The Titans — Chapter VII - Negligence.

What is the word 'Neglect'? You could look at your dictionary and try to find what it means, or if your already know it, just continue reading What is the word 'Neglect'? For the few who don't know, neglect means to disregard and leave something undone or unattended to. An act of carelessness. Negligence is about the same meaning. But not for this story.

A week later, William and Edward were talking about Negligence. As to how Bennet explained to Edward, Negligence is a secret alliance filled of people with supernatural powers. It was organized by the Government officials, and was kept secret for certain reasons. Namely, for protection.

"So Edward," said Will, "what are you planning to do when you graduate?" Edward replied, "Well... I don't know. Be rich. Have a family. Have grandchildren." "Is that so? Well I'm offering you a deal. If you join me in my organization you'd be saving lives before you know it. Be known to the world, or better yet the whole universe." "and forget what I really want? I'm sorry William, but even though I have these powers of mine, I'm not going to join you. I had my powers by accident. I didn't regret having it, Never. I had a lot of fun with my powers. But the time came that I was already blinded by my own shadows. I began using my powers for personal things. I picked on the people I hated. Stole from one bank to another. Committed crimes all over the world. Hiding in various places. And still...I'm running." William said, "You don't really have to tell me that...because I already know it. It doesn't matter what you did in the past. Well, not unless it affects anything about the future." "Then tell me, William. How does my life end up when I join your organization?" said Edward. "You might not want to hear what I have to say about your future." said William. Edward took a hammer from his toolbox. "Tell me, or else..." said Edward. William abruptly replied, "or else you'd hit my face with that thing, PLEASE! I'm Immortal for God's sake. You, however, are not." "Why can't you tell me?" asked Edward. "It wouldn't do you good when I tell you." said William, "And I wouldn't tell you any way." "You're pretty clever for a black-smith." said Edward. "You're just not good in countering my words." said William, "so are you joining the Negligence?" "You know I have two ways to escape you. One, I will join you and get this over with. Two, I can just teleport the hell away from you." "You're gonna choose option number one." said William. "God, I hate you." said Edward to William. They shook hands afterwards.

"This story's getting kinda boring!" said Alan. "Then let me skip the story to when I kill him." said William. "Why don't you tell the summary of what happened back then?" said Alan, "I'm losing my interest in your flashback, thing!" "Okay, okay!" said William, "there we were, at the Negligence Association. Edward had a lot of problems coping up with the people surrounding him everytime. As for me, I just tried to make Edward breathe in the scent of the future. But still, he wasn't happy about it. Everybody didn't like Edward, and he did the same."

"One day, a Hybrid was picking around Edward." "what's a Hybrid?" asked Alan. "They harness the power of splicing. They get their powers from Loanite crystal." said William. "Oh, okay." said Alan.

"As I was saying," said William, "a Hybrid picked on Edward and made fun of his powers. Ed, on the other hand got angry at this fellow Hybrid... and started a fight. Edward had the advantage at first, but as the fight grew longer, he then gets tired of hitting the Hybrid in the face." "what happened next?" asked Alan, regaining his interest. "Wait, let me take a sip of my coffee first." Alan was shocked to find out that William had a cup of delicious coffee in his hand, because he remembered Will had nothing in his hands before they started talking. "Where'd you get the coffee?" asked Alan. "Telekinesis, Duh!" replied William, while he had this seemingly appropriate grin in his face. Then he took a sip of his coffee. "Going back. I was about to stop them from fighting. When I was in between the two fighters, I was directly facing Edward, so I had no eye view on they Hybrid behind me. 'Stop it, Edward. Your future concerns this Hybrid. If you continue further. You might get to see the future a little early now.' And at the ending of my sentence. I heard something being pierced, it was like the sound of a knife piercing through a person's skin. When I looked at Edward's lower body... a knife was at his stomach." "Oh my God! Then what happened?" asked Alan. "He died of course." replied William, losing the grin in his face. "Avenging his death, I terminated the Hybrid, as he was accused of Murder." "so his work died with him... that's too sad." said Alan. But it didn't seem like he meant what he said. "It's not that upsetting. I already knew he was gonna die. But to die for me... that was a waste. Because, you know... I'm Immortal." "so was there nothing left after he died? What happened to the fortune he had?" asked Alan. "He wasn't really that rich. But what he had was his work."

"A month later," said William, "the secretary of Negligence had a word with me, saying that he had Edward's last will and testament. He said that Edward give's every work he made to me. But, the testament also said that his work should still be addressed to him even after his death." "so what did Edward leave you?" asked Alan. "Mostly," said William, "his work consists on computer theorems, codes, and algorithms. The odd part was that he kept everything in a modified U.S.B., which was also a part of his work." "so what gave use to you the most?" said Alan. "Well, I only took interest on the computer theorems and the 'Mersigno Code'. The code was used to command the computer theorems he made, or else it wouldn't be of any use." "So where did you use his work?" asked Alan. "I started the LSP." said William. "What does that mean?" asked Alan. "Lunar System Project." Will replied. "What's it for?" asked Alan. Will was starting to get sarcastically pissed. "It's suppost to be a program that sends your mind into a virtual reality." "Which is?" Alan asked. "You'll see..." William replied, as if he was hiding something.

-End of Chapter-

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