Paradox — Chapter XIII : DIMENSIONS.

Tim and James were talking about going back to their own time to save the human race.

"James" Tim said, "what if we ask Bennet to give us the secret tech and tell him that we should head back to our own time." James said, "maybe he'll agree with us." Tim replied, "Yeah, or maybe not."

Meanwhile, Bennet was talking to James(I), "How do you feel to have your grandson to be a nanite infected human being?" James(I) said, "well, it's not that hard though. Speaking of it makes me proud, actually. Because he can finlly fulfill his finest dreams, to be a superhero, or a fireman, or even a soldier like me." Bennet said, "You must be proud" then he nodded. Then came the two time travellers. Tim said, "We need to go back in time." Bennet replied, "what, you decided to kill yourselves by going to the time of destruction?" James said, "what he means is that we need the secret tech." Bennet said, "Look guys, even though you go there with the secret tech., it wouldn't matter. Because there is always an alternate reality." James said, "you mean that there's an alternate Oblivion in an alternate universe." Bennet said, "precisely!" Tim said, "and once the oblivion in our universe is destroyed, the alternate oblivion will take place." Bennet said, "precisely. You see, the extra terrestrials controlling the oblivion are scavengers. One of the 13 crystals had the power to know, see, and go to other dimensions. It is located at the Bermuda Triangle." Tim said, "That's where James comes in. We shall go there using the cube. I'll just transform it into a submarine. James(I) do you know how to drive a sub?" James(I) replied, "Yeah, I do. I was in the Navy once, you know." Tim said, "ok, that's good. James, once we enter the triangle, there would be large whirlpools waiting for us. So since we are under water, the whirlpool is nothin' to the submarrine, but that's not the only thing that'll stop us from getting that crystal. So when the submarrine enters the area, it would most likely be destroyed by the sea monsters."

There have been some rumors that there are sea monsters living among the area of the Bermuda Trianlge. Some say that these monsters aren't monsters, they are dinosaurs that survived from the meteorite that caused their extinction, or both.

Bennet said, "James, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that you can breathe on water because of your new powers. The bad nes'll be fighting off the monsters." James said, "but I haven't even used my powers, not even once." Tim said, "William, why don't we use telepathy?" "I was waiting for you to say that." replied Bennet.

Timothy and William has the power to use telepathy, it gives the user the power to tamper with other people's minds, it also gives the user power to know what other people think, even their deepest, darkest secrets.

"I'll leave this tampering to you Tim." said Bennet. "I have been practicing it on James(I) here." said Tim. "and now he knows all." replied James(I).

"Quiet now" said Tim, "I need perfect silence when I'm using my powers." Bennet said, "I can use my powers even in a crowded area." James said, "that's because you've been using it for a long time now."

Tim closed his eyes, trying to enter James's mind. Seconds later, Tim knew that he had entered James' mind. So he started to think about the things he'll be transferring to James' mind.

"I see" said James. "I see now what I must do."

Told you I can do it. thought Tim to Bennet. Yeah, don't get your hopes up. thought Bennet.

James then had gained consciousness. "Let's step outside. I gotta show you something." James hurriedly stepped outside. Tim had a grin in his face and went out. james(I) asked Bennet, "what would that be about?" Bennet replied, "he's gonna show off his new poers, then do some renovations.

-End of Chapter-

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