The Titans — Chapter V : The Corrupted Titan.

Being the most dangerous member of the team, Bruce was firing up massive amounts of energy balls from his hands. If, at his fullest strength, he might get carried away and go berserk. He wouldn't have control over himself and his powers. He has the tendency to destroy every one in his way. He is the corrupted Titan, be he doesn't know that yet, himself.

"Is it even damaging the dummy?" Bruce said. He then made one last shot at the dummy's torso. It took the dummy flying off its feet. It lay on the ground with a detached and broken arm. Bruce went closer with a detached and broken arm. Bruce went closer to the dummy, and saw that several damages were inflicted to it. "Yes!" he said. But on that note, Bruce felt dizzy, He was out of energy, so Sam went beside Bruce, placed his hand on Bruce's shoulders, and said, "You okay, Bruce?" "No...Something's not right." Bruce replied with a soft and low voice. He was about to collapse, until he felt something strange at the back of his neck. Electricity started to come out from random places of his body. "What's happening to me?" Bruce shouted. "You're not ready to hit the full capacity of your super powers!" said William. "What's gonna happen to him?" asked Alan. "He can't control his movements anymore. What's happening to him is that he's advancing his super powers too early, his body can't handle it yet. The more he stays like this...the more he'd be dangerous to everybody, including me."

"Is there a way for it to stop?" asked Bruce, while catching his breath. He was kneeling on the ground, taking every pain he felt. Bruce was having a hard time. His life was in grave danger. "There is one way." said Bennet, "but it involves killing you. Not literally killing you, though." "Then what are you going to do to me?" asked Bruce. " I had a project once with my co-scientist, James Monroe. He's a scientist who studied Physics, and all kinds of engineering. He invented a software that can convert human's memories into a computer network system. He called it, 'Electronic Termination', or (E.T.). He'd turn you to a NS. NS is Navigating System, that's what we'll call you when the neurosurgery is done." "All my research...I can't remember one single project that is similar to his work." said Bruce. "There's just one problem. James can't be reached right now" "Why's that? Is he in Vacation? Does he have other things to do? What?" said Bruce. "He's in Floride... in the year 1914." "What?" "It might be a little early for you to understand this, but...Timothy Evans, James Monroe, and I are time travellers." "How could you be here when you're at the year 1914?" "technically, I'm at every year since that incident happened to me." Bruce said, " do we travel back in time?" "you don't have to, actually." replied William, "I can communicate with him through my powers. His molecules, I could feel it's presence." "but I thought you said he was at the year 1914?" asked Bruce. "Obviously, for a fellow scientist, you still have much to learn. I thought of a theory in my past years. In an alternate reality, he's dead at the present time, today!" "I can't relate. What does that mean?" said Alan. "His dead molecules are still giving use to his entire existance. But I'm not getting enough energy to communicate with his living cells in 1914. We have to go to his grave."

The General arrived, hearing the conversation. "you request is denied, Professor." he said, "The small fries can never leave the base." "That is an order, General." said William, "I saved your life thousands of times, already. So don't tell me that I have no rights to command you, clear?" The General had confirmed that both of them were not on the same page. William had his plans he had his. But the majority of winning is directed to Will. He has the upper hand in every sort of situation. "No, it's not clear," said the General, "I will aprove your request, could only bring one of them with you." "Well, let's see." said Will, "Who should I bring? Hmm...Hmm..." While pointing his finger randomly at one of the kids. "Alan, you shall join me." said William, "In about 20 years from now, you know why I chose you." "Ok..."

Meanwhile, Bruce is getting closer to his death. He was screaming like there was no tomorrow. "His vital signs are getting higher and higher." said Will, "He must be deep frosted in less that half-an-hour. Alan, our journey must continue tomorrow. We must get your friend to safety." William had his mind focused on Bruce. "Okay, Bruce. This is what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna let you sleep by using my powers. In one...two...three!" Bruce lost consciousness that very second. William's brain waves had spiral connections with Bruce's. As he "commanded" Bruce's brain.

It was 10:30 pm, April 30, 2018. As the recent situations sum up together, it's been hard for the rest of the crew to have a friend of their's close to dying. 11:00pm, Bruce was placed inside a hibernation chamber and was deep frosted, as near to 0 kelvin. "Will he survive on this?" Alan said to William. "He will live... let's just hope that his memories stay intact." then Alan became curious about it and... "Why's that?" "Look," said Bennet, "even though I can save his life, there is a tendency, a chance, 50-50 percent chance he'd loose his memory on everything. He will forget who he was. He'll forget you, Sam, Cain, Terry, and even me. All his loved ones. His past life, everything he ever did, and everything he wanted to do. All of those will be lost. But, I like to see things on the light side. It's really about having two kinds of roads here." "meaning?" asked Alan. "He can live the same way he did before if the operation is a sucess, in which I already know of. But why would I waste a good thriller." "well thanks, for...doing all this." said Alan. "Well, a kid you age should be sleeping right now. Come on, get to bed. You need to rest for tomorrow. I'll get things done here. Go on." Alan yawned and streched his limbs. He went up to their bedroom and closed his eyes and went to sleep.

William prepared some computer systems that were to be attached in Bruce's veins. The attachments were placed within Bruce's brain stems, and some were close to his heart. "Let it begin!" William said.

-End of Chapter-

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