Paradox — Chapter XV : Getting ready for the fight!

The next day, James was still sleeping in his room. Few hours later, he opened his eyes, and woke up.

My work! James thought. He ran outside where he left his work. And yet he saw nothing. He went inside, and went to Tim. He asked him, "do you know where my work is?" "Don't worry, the three of us took care of it." replied Tim. "And the prototype?" "I took care of that. It's in the garage." James asked, "How'd you carry it, it weigh's like a ton!" "Telekinetic powers, my friend."

Telekinesis, another power that Timothy can perform. It is a power of a focused mind. It involves levitation through an object, and to oneself. The mind focuses on the object that it wants to control. It happens when the mind and the object becomes one. Then, minutes later, the object begins to move off it's p[lace, and into mid-air. An Omniscient can use telekinesis as easy as pie.

"Don't you want me to levitate you?" asked Tim, sarcastically. "N-no." replied James.

Tim and James was working on the suit. They've agreed that each four of them would be provided with power suits. As a reason, they should be using the suits for protection, and at the same time, as offense to the sea monsters.

A month later, the two finished their work and provided the other suits to James(I) and Bennet.

"These suits," said Tim, "shall be called 'Juggernaut suits'. Built with thick ounce of mixed metal. THese suits can fight off a pack of T-Rexes with high altitude, and it'd still look brand new. I've formatted these suits with supreme strength, agility, accuracy, and endurance. With special skills adapted to it, you are able to use the four elements. Fire, water, Earth, and air. You can also perform a barrier, for evasive-actions. Within the armor's waste, There are special weapons adapted to every individual. For me, I have adapted my suit with mechanical hands, it is good for me to have extra hands, because I have done this project many times now. A theory of mine that involves the human mind." "What are my weapons?" asked James(I). "I," replied Tim, "have adapted your suit with special dual-pistols that can change its form by the command of the wielder's mind." James(I) asked, "How does it work?" "The helmet takes up the brain waves, then there are connectors put in the arms. Once you take hold of the dual-pistols, it would change as commanded." James said, "My suit was adapted with a metal staff. I chose it because my power's can change it's form, to a medieval flail, Nun-chuks, a sword or a knife, and mostly brass knuckles."

"For me," said Will, "I'd just give myself a sword that can also change it's form, that's all." "that's exactly what I adapted in your suit" said Tim, "Telepathy?" asked Bennet. "Telepathy!" replied Tim.

"Wait," said Bennet, "there is something or someone upon us!" "I sense it too" replied Tim, "a great force, upon the north." "It's not human..." responded Bennet, "It's something else."

"it's symptoms are very high, and out of the ordinary." as Tim said.

"we must get inside these suits immediately, and hide inside the house." said James.

Getting ready for some sort of fight, the four iron hides went inside the house, together with their suits. Their suits had zip-ons, so that it was easy to wear and hard to penetrate. "Activate your weapons men." shouted James(I), as if he was in charge.

"wait, said Tim, "there is something more about this. It's actually an..."

On that note, there came a flickering form of light in the north side. Somehow, this light source emitted various types of thunder storms. Each struck with floundering attacks. Striking the surface of earth, making an after effect on grass, wood, electric wires, and such. The sky turned dark, as it adapted to the event. Some people went outside of their houses to see what was happening. An old man went out and said, "What in tarnation is goin' on here?" This old man was an old working farmer, who lived in the east side of the city. He noticed that his wind mill was struck by the bolts of random lightning. "You chose the wrong wind mill!" shouted the old man. The old man grabbed his shotgun-which was placed in his house-and fired randomly in mid-air. Once he reached the point where he had to reload his gun, a stream of light flashed on the old man's forehead. Out of nowhere, a burst of red laser beams shattered the old man's head off. Then the body fell off the ground, as it has no source of life to use.

The light started to gain form, as it performed massive thunder strikes. The light formed into a humanoid-type of form.

"Wait," said Bennet "Drop your weapons. It's not an enemy, but also not a friend." "It's an extra terrestrial from another galaxy," responded Tim, "it seems to have a message from planet oblivion."

The extra terrestrial landed thoroughly on the ground. It began to walk towards the house. It has a reddish skin tone, with matching dark eyes to fit the alien looks.

The alien spoke, surprisingly, it was human language, "Do not be afraid. I come in peace." On that second, James ran outside and transformed the metal staff into brass knuckles and started to punch the alien. The alien, on the other hand, performed a barrier to keep James from hitting.

"I stand corrected. I should be the one to be afraid."

-End of Chapter-

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