Paradox — Chapter XVI : The encounter.

"I'm only here to give you a message" said the alien. "How can we trust someone that's from the planet oblivion?" asked James, while rapidly breaking the barrier. "If I were an enemy, I'd destroy the four of you within seconds. But I'm not, aren't I?" "Then what are you?" asked James.

"A messenger." replied the alien, "The names Tetramand, from the planet Tetrax. My people and I can regenerate extra hands and grow it back once it's been sliced." "What's the message about?" asked James. "It is a warning" responded Tetramand, "the people of oblivion have the information" "What information?" asked James. "Of the four of you travelling the world, finding the 13 stones."

"If I were you, I'd be travelling the east cost of Florida by now. Once you find the stone, you must use it's powers...or at least one of you will."

"you see," said Bennet to Tim and James, "The thirteen crystals can give anyone powers. As I remember it, I obtained my powers from a cave at my home town. But I think that place is long gone." "How'd you get it?" said Tim. "I was young, 20 years old back then. I had all my work done, so I decided to walk by the streets. As I was walking, an old man passed by me and he said, 'don't go heading that way, boy.' but still I neglected what he said and head on to the way I was heading towards to. Then, I noticed, I found myself at the end of a cliff. I was surprised, but not scared at that time. I noticed a cave below, so I looked at it closer. But then, I fell. It was a safe landing, and I feel inside the cave. It was dark, but the was limited light to be seen. 'Where am I' i said to myself. As I searched an exit, I found a shining part in the wall. So I went closer and touched the shiny part and...what happened next was..." "you touched one of the crystals, the Permafrosted Chromite." said Tetramand. Then James started to suspect Tetramand, he said, "You're the old man, are you?" he came closer to Tetramand, "You went to the earth at that time to put the Chromite in place." Tetramand didn't reply. "Why?" said William to Tetramand, "is it true?" "seems you friend here is right. I did bring the Chromite to your world, but it was an accident." "What do you mean?" asked Tim. "I used the crystal's time travelling powers on my ship to travel from the 23rd century to that point in time. Yes, I'm from the future. You can turn those brass knuckles back to it's true form now, James. What I'm about to tell you it's going to take awhile." James turned his brass knuckles back to a staff and walked away from Tetramand, and stood beside James(I). "I still don't have full trust on this guy." James said to his grandfather.

Tim, James, James(I), and William took their suits off and placed it at the garage. Tim allowed Tetramand to continue to the house.

"Listen, Tetramand." said Tim, politely. "My friend James still doesn't have full trust in you. Me, James(I), and Will on the otherhand do trust you. So tell me, what brought you here, really?" Tetramand responded, "I should better start to the part where I entered your world by accident. You see, back at my time, the 23rd century, the Oblivion had with their hands 4 of the crystals. The Chron Crystals to be exact. These Crystals aren't like the others. They're more dangerous, more devastating. These Cyrstals give you Dark powers, powers that should not even exist. So you get the picture right?" "What does that have to do with you getting here?" Tim said. "Well, I was getting to that. So the people of Oblivion wanted more than just the 4 of the Crystals. So they searched the whole universe for it. Here's the downside...Our planet has some of the Crystals." "which are?" "The Permafrosted Chromite Crystal, that's for starters."

Tim sorted out the story Tetramand told, "so your telling me that your planet had the Chromites, which would mean, in oreder for the people of Oblivion to not get the crystal is to place and hide it to another location, and you chose Earth?" No, not Earth. I was about to hide it elsewhere, Mars." "but why is it here then?" "my ship had a malfunction. And I landed to your world. And one more thing. I'm an Inventor at my planet, and while I was finishing the ship for my trip, the people of Oblivion arrived, so I had to make it quick, and one of the wire were not attached. So going back to Earth, I placed the Chromites at a cave, and while I was moving it, I absorved the crystal's power."

Bennet came, together with James(I). Bennet already knew what they were talking about except for James(I). "You mean you're an Omniscient like us?" said William. "I was about to tell you the first minute I got here, but your little friend here made a disturbance. Yes, I am an Omniscient, and so are you two." Tetramand pointed at Will and Tim. "And that's not the only power I have." "You mean you've touched other crystals? asked James (I). "Yes. I have earned 3 crystal powers. Chromite, Farenite, and Transite." "What do you get from the other crystals?" said James(I). "Well, the Farenite crystal gives you the power to control fire. It's good for offensive tactics when you're at battle. The Transite crystal lets you change your form, you could change into anything. I use it in times of travelling, and when I'm trying to escape from any danger." said Tetramand.

For the remaining hours of the day. Tetramand was presented with blue prints by Timothy. "These are called our world, to say." "i know what they are called, we have those, too In our planet." said Tetramand, "but we were more advanced thean nay species in the universe. We made better equipment, better weapons, better machinery." Then why did your ship had a malfunction, if your planet was so advanced?" yes, it had a malfunction. This might be the perfect time to tell my past." said Tetramand. "Why did your ship broke?" "Our planet wasn't the only one that had advanced technology. This planet was only known to us, but not to your planet. This planet was called 'The Cloist'. The planet of Labyrinths. Every single obstacle leads to the most dangerous situations you could ever think about." said Tetramand. "So what does that have to do with your ship having a malfunction?" "why don't you use your telepathy to know everything about me?" said Tetramand. "Just tell the damn reason, man." replied Tim. "This planet collect Cephiremites, one of the 13 crystals." Then Bennet came and abruptly interrupted the conversation, "His ship entered a seam that was made by a Voidazelm, which made his ship's engine to malfunction." Timothy said, "What are Voidazelms?"

-End of Chapter-

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