Phantom Kid — Chapter I : HOW IT ALL BEGAN.

"Hi!, my name is Ezekiel Ferrow, Zeke for short. A few years ago, my dad was on a search for new sorts of nuclear energy, because he was a college graduate of harvard, and has a P.H.D. in nuclear physics, after a few years, he was licensed as a nuclear physicist, his name is Bicent Ferrow. His latest objective: He has to find a very powerful source of nuclear energy. So me and my sister offered some help on the way. The thre of us went to the most famous power plant and talked to the manager. My sister, Valerie Ferrow, asked the manager, "Sir, what's the most powerful source of nuclear energy?" Then the manager replied, "A few weeks ago, my fellow workers discovered a new type of nuclear energy, we were surprised to find out that this nuclear energy was no ordinary one. It wasn't radioactive, but still contained a very strong power, it could power up 10 power plants. We still haven't found a name for it yet, although it was color blue, so we all agreed to name it the blue matter. Why do you three need it anyway?" my dad said, "I'm Experimenting on a very powerful nuclear weapon, I'm going to call it, the Phaser Cannon, it could blow up an entire building if it's electrical, how much more if it was nuclear?" then the manager said, "Well I can't argue with that... Okay!" Then the manager called up his workers to fetch the blue matter and gave it to him. "How much is it?" dad said, "Something tells me that it should be free some how! Oh very well, take it, it's your's." the manager said. Then we head off to my dad's lab again. He installed the blue matter to the cannon, then decided to use it tomorrow, so me and my sister went to bed. The next day, my dad took us to his lab, he said, "Kids, this is the moment I've been waiting for, the moment that I could build something that actually works, now I want you two to see me use it, in honor of your mother, who just passed away last month. Zeke, I want you to push this button for me and step back five feet." So I did it, and stepped back five feet. "SELF-DESTRUCT BUTTON ACTIVATED, PREPARE FOR SELF-DESTRUCTION IN T-MINUS 60 SECONDS, 60...59..." my dad said, "Zeke, what have you done, you pressed the self-destruct button, now all we have to do is...RUN!" my sister ran first, then next was my dad, and I was left. "49...48..." I stayed to stop the cannon from blowing up. "40...39..." I've less than 40 seconds to stop the cannon. Then I heard a voice coming from the back, it sounded like my dad, "Zeke...Come on what are you waiting for, Zeke...Zeke...Zeke!" I told him, "I'm trying to stop it from blowing up, I know I can!" my dad said, "Nothing's stopping that from blowing up, so come on, let's go Zeke...can you even hear me?" "30...29..." I told dad, "I caused this from happening, now I have to stop it, If I don't succeed...tell Valerie to be a good girl...wait, where is she any way?" "21...20..." dad said, "She's safe now, come on let's go!" I said, "I already told you, NO! There's no more chance that the two of us would still survive, one maybe, and that one's you, Go!" my dad's voice stopped for awhile, the after that, he said, "You've been a good boy Zeke...believe that!" then after that, there were no voices anymore. "3...2...1..." after that, the cannon blew up superstrong, it blew up the laboratory, and 10 houses. As I heard from my dad, he got blown up too, but not that much, his legs and left hand got blown up, now he's a handicapped man. As for my sister, she was safe. But for me...I died! Then I saw the Grim Reaper a feet away from me, then everything was color black. I asked him, "Am I in hell?" he sound's very creepy when he talks, "this doen't even look anything like hell!!" I said, "Then where the hell am I?" the Reaper said, "hehehe, I like you Zeke...and I despise you for that! Were not in hell, because if we are, there's no going back, and besides, you're a good boy. And we can't go to heaven either, 'cause I'm not allowed in there, hehehe! We're in my dimension." I said, "your dimension's kinda...boring!" the Reaper said, "Thank you!" I said, "Wait, why am I here?" he said, "No one would take you, 'cause of one reason, you're a half-soul!" I said, "What's a half-soul?" he said, "a half-soul is born on the day of the dead, a dead soul will be sealed to a first born baby. Surprisingly, the soul that came you you was no ordinary soul, T'was an evil soul. The other Half-souls didn't have evil souls, and that's why you're here!" I said, "But, why me?" he said, "You're going to be my apprentice!" I said, "I don't want to be you're Apprentice!" I said, "I don't want to be you're Apprentice, I don't want to be anyone's Apprentice, I just want to be with my family and go home!" he replied, "that wasn't a choice! You will be my Apprentice, whether you like it or not! So sign the Phantom contract!" "what's a Phantom Contract?" I asked. He said, "a Phantom Contract is a contract that only a Half-soul could sign. If he/she signs' this contract, he/she will be the Grim Reaper's Apprentice...forever! And you get a free wish, except for wishing you weren't my Apprentice, and you can't wish for more wishes. So what's it going to be?" I paused a bit, and said my wish, "I wish to be alive again!" the Reaper said, "I can't do that until you sign my contract." So I signed the contract and had my wish, "now that you're back from the dead, it's time to give you a scythe." The Grim Reaper game me a scythe, maybe because I'm an Apprentice. Then he said, "but there's a catch! Now that you signed the contract doesn't mean that you're a Phantom now, 'cause your'e still a kid!" I said, "so...I'm a Phantom kid?" he replied, "Exactly! But you're not "a" Phantom kid, you're the Phantom kid! And also, to be my Apprentice, is to act like an Apprentice, it mean's that your'e not fully alive! It says so in the contract that the half-soul who will sign this contract would be the Reaper's Apprentice forever, and...earn some powers given by it's master. I gave you the power of becoming a ghost, but in order to use your power, you must first be a ghost, but I couldn't kill you...yet!" I said, "Why's that?" he said, "your'e an Apprentice, that mean's I'm not going to give it to you unless you earn it yourself! And being a half-ghost is the 1st stage of 13." I was curios about the last that Grim said. I asked him, "What are the 13 stages?" he said, "The 13 stages are stages for a Phantom, it tells you powerful you are. I'm at the 13th stage!" I said, "How'd you get to the 13th stage?" he said, "'cause I'm the one who created the stages, hehehehehe!!!" Then I said, "Oh!"

-End of Chapter-

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