Phantom Kid — (Epilogue) Chapter III : Devil's story : Leviathan's visit.

Days after Satan was captured, he was sent to Hell to be the one in charge of the sinful souls, but will still be chained in a cage. Leviathan paid a visit to his old friend Satan. Leviathan saw him inside a cage, chained in he debt's of the angels. Leviathan said, "how are you Lucifer?" Satan said, "I am no longer called Lucifer dear Leviathan, I'm currently called Satan. My instincts tell me you've got something for me!" Leviathan said, "first thing's first, how did you become like this?" Satan told Leviathan that he was tempted to see them, so he was made into a demon by sacrificing. Leviathan said, "if that's your case, then I have no other choice, but to get you out of here, nice place by the way." Satan said, "if I'm going out, then I need your help. Summon the gatherer of souls, Grim Reaper!" Leviathan raised his hand, making a red light in his hand, then moments later, Grim Reaper stand before him. Reaper said, "What now?" Leviathan said, "this here friend of mine is trapped inside this cage, break the lock." the Reaper raised his scythe up, and slashed the lock broken. Satan laughed evilly and said, "Thank you Grim, you have released me from this cage. Now you must have a reward, take this." Satan gave the Reaper the Heart of Life. It can turn any inanimate object to life in a simple touch. Satan said, "It's not much of a gift, it's more of a guarding job. I want you to guard this piece o' crap 24/7. Lock it up to a safe, hide the thing at the edge of every shadow. I don't want anything bad happen to the Heart you know why?" the Reaper said, "why?" Satan said, "because it is my heart, the heart of the fallen." Grim said, "Okay if that's what you want." Then after that they went away. Leviathan said that Satan and the others, including him, made the Demonic merge. Demonic Merge combines any demon soul with other demon souls when they hold hands together saying the words, "Demons, I combine each and every one of you together, therefore to make a soul so powerful, it could balance the good and the evil, to the human race, and beyond." he also said that if Satan's soul was combined with a half soul together with the other demons, it might activate Fianchetto's soul. Now, that has happened, Fianchetto woke up from his deep sleep. But we found a way to defeat him, but it didn't turn out right, what should have happened was that Fianchetto's soul would be sliced into pieces, what happened was, Fianchetto's soul sliced into 9 pieces, and scattered to the earth, none was found, until now. Zeke happened to have Fianchetto's soul, and was practically the ninth piece. The first piece was formed into a sword, the second piece was formed into a shield, the third piece was virus, the fourth piece wasn't a thing, it was a place, the fifth piece became a nanite tardegrade, the sixth and seventh piece became twin immortal human beings called Alpha and Omega. The eight piece has an unknown statistic. The ninth was Zeke. the other eight can't be found. The Grim Reaper said, "that is why Zeke is in need of our assistance, he can use Fianchetto's power to fight other souls to save the earth, or maybe just make it worst. I didn't say this to Zeke yet, for him to not know what he is up against, although, it's better for him to know."

-End of Chapter-

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