Phantom Kid — Chapter V : 13 stages : "the other branches"?

Peter told Zeke that the other branches consisted of other way to reach the next stage.

"Originally, there are 30 stages that can be used or obtained. 16 are only branches, 14 are the most known for the Reaper's stage chart. I was actually an Apprentice my self!" Zeke said, "you were?" Peter said, "of course I was, but I wasn't like any other apprentice, I was only an Apprentice because I made 'the pledge' on myself so I can be an Apprentice, but enough about me. Let's talk about you, how are you as an apprentice, is it hard for you?" Zeke said, "Nah! It's a little hard though, all with the killing and stuff. I only became an apprentice because I had to. Two of my family were in danger, so I signed the contract, that's all." Peter looked at Zeke cautiously and said, "don't say that! Even though you're just a newbie, I sense great but apocalyptical powers within might be the one!" Zeke asked, "what 'one?'". Peter said, "you might be the chosen one!" Zeke was surprised to what Peter said. unexpectingly hearing that he might be the chosen one, Zeke said to Peter, "can we stop class for today, I need to clear my mind." Peter said, "Okay, if that's what you want then it's fine with me."

Zeke went to a clift, clearing his head from all the Apprentice thing and being the chosen one. He thought of his father, thinking of where he could be? His sister, where could she be? He thought of them for many hours and so on. It was like meditation, feeling the things that surrounded him, the trees swaying through the air, birds chirping, he was near a city, so he can't meditaite very well on that point. He heard the cars driving so fast, the sound of people talking to their companions.

After Many hours of drastically meditating in the middle of quiteness and a noisy city, he went to see Peter in the abandonned house they saw days ago. Yes, they have slept there. Yes, they have called it their own. No, nobody has come and back for the house. Because of the house bring so old, it has been a delightful touch for Peter's personality, comfort, and mostly personality! Zeke enterred the room where Peter was, and said, "what'cha doin'?" Peter replied, "meditaiting in this slap house which we just found and claimed it our own just a few days ago." Zeke said, "I did the same thing, only I was at the edge of a clift. So enough for today?" Peter said, "Nope, just one more thing I have to say." Zeke said, "what's that?" Peter said, "They're here!" Zeke asked, "who's here?" Peter said, "...the 5 rays of light!" 5 kinds of light flickered outside of their house. Zeke looked back and raised his hand in front of his eyes to cover it from the rays of light. Suddenly, a familiar voice was heard in the thin air it sounded like Grim's voice, he said, "are we late?" then the rays of light vanished, Grim was standing outside of the house, together with the 5 standing in a row at his back. Zeke was stunned to see the five, he said, "they're the five?" The five were wearing their training clothes. Micheal wore black with white strains. Uriel wore blue training clothes. Metatoran wore techy clothes, but without a hood, rocks were levitating on both sides of him. Sariel wore white and gray clothes. Gabriel wore golden clothes. The grim Reaper said, "these are your next teachers!" Zeke said, "I'm not even in the 2nd stage yet." Peter then said, "there are two other 2nd stages, the Good Rep. and the Bad Rep." Micheal took a step forward and said, "choose the Good Rep. it's great for you!" Sariel said, "No! Choose the Bad. Rep. it's better than Good Rep." Zeke said, "I'd take...both!" Micheal, Uriel, Metatoran, Sariel and Gabriel was stunned to what Zeke had just said. Gabriel walked towards Zeke and stood tall at him, looked at him in the eye and said, "look me in the eye and say it again." Without further notice, Zeke did look at Gabriel without any fear and said, "you heard me, I said both...Good Rep. first!" Gabriel cutted the connection of their eyes and looked up, he then said, "You better watch your tone boy." He turned back and walked away, while he was walking he looked at his right side and immediately said, "you better change it if you want Ace my stage." then returned to their row. Zeke walked away and went to the old house. He closed the door, locking it after wards. The other seven waited outside. As Zeke being inside of the house, he then meditaited at the middle of this one room that he claimed to be his bed room, he sat at the floor cross legged like an indian. He thought of what happened just a few minutes ago, which for him felted like seconds. The current of events were happening so fast, Zeke's heartbeat was not present, at this point, he realized that he accidentally turn himself into a ghost. Zeke maintained the ghost and headed onto his meditaiting. He said the 'both' thing by accident, and when Gabriel said the 'look at me in the eye' thing, Zeke had no other choice but to comply to what he said just earlier.

Meanwhile at his meditation, he then thought again about his family. And another was his training. It didn't take long for him to meditaite. So a few minutes later, he stepped outside of the room, and headed outside.

While the seven knockoff trainers were waiting for Zeke to clear his mind, the Grim Reaper gathered all the trainers, including himself. He said, "okay guys, looks like Zeke will be there for a while. Peter, I need you to train Zeke until he reaches the 2nd stage, help him achieve the Good and the Bad Rep. but why didn't he chose the Pure soul?" Peter said, "Oh he wont be choosing any stage...his got to do every stage!"

-End of Chapter-

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