The Titans — Chapter IX : Mersigno's memory chip.

Bennet arrived in Negligence Base. He was assisted by several stewardess that were on the same flight where he was. Yes, William took a private jet in order to get to Negligence Base. "May I take your luggage, Director?" said one stewardess to the other. "No, it's fine ladies. I could telekinetically carry them myself. But I appreciate the thought of help." said Bennet. "But there is one thing you could help me with. Find the secretary for me. Tell him the director has arrived." "Will do sir." said one stewardess. "let me escort you to your room at the hotel, sir." said another stewardess. "Don't worry, I know where it is mis..." William look's at the stewardess's name plate, acting like he doesn't know her name. "Ms. Scarlet Bloom. Your single, I suppose?" asked William. "Yes, Mr. Bennet. I am single." "On second thought, will you escort me Ms. Bloom. I seem to have forgotten what my room number was." then Ms. Bloom giggled. "Oh, Mr Bennet. We both know you're an Omniscient, you can never forget anything. But if that your way of flirting, I guess I could escort you to your room, Mr. Bennet." said Ms. Bloom. "Please call me Will. Ms. Bloom." said William. "Call me Scarlet, Will." replied Scarlet.

When they arrived at the hotel, William went to the counter and talked to the attendant. "A very well everning, Mr. Bennet. I am sure you already know what room number's assigned to you. All I have to give you are the keys." said the Attendant. Then, he gave the keys to Will. "Thank you very much. We'll be going now. Come along, Scarlet." said William. While taking the hand of Scarlet and place his hand together with hers. Then they went up to the assigned room.

Inside room 116, there are 3 bed rooms, one living room and a kitchen. At the master's bedroom, there's a balcony so that it'd look kind of peaceful in the morning, looking at the sky when you wake up. There are also flat screen TVs in every room, except for the kitchen. Of course, there's one bathroom.

*that's it, folks!*

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