Paradox — Chapter XVII: How lies repeat itself.

"Voidazelms act like mavericks, they have the ability to move at light speed. Different from running super fast. Voidazelms create seams that enable them to get from one place to another. Although, it is not similar to Teleportation. Technically, teleportation speaks of a human travelling from one place to another by the use of their minds. They voluntarily change the position of their cells into the place they want to be, but they can only do it as a whole. Their whole body should be together in order to teleport." said Bennet. "So Voidazelms travel with portals?" asked Timothy. "You see Tim, the reason why you were given powers is for you to actually use it. Why is it that you tend to act more of a Biota than an Omniscient? You always ask things. You sound like a normal person. You speak words not even beyond the vocabulary of a normal person." said Bennet. "What is it that you're not telling us, Tim?" said James(I). "Nothing. I don't know, really." said Tim. "I'm gonna tell you what's going on." said Tetramand, "You're not fully infected by Chromites." "How's that possible? I thought I was an Omniscient like you guys." said Tim. "it's because your body is not compatible with the crystal's radiation." "some human beings have cells that are incompatible to the crystal's powers. They can attain the abilities, but only for a limited time." said Bennet. "so how much time do I have until I lose my powers?" said Tim. "that's the bad part..." said Tetramand. "Why, what's gonna happen to Tim?" said James(I). "You see, if a human being still absorbs the radiation if they are incompatible, it doesn't only mean that you'd loose the powers eventually. It also destroys your cells one by one." said Tetramand. "You're saying, when I reach my due date... I die with the radiation?" said Tim. Then there was silence. James and his grandfather had sympathy for Tim. "He's not suppost to die." said James while tears were going down his face, "He was suppost to save millions of lives." James said. "He will save lives. For our country, for our nation, for the flag, and for the whole universe." said James(I), "He's already protected us from the enemy country. Now who's gonna stop him from protecting all of us from danger?"

"Thank you, for that nice speech you did, James(I), but it's just too late now." said Tim. "we still have a mission." said Bennet. "Yeah, we do." said James, "your life's not over yet, Tim. You could still bring justice to your name." "You could still...protect us." said James(I). Tetramand considered himself part of the group and said. "I'm going to join you on your quest." "but we only have three seats inside the submarine." said James(I). "I did not say I would join you on your travelling mechanisms. I am going on foot." "How?" said James. "I'm an Omniscient, right?" said Tetramand, "so definitely I can stay underwater as long as I want."

Day's have passed, Timothy and the crew had packed their bags, arranged their equipment. And placed the cube of 'polymorphosis' in the same safe that kept the super missle inside. Timothy started a hobby-since he knew his 'ailment'-to pass the time. He crafted more cubes. Why, you ask? While Tim still had his powers, he reached deep inside his mind for an event and found something that concerned him, making more cubes.

"Tim, pal." said James, "Why are you making more cubes, what for?" "You know, James...its better for you not to know. It might lead to some other time stream." said Tim. "Okay," James said, patting Tim on the shoulder, "i understand, man. what you have to do, okay? Before you loose the time remaining in you." "Okay, James." replied Timothy. James stood to his feet and went to Bennet. Timothy continued to work.

"Do you still remember why I sent you back in time?" asked Bennet to James. "Now that you mention it, I think it was only to guide TImothy Nothing else of course. Why?" asked James. "I lied." Bennet said, "I already knew that Timothy's cells were incompatible. But I didn't want to tell you that." "William," said James, "We all know that this all happened just because of that alien."

Tetramand heard William and James's conversation. He didn't mind what they said. But he went to them to share something he thought. "I heard what you said, Mr. Monroe, and I don't mind, really. I shouldn't mind. You should even thank me for what I did, not only for you but for the whole universe. If I didn't bring the Crystals in this planet, there wouldn't be any one to protect it." said Tetramand. "What do you mean, Tetramand?" said Timothy when he came to join the conversation. "Are there other crystals somewhere in the planet?" Then, Tetramand realized that he was already cornered. He had to tell the truth or else. "Okay," he said, "I didn't only bring one crystal to your planet. I brought all of them." "You what?" yelled James. "You brought all of them here?" said Timothy. "Yes, I did." replied Tetramand. "Why didn't you tell us this, Will?" said James. "I already told you guys. I am not a spoiler. I keep things I know in my mind, and it stays there. It's the Omniscient way." replied Will. "When I placed the Chromites inside that same cave William told you about. I telekinetically carried the other twelve to different location in your planet. In earth time, it took me three months to hide it. After that, I created this barrier that protect the earth from any readings that might be taken by other planets. But the barrier got destroyed in 2015. That's why Oblivion only attempted to take the crystals in that year. But not to worry. We're in 1914, right? So the barrier is still closed." "Okay," said James. "If you hadn't brought that story up, I would have slammed your face to the ground. Sorry if I yelled." said James. "No harm done." said Tetramand. "By the way," said Tim, "the suits are ready to use. I've finished creating the other cubes and...we're leaving in the morning." "Okay," said Bennet, "We still have time to pack everything we need for the mission. Tim, you go tell James's grandad about leaving in the morning. James and Tetramand, you two should gather everything you need. I wouldn't be bringing anything, I'll still be here when the mission's done." "What do you mean? You're not coming to the future with me?" asked James. "Who said anything about you going back to 2015?" said Will.

While James and Tetramand were packing their stuff for the voyage, Tetramand started to tell something to James about the sea, and that he was connected to the sea. "James," said Tetramand, "How much do you know about the sea?" "Well," James said, "I didn't really have the interest to study about oceanography and other stuff that was connected to any large bodies of water. Why'd you ask?" "The crystal I placed in Bermuda triangle is called the Amphite crystal. It gives you Hydrokinesis, and it also gives you the power to transform into a sea creature. you could travel under the sea, swifter than ever. You'll grow gills, scales, webbed feet, fins if I might add. The best part could transform back to your original form." "The truth is...I'm afraid of the sea." said James. "James, what happened to you when you were eight is all in the past." said Tetramand. "I didn't give you permission to get inside my memories, Tetramand. Even so, I can't risk drowning to death anymore." said James. "You can't drown anymore." Tetramand said, "You have powers now. Nobody is stopping you. Nobody can. Nothing can't be done once the mind is put to place. You can't live in fear, James. You can't" Then James stopped packing and dropped what he was holding. "You want me to touch the crystal when we get to the island." he said. "Actually, it's your decision." said Tetramand, "and it's not just and island you see everyday in this planet. But let me give you a hint. It's a pain in the bone." "Pain in the..." James wondered, "...Metal!"

-End of Chapter-

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