The Titans — Chapter IV : 6 months inside a big dome.

In the facilities of the Government's secret base, what is kept there for quarantine should stay there within six months until they are isolated. "It seems rather a long and boring time to just stay in one facility." said Bruce. "Oh, there's more to come when we get to the big dome, son." said the General, "that'll be the place where you get to train yourselves to the fullest. And you would be staying there for 6 months." Sam, Bruce, Alan, Terry, and Cain heard the General. They were surprised of what he had said. "6 months?" "Yes, 6 months. You think all of you'f get strong the next day, No! It takes time and practice." "and don't forget patience." said Bennet, as he came and heard, "Patience is a virtue, you know." "Yes, Mr. Bennet, we get that." said the General.

Meanwhile, the 5 kids were sent to their stations. Terry went to the restroom to check out his eyes. It seemed that his iris turned to a goldish color, the white part of his eyes began to darken. Sam arrived, and as he was checking on Terry, became concerned about him and about his eyesight. "Are your eyes better?" Sam asked, with a soft voice. "It's good to have perfect vision," said Terry, "but I don't know if this would last long. Let's ask Bruce if he knows anything about these symptoms, or maybe William." "we have to do something about...your eyesight...before anything bad happens to you."

The next day, William organized the training grounds at the dome. He placed several practice dummies all over the dome. Made with titanium alloy, these dummies can't be damaged by just stabbing them. They have to be sliced, crushed, and destroyed. These dummies are programmed to defend themselves with martial arts.

Terry was first to arrive at the training grounds. At first glance, he thought that the dummies were regular people standing there silently. At second glance, Terry was surprised. He realized that those regular folks standing there were actually practice dummies. He noticed they were dummies because of the movies he had watched. Practice dummies were also used for stunts made by the main or some other characters in a movie.

Bruce, Sam, and Alan arrived 30 minutes after Terry did. Terry was already training his reflexes, and so with his strength. Bruce went to William to check what the three of them were gonna do today. Sam and Alan went to watch Terry. Terry was starting with one dummy at a time. It's taking him a long time to finish just one dummy with his powers.

"Hey terry!" said Alan, "need help over there?" Terry moved away from the dummy. Taking deep breaths, settling down a bit. "Why don't you try it, and see for yourself." said Terry to Alan. "Ok!" Alan said, "Sam, why don't you step back a bit." Sam took a step back, looking at Alan, nodding his head. Alan looked at the dummy. He took a closer look at it and tried to see the weak points. He focused both of his hands in front of the dummy and with palms faced to it, they started to smoke.

Alan was aiming for the dummy's head. "let's try the head first", Alan said, and shot the dummy's head with a ball of fire. The area flooded with smoke and the three of them didn't see what had happened to Alan's effort. The smoke faded slowly, and Alan saw that he had not left a dent to the dummy's hide. But, he achieved its short circuitry. The dummy began to glitch, turning it's head 360 degrees randomly.

Meanwhile, Bruce and Bennet were walking through a long hallway, slowly. Bruce was chating around with Bennet to pass his time; Bennet was just listening.

As they arrived in some part of the hall way, where windows were placed aside the wall, The both of them saw Alan fighting with a dummy; it seemed to them that the dummy was the one who's winning. "I gotta go there and help my friends out." said Bruce. "No," said William, "there's an easier way to communicate with them." William pointed at a small mechanical box stuck to the wall, "that is an audio emulator connected to the sounds emitted in the training grounds. We lowered the volume because nobody would practically be in this area. I'm going to let you use it, just in case you need to say anything to them, or they have something to say to you. You push the red button when you want to talk. each button has an auto-lock, so you can unlock it by pushing the button again. The buttons at the middle are volume arrangers. You push the positive when you want to hear everything louder, the negative if you want it softer. The green button is to activate the machine. Go give it a try." Bruce moved closer to the intercom, pushed the red button. "Alan," Bruce said, "Alan it's me, Bruce. You're doing a pretty bad job there." "Yeah, thanks for the support, Bruce!" responded Alan. "You know what," said Bruce to Bennet, "I have super speed right, so I could just go there and help them off." "Yeah, great idea, Bruce." said Alan, overhearing the conversation through the intercom. Bruce rand down to the training grounds. He stood beside Sam and tapped him at the shoulder. "Whoa!" Sam said, "How'd you get here so fast?" Bruce replied, "Superspeed, DUH! Obviously, I'd use my powers to get from the Audio controls to the training grounds!" "Since you're here," Terry said to Bruce, "tell us what to do." "First, we need team work. Sam, use your Hydrokinesis to surround the dummy with water." said Bennet. Sam ran to the water dispencers. "I can do it, might take some time." "Then I'll make time." said Terry. He ran to the dummy, making a somersault in the air, colliding two of his heels to the dummy's head. The ground below made a crack, and the dummy's lower body squished itself inside of the crack. As Terry stood on the ground, he walked past the dummy, and stopped beside Bruce. "That should hold the dummy for awhile." Terry said. "I don't think you've made any progress to the situation."

"Why?" Terry said, "The machine can only take so much damage. Then after a few regenerates." "You mean..." "Yes, it can't be stopped if you only damage its body parts. But if you find its weakness, then you could terminate its hard drive." "Look," said Terry, "I was just making time for Sam to gather up the water." "The water's ready!" said Sam. "Terry," said Bruce, "might I suggest to you to step aside."

Sam had his hands up controlling the amounts of water he gathered from the water dispensers. He ran towards the dummy and focused the water to it. "I'm covering the dummy with the dome of water I gathered. I can only focus on it for a short time, so do what you have to do, Bruce."

Bruce started gathering electricity from the machines surrounding him. Bruce noticed that the dummies were also powered with electricity. "these dummies might have some juice in them." Bruce was finished gathering electricity, and stored it in his arms.

-End of Chapter-

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