Phantom Kid — Chapter II : Devil's STORY (Prologue)

Before the incident happened, there was another story to be told. This was the story of Bicent Ferrow, the father of the two kids, that has a P.H.D. and all that. Before he invented the phaser cannon, he invented an exo-skeleton that can only be powered up by a massive source of energy. He called the exo-skeletons, bio-armor. After he got the blue matter, he places it at the phaser cannon, then to the bio armor. The next day, 4:00am, Bicent hid the bioarmor in the laboratory 4:30 am, he placed the phaser cannon outside of their house, he went inside the house, calling for his two kids to see the cannon. They went outside and he said, "Kids, this is the moment I've been wait for, the moment that I could build something that actually works, now I want you two to see me use it, in honor of your mother, who just passed away last month. Zeke, I want you to push this button for me and step back five feet." Then Zeke accidentally pushed the self destruct button, then the cannon will blow up in 60 seconds, after 60 seconds, the cannon blew up and Zeke died, Valerie was safe, and for Bicent, his left arm and legs were blown up from the explosion. The Bicent also saw the Grim Reaper, Bicent said, "Where am I? Who are you? And what happened to me?" The Reaper said, "Be afraid, I am the Grim Reaper, you're in my dimension." Bicent said, "why am I here?" Grim said, "you are just like your son! Always asking many questions." Bicent said, "You met my son! Where is he? I want to see him!" the Reaper said, "Don't worry! your son is safe, but I cannot let you see him...yet!" Bicent said, "Why, what happened to him?" the Reaper said, "he has signed the Phantom Contract, and is now my Apprentice... forever. You will meet him after this conversation has ended, but he won't be that similar to the Zeke you have then. He signed the contract, and he made a be alive! I gave him what he wished for, but not entirely." Bicent said, "What do you mean?" The Reaper said, "I'm not saying he's dead. It say's so in the contract that who ever signs this contract and wishes for him/her to go back to life, the Reaper must still give him/her the power to become a ghost, to fulfill the prophecy." Bicent said, "What prophecy?" Reaper said, "A very powerful and evil spirit is sealed within Zeke's body. This spirit came from my former Apprentice, he was also my best student yet, he didn't look like the type at first, but inside of him was a powerful force, he was called Valent Tein, he was named like that because he was born at the day of the Valentine, and died at the day of the dead. Even if a person was born or died at the day of the dead, their souls will be mized up with other souls that give them power. While Valent was still alive, he was an arch-bishop, that made many miracles by healing, walking through walls, levitating, and also he can read minds...even mine! So when he died at the age of 32, I talked to him and told him to be my apprentice, at first he didn't agree, then I said, "that wasn't a choice!", so he showed fear and agreed to be my apprentice. After that, I gave him a scythe of his own, then he asked me, "can I have a crosier other than a scythe?" then I said, "Well okay if you want, but you can always use your scythe sometimes, what if I place the scythe's powers in the crosier therefore you can use two powers, havesting souls and alchemy, you can make stuff out of nothing, then destroy take it's soul afterwards." then Valent said, "I'll the offer." then I made a crosier that could use alchemy, and could havest souls, Valent called it the Requiem, he wanted to make it a tribute to the dead. One day, me and Valent went to a Library filled with alchemy, with different sections. Valent went to the forbidden section, finding something randomly, he saw scrolls, books, prophets, formulas, maps ingredients. Then he came across a scroll, it was a forging scroll, making your soul mix with another, it was called..."the Satanic forge!" The Satanic forge combines Satan's soul with your's when these words are spoken, Satanas Alvertas Volcanas Siertos Muntos Oronia Aquas Ventos Terraso Fianchetto, then it will activate the ritual, releasing the legendary creature, Fianchetto. Satan is already forged with the other demons. Beelzebub: First prince of the Seraphim. Leviathan: seconde prince of the Seraphim. Asmodeus: Third prince of the Seraphim. Berith: Prince of the Cherubim. Astaroth: prince of THRONES. Verrine: 2nd prince of Thrones. Gressil: 3rd prince of Thrones. Sonneillon: 4th Prince of Thrones. CARREAU: Former Prince of Powers. Carnivean: 2nd Former Prince of Powers. Oeillet: Former prince of Dominions. Rosier: Second in the order of Dominions. Belias: Former Prince of Virtues. Olivier: Prince of the Archangels. Iuvart: Prince of Angels. These demons aren't only just demons, they were the closest friends of Satan. After Iuvart became a fallen angel, Satan went to God, asking, "God, what happened to Iuvart and the others?" God replied, " shalt not worry about them...they have done wrong, and must now pay the price!" Satan said, "why?...what happened to them?" God said, "They lost their wings and are now fallen angels, we cannot call them that because they are no longer angels from my kingdom, they have grown new wings...but no feathers, they have grown horns, tails, sharp pointy claws, pointy teeth, and their skin became red, they were called demons. Some became more than just demons, they became monsters, insects, creatures, sea serpents... some had the power to draw nightmares to children, some gained evil in their hearts, tempting the human beings. Don't let your destiny to entwine with theirs." Satan said, "is there a way for me to be with them?" God didn't answer the question, he simply replied, "to be with to!" then Satan said, "if it's the only way...then I'll do it...i'll become one of them just to be with them." God said, "you already know the consequences." Satan said, "remove my wings!" God removed Satan's wings. Satan fell into the earth, seeing piles of giant stones. Satan shouted to the heavens, "where are they?" God said, "I'm sorry my son, but I cannot help you no more, you are on your own." After that, Satan started to grow black wings, sharp claws and teeth, horns, and his skin became red. After that, his heart grew anger, pain, misery, and most of mercy. Through human history, he has been known to be the temptator of life, the reason why people commit suicide, the bad conscience, the little white lie, and most of all...he was called the sinner. He uses sinful souls to gather power. God made another kingdom, called Hell, he placed Satan there, and can only be released after two thousand years.

-End of Chapter-

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