The Titans — Chapter VIII : The Substitute.

A month later, Terry, Sam, and Cain were practicing their powers. Alan joined in as well. Terry learned how to cover himself with stone. Bennet tought him this trick for protection, so that Terry wouldn't get major injuries when he's engaging. Sam learned to control massive amounts of water, and how to use it against foes. Cain trained himself to carry the heaviest mass of objects. But it was like lifting paper to him. Alan learned how to create fire out of thin air, and use it mostly for offensive tactics.

Bennet had a call from Negligence. They asked William if he could come at the facility for just three weeks. He accepted this request.

"Alan," said Bennet to Alan, "I'm gonna be away for three weeks. Not that long, not that short either. So while I'm gone, there's gonna be a substitute trainor. He's not the good type, he's also not the bad type to be with. Oh, he's a Conflagant." Alan asked, "What's a Conflagant?" "One that has Pyrokinesis, but is stronger than Cosmen's Pyrokinesis." "What are Cosmen?" said Alan. Bennet replied. "Must I tell you everything! you guys are Cosmen. The meteorite you touched was a Cosmite. Now I'm gonna see you guys in three weeks." Bennet left while Alan told the news to the others.

"So who's gonna be our sub-trainor?" said Terry. "Will didn't say his name. But he told me that he was a Conflagant. By other names, he has Pyrokinesis too." replied Alan. "So when do we get to see him?" asked Sam. Then a voice appeared at the back of the four. THey didn't recognize the particular tone of the strange voice. "Right now." the strange voice said, having a tone that creeped out the four of them. They faced to where the strange voice had been. "Who are you?" asked Alan to the strange figure he saw, while he was squinting his eyes. "The Substitute Trainor. May name is Jack, Jack Lantern." He went closer to the four of them. Jack had a somewhat metallic helmet that covered his whole head. It seemed that the helmet had a distinctive similarity to a pumpkin with the halloween face. "What's up with the helmet?" asked Cain. "Wuddup with yer face?" Jack replied, with a relentless tone. "Don't ever ask me about the helmet. I will not entertain your questions. Second, you will address me as 'Jack o' Lantern' or simply 'Jack'. Third, it will be the end of your life if you ever try to remove my helmet without my permission. Fourth, you should never touch my Flail." Jack showed his modified Flail, it had an orange color for the handle. The chains were like any other chain. And the Flail-part was a round object that had that halloween face similar to Jack's helmet. "If you must know, this round object attached to the chain of my Flail is my pet Grim." Then Jack disattached the round object from the chain and press the button hidden below the halloween face. It's eye's, nose, and mouth started to glow green. As the round object started to move by itself, Jack explained further about it. "Grim couldn't hurt a fly." then Jack placed Grim to the ground. Grim has hands and legs like any other entity, an he walked using only his legs. Grim went closer to Cain and climbed his legs. Cain wore shorts, so his legs were seen. "What's he gonna do?" asked Cain. The Grim bit Cain's ankle. "I thought he doesn't hurt a fly!" Cain said, "I said he couldn't hurt a fly. I never said anything else." "So what else does he do?" asked Terry. "What you should asked is what he doesn't do. Grim can't speak like us. But he can moan around. He can also do this." Jack took Grim and placed him back to the Flail. He turned Grims head clockwise for two times, and he press a button on the handle. The chain went inside the handle, and Grim was attacked to the handle now. Grim's face glowed even more brighter. As his body began to change. The handle turned into two pieces and it dominated Jack's arm, and it spreaded to his entire body like armour. "Neet, Huh?" said Jack. "Grim can transform into anything. Any weapon you could think of. That's why he's too special to me. Because if it was used by someone else, Grim would start to have malfunctions. Because he was only programmed to serve me." "That is awesome." said Sam. "Don't you think I know that already? He was created by William Bennet himself." said Jack. "Really?" asked Alan. "Yes. Enough with the chit-chat. Let's start the training."

Jack deactivated Grim for awhile and use him as a plain Flail. Alan and Sam were the first two that Jack had called on to take the first lesson Jack provided them with. Terry and Cain practice their power in the corner, poor guys. "Okay," said Jack, "the first thing I'm gonna teach you is how to survive a battle without using your powers. I'm gonna give you a warm up. There will be five stages. First is the evasion, second is the more developed kind of evading. Third, the terrain exercise. Fourth is the Counter battle. Fifth is the 1 by 2 battle." Then Jack became silent. Taking backward steps as he reach the center of the training grounds. He took his Flail and pressed the button bellow Grim's face. Grim's body changed into an even larger Flail. As the seconds go by, Jack's flail began to enflame. The chains began to burn, the handle and Grim were bursting with flames. Jack said, "let it begin." as he swinged his flail to Alan, increasing the length of the chains. Alan ran for his life as Grim land hardly on the floor creating cracks. Jack swinged the flail to Sam, as Sam ducked. "Alan, don't try to escape because of the increasing length of it's chains. But it was a nice try for starters. As for you Sam, good thinking about the duck. Lesson : If the enemy's powers consist of throwing things that come back to them you should better duck or jump." Jack swinged his flail to the right. The chains were longer this time, and faster. Sam jumped six feet into the air. Alan took word for Jack's tip and ducked. Sam landed on the floor standing. "good job!" said Jack, "Sam, what did I tell you about using your powers?" "Sorry, Jack." said Sam. "Don't go using your aerokinesis, Okay? You could use it after training." said Jack. "Okay, sir." replied Sam.

As time passed, so did their training. They're done to the third stage. "Terrain Exercise. This is the part when I teach you about focusing on your basic and intermediate techniques on how to hide use the things that surround you." said Jack. "it might be a dark alley, behind a giant boulder, maybe even a tree. you could hide under water if you have to. But those are for other terrains. In this particular terrain, Terry will give you several spots to hide. Although, it would not be best for you to make any sudden noises while the battle is active. Do you understand?" "Yes!" Alan and Sam said. "Because if you do make even the slightest sound you could posibly hear, I will follow that sound and detect where you are."

Terry placed both his hands to the ground. He tried to picture in his mind some mountain structures. Then, he imagined it being constructed on the flat surface that is their training ground. Slowly, Jack and the other three felt that tremor Terry created in order to form a mountain. Minutes later, Terry had made his first terrain. A basic and simple terrain. "I did it." said Terry, "it wasn't easy at first, but I did it." "Very well done, Terrance. For a first timer, you make a fine geokinetic." said Jack.

"Remember," said Jack, "do not hesitate to change you positions. It's not going to be all about camping here. It's about finding a way for the target to be executed. In this case, me. I'm going to give you three lives." Jack handed three flags to Alan and Sam. "Those flags represent your life. Once a flag is taken from you it is automatically removed from your remaining lives. The way to win here is simple. You have to take my three lives, as well."

-End of Chapter-

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