Paradox — Chapter XII : FAST FORWARD...

A few days have passed, and Tim was so pissed from waiting. He decided to go forwards in time, and alone. So he talked it over to James(I) and Bennet, and the results are fine for them.

Tim took a fragment of the Chromite crystal, a spark of Ambion energy, and put it to the car.

88 miles per hour! he thought. As though thinking of the 1985 movie trilogy quoted by a scientist that discovered time travel in that science fiction. By the use of the so called, "Flux Capacitor" which made time travel possible by inserting it to a stainless steel car, at the speed of 88 miles per hour and the exchange for the Ambion energy; Plutonium. Who would have guessed it?

Tim arranged the time settings on the radio, aslo said in the movie except it were circuits. He arranged it to a 10 day advancement. He turned on the engine, and guess what. No fuel...

So he went to the trunk to find some gas, and there were. He put it in the car's gas tank and drove a mile, as Bennet instructed.

Tim saw light through the windshield, and in a split second, it was ten days in to the future for Tim.

He placed the car infront of the house and went to see James. Bennet sensed Tim coming so he reminded James(I), "He's back."

Finally, James(I) thought. "And fine timing too." he said. Tim entered the house seeing the two standing at the front door awaiting him, "is he awake?" "Yes" said Bennet, "He is awake" Tim went to the room where James was sleeping in and saw an empty time capsule in sight.

"Where is he?" said Tim to Bennet, "oh, we forgot to tell you when you came. He's already practicing his skills and what not at the back of the house"

"I'll go check on the little guy, since you two have" Tim went to the backyard to see James. He saw some scraps of metal all over the grass. He searched James Thoroughly, until he decided to use his "knowledge". He would have guessed that james is clumsy enough to have done such a mess.

"James" yelped Tim to the air, "James, where are you? It's me, Tim. Come on, speak if you can hear me." Then a voice came out of nowhere, "Tim, is that you? It's me James." Tim said, "Okay, where are you?" James said, "I'll just go to you then."

A figure appeared, it was big and kind of grayish. Every step that figure took towards Tim kept making the ground shake. It was as if that figure was heavy. "James, is that you?" said Tim. "Yeah, it's me Tim." and then the figure turned out to be James. He looked different, but in a good way. He seemed to have bigger muscles than before. His arms were the size of legs. And he gained man breasts.

"James, what happened to you?" said Tim, "I don't know...but I think I like it!"

Bennet came, his face showed no emotion, like he knew that James would look like that. He said, "You seemed surprised Tim, I know I'm not. James, why don't you tell us how you've that, or perhaps I'd do it. In the fifth day of your sleep, you began to enlarge, slowly though. An average person that would have been injected with this...should I say "power" gains the control of any kind of metal, even rock. In other words, he or she can harness this...element, change it's size, weight. This person, in retrospect, can become a hero, if this person wants to be, if not... well then good luck to you, I may say." James said, "why?" Bennet said, "Because when used for the wrong'd have made a grave mistake. I'll tell you this James. One'll make a differences.

-End of Chapter-

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