Paradox — Chapter XVIII : The Metal Island.

These past few days, James(I) spends his time outside Will's old and dusty house and wandered off to different houses. He stumbled upon a dead body in the middle of the road. The head was nowhere to be found. Fleas and maggots surrounding the dead remnants of this poor soul. James(I) noticed that there was a house near by, and a destroyed windmill, so he thought that the man lying in the street was a farmer. He then saw a shotgun near the body and took it. He thought the man might have been drunk and shot himself. But he couldn't think of a possible reason how the windmill got destroyed. So he went to town, and searched for answers. He couldn't find anybody that could explain the situation. So he went to a bar, hoping to see a farmer. He spoke to the bartender, asking if he'd seen a farmer inside the bar. The bartender told him that there were several farmers who entered the bar. Then James(I) specifically told him if there was a farmer who went to the bar everyday, crying about a dead friend who's also a farmer. The bartender told him that there was one farmer that had the same characteristics. He said that this farmer only goes to the bar at night. It was still sunny outside. So James(I) decided to stay and wait for the farmer. An hour went by, and James(I) got tempted to buy a drink, and so he did.

*This is where I stopped writing*

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