The Titans — Chapter VI : Mersigno.

Bennet and Alan had a long conversation the next day. "I know that it's hard for you to establish all this, but it's for the safety of Bruce and all of us. You know, I feared this day would come. The day I get to see one who might be equal to me, as strong as me, as intelligent as me...but I remembered something. I wasn't given powers to just waste it's use. I was given powers because someday I will be the one who'd save the whole universe. That's what my friend always told me." Alan said, "Who was that friend of yours?" Bennet replied, "His name was Edward Mersign. We met in the early 1980's, and he's dead. His death lead me to the biggest regret I ever made." "What's that?" Alan asked. "He died because of me." replied William.

Edward Mersign and William Bennet were best friends, in a small amount of time. In 1978, William was a blacksmith at some place in America. He also worked with a college school for money. Edward took Engineering for a course. He had the passion for craftsmanship. One day, William was assigned by the principal to build a fountain to be placed in the school campus. William didn't have the right material to build a fountain, and so was the school's fundings. Then Edward contributed some of his tools and decided to help William with the project. It took them a month to finish and decorate the fountain. Edward and William had an hour of breaktime everyday. And within those hours of taking a break, William slowly explained to Edward the secrets of his existance, while Edward slowly thought he was crazy. "Have you ever thought that there is life outside the earth, beyond the stars, beneath the universe, living among the other planets?" said William. "yeah," exclaimed Edward, then he took a sip of his coffee. "I'm a writer, you know. I make stories, science fiction stories, historical, even comics. But I'm not published." "You write science fiction?" asked William. "Mostly, yes. I have one story that's about aliens and U.F.O.s. Some are about human beings having the abilities of an alien by accident. Just the common stuff about science fiction." "What if I told you that human beings are starting to pocess alien-like abilities?" said Will. "Look, I'm starting to think your not just a blacksmith." said Edward. "Why so?" You're not that muscular. You're too clean to be a blacksmith. And, you're too smart to be one." "You really wanna know why?" said William. "I already know why." "Well, of course you do. You're a Voidazelm." "Looks like I don't need to hide any more." said Edward. "Who ever said you were hiding?" Then, Edward summoned a seam beside him.

Mersign wasn't only a normal college student who took engineering. He was also one of them. One of the several entities that pocess unbiological abilities. Edward is a Voidazelm. Some part in his life, Edward stumbled upon one of the 13 crystal, called the Cephiremite. Cephiremite crystals are meteors that pass through several wormholes and blackholes. It builds up the elements provided by the wormholes and the blackholes. This type of meteorites build up a somewhat artificial super quazar so that it can escape the depts of blackholes. Then, once the elements go to effect, these meteorites begin to teleport to various places in the universe, but it only does that at the 28th day.

Edward entered the seam, then it vanished, so did Edward. Bennet looked around, pretending he didn't know where Edward was, until Edward appeared at the back of Bennet. "I see, you've trained your abilities well...but not very." Then Bennet took a hammer from his tool box. "Run." said Will. Edward summoned several seams within his surroundings. "Run faster!" said Edward, Then he went through portal-to-portal, until William couldn't see where he is anymore. It doesn't matter if you do that, Ed. thought Will to Edward's mind. "I'm not running," said a voice-that sound like Edward's voice-from nowhere. "I'm looking for an opportunity."

Wiliam was just standing there, looking at disappearing seams. Just waiting for Edward to show.

Inside Will's mind, he is looking at the future. Taking that info, there's not a loosing strike for William. Minutes from now, Edward is gonna appear at Will's behind. He would attempt to take William inside a seam, William would evade Edward from grabing him. Then, Edward would summon a seam infront of him and step inside to make another opportunity strike. William would take four steps forward, slowly, but steady. He tightens his grab on the hammer his holding, and waits for Edward to appear. Seconds after that, Edward appears infornt of William and attempts to take him again. William will strike Edward at the left side of his face, leaving Edward lieing on the ground in pain. But William sees two options for the last situation. He would take hold of Edward from the neck and throw him meteors away from him. Leaving him in pain. William would go closer to Edward, race his hammer, and let go of it, making it fall to the ground. William analyzed every info he took from the future he saw in his mind, and then he waited.

"So what did you do next?" said Alan. "Well, I chose the second situation. I struck his left face with the hammer I was holding. He came flying to the ground. I stood before him and let go of the hammer. Then, I said, 'It doesn't have to be this way, Mersign. I already saw the future, and I'd always win. Face it, it's better for us to be allies than enemies.'." "the one thing I hate about Omniscients...they always end up winning." said Mersign. "So is that a yes?" said Will, with a sarcastic way of saying.

Mersign was thinking. His face was injured, and he felt dizzy. "Help me get up here." he said. raising his right hand. "as I predicted." said Will, then he reached Ed's hand an raised him up. "so, want to be part of Negligence."

-End of Chapter-

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