming powers would be like. Bennet told James, "Didn't we explain it to you just awhile ago?" James said, "oh yeah..." Tim said, "It's not going to be easy my friend, once you are given the power you must give full responsibility to it." James said, "Indeed I will."

-End of Chapter-

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