Phantom Kid — Chapter IV : 13 stages (Prologue)

"The 5"

As Grim Reaper and Zeke were training, Zeke suddenly had a question in his mind, "Grim, what are the other 12 stages?" the Reaper said, "The other 12 stages, hmm...well we all know the first stage is half soul. Now that you're a half soul, there are some powers you can now perform. One is the ghost power, you can become a ghost any time you like, you could pass through walls and manipulate other people's bodies and all that. Then there's the 2nd stage, The Pure Soul! You really have to decide on this one." Zeke asked, "Why so?" The Reaper said, "Being a pure soul means..." Zeke said, "it means what? Tell me?" the Reaper said, "it means you have to fully die, your heart to stop beating, to stand at your life's end." Zeke said, "So you're telling me that I!?" the Reaper said, "You do know that there is a saying that only the beginning!" Zeke said, "so what does that mean?" the Reaper said, "it means that even though you'll die, there's more to come than just that, many dangerous things, things you only see in your nightmares." Zeke turned back, saying nothing to the Reaper's reply. Minutes later, Zeke began to talk again, "Do I really have to do it?" And on that note, the Grim Reaper wasn't even there anymore, but he doesn't know that! Zeke was curious about why nobody answered his question yet, so he looked back, finding nothing in sight, Zeke hurriedly say, "Oh come on! Where is he?" Zeke went to the top of the tallest tower in town, searching for his master, but he didn't find him. He liead down the roof's floor, then he fell asleep. The Grim Reaper went to the tallest tower, by the help of his instincts. He saw Zeke lieing down on the roof, and sleeping like a little baby! The Reaper was shaking Zeke so he could wake up. He said, "Zeke wake up!" then Zeke suddenly woke up at the wrong side of the bed, metaphorically, there was really no bed, he just actually woke up having a bad mood. Zeke scoldly said, "What the freaking hell did you do that for?" the Reaper said, "don't ask questions. Pack up, we have training to do." Zeke said, "you're skull hand is so pointy." They went out of the building, going to their training grounds...that means any kind of graveyard. They went to Saint Peter's graveyard. The Reaper said to Zeke, "do you want to meet Saint Peter?" Zeke said, "I don't know him so...okay!" The Reaper said, "wrong choice." The Reaper called up Saint Peter in front of his grave, or so it was known to be his grave. "Peter!" the Reaper said, "awaken my friend!" moments later, smoke came out of the grave, forming a human-like figure with wings and had a white cloak, but was in the neck part of the body-like figure. It seemed to be most known Saint Peter's soul that came out of the grave. The smoke spoke, "you dare disturb me in my sleep. How gave you the right to..." and on that note, the Reaper barged in the sentence and said, "It is I, Grim Reaper, the one known as death! I have full right to disturb anyone's sleep. So don't talk and just listen." Saint Peter said, "okay okay, I didn't know it was you alright. And didn't I tell you to loose the attitude!" the Reaper said, "If it were by percent, I lost my attitude by 1%!" Sait Peter replied, "...well that's a wait of time. Wait, what do you want Grim?" the Reaper said, "I want you to sub. this Apprentice of mine." Saint Peter said, "so who's he?" Zeke looked at Saint Peter and said, "My name's Ezekiel Ferrow, Zeke for short. I'm a hald soul, 1st stage of whatever I'm in for and stuff, I'm a newbie!" Saint Peter said, "looks like we have ourselves a chatterbox. Tell me Zeke, can you kill?" Zeke said, "If I have to, yes." the Reaper said, "He will teach you how to kill, with no mercy, at all cost. Are you up to it?" Zeke said, "Is there any other choice that I could say besides Yes!" the Reaper said, "No." Zeke said, "Wait, why can't you teach me yourself?" the Reaper said, "I have 5 friends to visit, so while I'm gone, I'm leaving you to Peter here and train. By the way, change the clothes Peter, you're making me loose my style, you too Zeke, take this." the Reaper took something in his cloak, it were training clothes, a black shirt without sleeves, and it had a hood, and a pair of pants. "try if it fit's." he said. Zeke took off his upper and lower clothes leaving his underwear behind, he wore the training clothes immediately so the two wouldn't even comment about his underwear. Zeke said, "how do I look?" the Reaper said, "nice touch! Now off you two, time's a wastin'" Zeke and Saint Peter went off to a training ground where they always go when they...train! Zeke asked Peter, "Where's Grim going to anyway?" Peter said, "he went to see his 5 other friends, Michael, Uriel, Metatoran, Sariel, and the other guy named...umm...i kind forgot!" Zeke said, "What's the first letter from his name?" Peter said, "no you idiot. I remember now. It was Gabriel." Zeke said, "who's he...and the other four?" without knowing of who they were, Peter said, "They were known as the 5 rays of light. Each of them pertained mystical, unlogical, and more rather dangerous powers. Michael held the power of multiple strength. Uriel held the power of water, ice, and any kind of liquid. Metatoran held the power to control any kind of metal, or also known as a techno path. Sariel on the other hand held telekinetic powers. Gabriel held the light. All together, when their powers combine, it emit's a powerful force, enough to destroy half of the world insight!, and recover it after wards, Leaving their victims behind." "Grim will be out for quite a long time." Zeke said, "if he's out, and you're in, that means we have to get to know each other pretty well." Peter said, "if you're going to keep up that kind of attitude to me, I'm going to have to give the black bug on you." Peter replied, "an atom sized personallity charger, temporarily of course!"

Zeke and Peter went on with the training, Peter trained Zeke by killing rabid dogs, wolves, and bears. "over there by the tree" said Peter, "kill it before it reaches the outside field!" Zeke ran to the tree looking for the target. While he was running, he summoned his scythe to his right hand, and held it together with the left. Zeke yelled at Peter, "where is it?" and on that sentence, the target was actually at the back of Zeke. The rabid beast was 10 feet tall, with sharp claws and teeth. It breathed hard at Zeke. Zeke didn't move an inch, he witheld his scythe hard. The beast held his right hand, aiming for Zeke. Zeke turned around and made a cut on the beast hand, the beast growled with pain, as it body slammed Zeke, making him fly of the ground. Zeke was severely hurt. land on the ground, grinding his back through the ground, making cracks. Zeke's right leg was injured. The beast was running towards Zeke, as he tried to stand up. He took his scythe up and used it as a stand, he held two hands to it, while seeing the beast run toward him, he held his scythe at it and thus slicing the beast in half. It's blade pierced to the beast's heart, making it die immediately. Zeke's scythe broke into shattering pieces. Peter went to Zeke and said, "nice work, now let's continue...Oh! Did not see that your scythe was actually destroyed through the battle. Well, you've earned it anyway, here take this." Peter summoned a scythe in the middle of thin air, "this scythe is brand new, stronger, and has good durability too, that means you can't scratch at any cost, the only way to brake it is by using it to a rhino's skin." Zeke said, "Thank you so much! I'll use it everytime." then Peter said, "of course you'll be using it everytime, you broke your last one right...and by the way, use it well." Zeke said, "does this mean I'm a Pure soul now?" Peter replied, "No! In order to be a Pure soul, you must die first!" Zeke said, "is there any other for me to get to the 2nd stage?" Peter replied, "there are the other branches!" Zeke said, "what are 'the other branches'?".

-End of Chapter-

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