Paradox — Chapter XIV : Omniscience.

"Timothy" said Bennet. "has it ever occured to you what out power's are called?" "No, what?" said Tim. "Well, for the sake of knowing, the name of the power is Omniscience. Omniscience means knowing all things, now you know." "I actually do know it, Bennet. I was just testing you." replied Tim. "sure you were..." Bennet replied.

Meanwhile, at the front year. James was readying his powers, he was facing the car's leftside.

"Now," said James, "I need total silence once my hands start glowing."

For a minute of silence, the three men who were-at the time- the audience, were completely silent. Tim came that James' hands had fragments of light shining, and continued to grow over his hand. Once his hands were covered with shining light, James placed it on the car's hood. Slowly, the car changed it's form into a "Mustang" type of vehicle. "This is too much out of the ordinary for me." said James(I). "I should Have made it into an Audi type." replied James.

A few days later, Tim was talking to James(I) about the near future. He wasn't amazed of what he had known, he simply let it flow, because deep inside, he knows that any problem can be solved by science. Even now that he has the power to know and solve any problem, ace any test, solve any crime scene, and defeat anyone who thinks they're smarted than him... by using his powers, of course.

"James(I)," said Tim, "do you remember the war that occured a few weeks ago?" "yes, I do." replied James(I), "why'd you asked?" "what if I told you that there will be a second war, what would be your reaction?" "There's going to be another war?" asked James(I). Timothy, with an excrusiating look, and a soft, neutral voice as he whispered it to James(I). "Indeed, there will be. That is also the start of the era of Nazies." "Nazies?" asked James, "what're Nazies" "In the near future" said Tim, "there shall be a woman that will give birth to the child that will be the master of war propaganda, Adolph Hitler." "What should we do, kill him?" asked James(I). "No" replied Tim, "we shall not interfere with his birth. He too is the one that will change our lives for the better. I'm only telling you this because Hitler is the only one that can stop us from getting those crystals. He is smart enough to think of a tactic that might cause him to get the crystal before we do. But, here's the good news, once we loose even a fragment of the chromite crystal, we are in deep shit. Because when we leave it behind, one might touch it and become an omniscient, and on this point, once Hitler gets hold of it, it will be the end of you, and it will be the end of me, and the other two."

"we have to hurry and find the crystals" said James(I), "and leave nothing behind."

Meanwhile, at the back yard, James was practicing his powers to build a power suit. At first, he drew the blueprints, he also made some options for the suit. Then, he made a prototype of his suit, and tested it out on a certain terrain he made a few days back, it was filled with different kinds of obstacles. Some dummies were added, but they were no ordinary dummies, they were programmed with special moves fit for an expert. Since James was automatically trained, he no longer needed anymore exemption.

Tim went outside to see how James is doing. He saw him working with his blue prints, while it was placed at a work desk made of wood. There were scraps of metal on the ground, but they were organized. A metal helmet placed on the left side of the table, it seemed to be the prototype's main head.

"Hey" said James to Tim, as he saw him walking, "I'm just continuing my work here." It was actually 4:30 am in the morning, and James started working 5:30 pm yesterday. "Look" said Tim, "you need rest, you've skipped dinner." "I'm fine" replied James. On that second, James became unconscious and collapsed on the ground. "I knew it." said Tim to himself. Then he grabbed James from the ground and went inside the H.Q.. Will and James(I) were still sleeping at that time, until Tim slammed the door upfront and entered the room. "Wakie-Wakie! Rise and shine." James(I) opened his eye and was wide awake. While Bennet was unaffected. A few seconds later, Bennet opened his eyes slowly, and became half awake. "What's the problem?" asked James(I) to Tim, seeing his grandson being carried by the companion. "I caught your grandson working outside early in the morning." replied Tim. "what was he working on?" asked James(I). "A high-powered suit."

-End of Chapter-

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