The Titans — Chapter III : BENNET.

William Bennet isn't only a random stranger. He arrived at the hospital, not because he was told that 5 kids were waking up, but because he knew. "I see that all of you have awaken." said William. "I ask again," said Sam, "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" William laughed intentionally, as if the question was pretty obvious to him. "as I have said," William said, as he stopped laughing, "my name is William Bennet. I might look normal to you, but I'm not. You might want to take a seat, cause this would take long." "Where'd you come from?" said Terry. "Everywhere" responded William, "I came from the time before Jesus. Fortunately, I was one of his disciples." "Well, obviously, that's a joke." said Bruce, "If you're from the B.C. times, how come your standing right in front of us, alive and well" "Now that's the funny part." said William, "Apparently, I'm one of you guys. But I'm Immortal." "So that's why you look familiar." said Alan, "I see your face sometimes in the newspapers. Unfortunately, it looked like stolen shots." "Because," said William, "that is one of the basic rules of Immortality. Once somebody finds out I'm actually Immortal, it would be the end of me. Fortunately, I know a lot of people." "Like?" asked Sam, "do you happen to know Timothy Evans?" the five kids said, "No." until Bruce responded, "yeah." "Okay," said William, "shoot." Bruce stepped up front, and declared his speech. "Timothy Evans, a scientist. He was known to all for his incredible project at 2015. He volunteered himself as the one who will save the world, but we never heard from him since." "Very good!" said William, "but did you know, at the time he was sent to, I was there helping him, and his friends James Monroe." "but he was pronounced dead after the incident that occured in the middle of an open road. It was said that while he was driving, his vehicle, together with himself disappeared in mid-air." "he travelled back in time at that location." said William, "I sent him back." "Why?" asked Sam. "Look, things were difficult at that time." replied William. "We still don't believe you." said Terry. "if I weren't telling the truth, how come I can do this." then he focused his eyes and mind at the water dispencer. Quickly, it floated in mid-air. "How's that for proof?" asked William. "Okay, we believe you." said Sam, "But why'd you come here?" "There is a secret base me and the Government have been working on, fit for all of us." "Wait," said Bruce, "didn't you say you had to keep your Immortality a secret?" "Well, apparently I'm in touch with the government." said William, "Not like you 5. I am more powerful, than all of you together, not to be expressing my abilities." "We've only known we have powers an hour ago!" said Cain, "And I don't know mine." "Super Strength and Invulnerability." said William, "the most common of all super powers." "How much can I carry?" asked Cain. "Well, that's what we're going to find out." replied William.

William Bennet, and the 5 kids, with the doctor and Edward finally saw an exit and went out, as the 5 kids saw the open road. The sky was dakr, so it might have been night time. William lead the way, as the others followed. Soon, the Us Army came. The general-who ordered his units to take the kids-was there. He went out of an army vehicle, and saw the kids. He also saw the familiar face of William Bennet. "It seems you've met the kids." said the general, "And doctor Obie, nice to be seeing you with'm" "I decided to come along." Obie replied. "Lets get you to your new home." said the general, while looking at the kids. Sam, Terry, Alan, Bruce, and Cain were sent to one vehicle. The General went to another, and shouted, "Let's move out men." each vehicle started their engines. After a minute or two, they headed to the secret base.

Half an hour later, Alan got bored. He looked at Bennet, and asked him, "William. If you're a...what do I call you for your powers?" "An Omniscient." said Will, "an Omniscient is a person provided with infinite intelligence, with my full brain capacity, I can allow thing to move at my will." "Well, back to my question then," said Alan, "If you're an Omniscient, do you know what my powers are?" "Actually," said Bennet, "I know all of your powers. Sam, you are provided with the power of Air, and Water." "that explains the certain incedents occuring." "Indeed." Will said, "as for you Alan. You can allow yourself to manipulate the element of fire. Some point in time, you'd find out that you can make your body go to flames. By simply concentrating, you might just activate your power." Alan followed what Will told him. He held his hand up, and focused at his palm. he didn't feel it coming, until his palm became an orange pigment. "I think its working." said Alan, "I think I'm doing it." seconds later, a pitch of fire appeared in his palm, the it scattered to his whole hand, then arm. "Whoa, there." said Will, "don't want to get this car burning into ashes." then Alan focused his powers down. "Well, i know my power, what's Terry's power?" "Terry has the ability to become as hard as a rock. He can make his skin into pure stone, and to manipulate Terra or Geokinesis." said William. "So," said Terry, "you're saying that I can move boulders?" "Exactly," said William, "So if you're planning on making your stage name, I suggest you call yourself 'Terra'." "did it really have to be that simple." said Terry.

Bruce was the last one to uncover his powers, so he asked William, and he replied, "Electrokinesis," said William, "and Super Intelligence. But your brain capacity isn't capable of manipulating other people's minds yet." "I can use my Electrokinesis to power up massive power suits. Although, I haven't started on my suits yet, they're still in the blueprints." said Bruce. "Wait," said Bennet, "I'm picking up something else in you symptoms, it seems that your vibrations are unstabled. I think you have super speed as well." Bruce began to think, he open the door beside him-as he was at the right side of the car- jumped off, and fell on the ground. "That was stupid of him to get off a moving vehicle, at the speed of 50 miles per hour." said Cain. "his case," said Bennet, "wasn't even near being stupid. Bruce had allowed himself to get off a movie vehicle because he knows that he could catch up to it."

Meanwhile, Bruce fell to the ground, standing up slowly, feeling the bruises on his body. "that's gonna leave a mark." he said. Then at the moment, his scars began to fade. "guess I have another power up my sleeve." Bruce saw the road, and started to walk. Then he continued by running, Until he found out that his legs were moving so fast already. He started to see the humvees, later on, he was beside the humvee which kept his friends and Bennet. He looked through the windows, and knocked on it. The kids were surprised, as they saw Bruce running. "Hey guys!" said Bruce. Cain opened the door, as Bruce stepped inside to take a seat. "That was fun," he said, "But I'll never do it again."

"So," said Sam, "What else is in store for us?" At the time being, they arrived at the secret base. Bennet raised his left eyebrow, and had a grin on his face. It was as if he was thinking of something funny, or maybe he just had something to say that relates to Sam's question. "Let's find out." said William.

-End of Chapter-

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