The Titans — Chapter II : Reborn.

While Sam was roaming around the hospital, he stumbled upon a doctor. He checked on the name plate, reading, "Dr. Obadiah W. Frost." then the doctor asked, "Yes?" "Oh, nothing." replied Sam. Then the doctor said, "You can call me Obie. And if there is nothing more..." then he paused. "Is there something wrong, Dr. Obie?" Sam asked. "Aren't you one of the kids?" the doctor asked. "Uhh, yes. As a matter of fact, I am." then the doctor shouted for joy, and said, "Samuel D. Rickman! Isn't it?" "Yes?" Sam replied, "Why?" "You are the first to wake up. And respectfully, you've made a full recovery!" Obie said. "Yes, hooray for me, but, where are my friends?" Sam asked.

Sam and his new friend Dr. Obie were walking down the hall way, talking about Sam's missing friends, "So," he said, "You're telling me that i've been asleep for about 6 months?" then Obie said, "Exactly. But it seems your symptoms have changed." "Yeah," said Sam, "my struggle for air seems to have left me."

While you were touching the meteorite, did you feel anything?" asked Obie. Then Sam paused and thought of it. "While I was touching it," he said, ", as in free to breath massive amounts of air. Just thinking of it makes me wanna..." then Sam took a deep breath and blew it off his chest. Massive winds came out of Sam's mouth, it made several papers, folders, newspapers fly away. Sam was stunned in what he had done, and said, "You saw that too, didn't you?"

Obie was amazed on what he had seen. And after a minute of silence, he said, "we must tell this information immediately to the government." "What?" said Sam, "you just can't tell something like this to anybody. We have to think about it!" "What are you trying to say?" asked Obie. "What if I'm not the only one? What if my friends have it too, they touched the meteorite with me." said Sam. "If what you're saying is right, then what are you trying to point out?" asked Obie. Then Sam said, "I...I don't know."

Meanwhile, at Terry's hospital room, his father Edward Stone was sitting on a visitor's chair, provided to each room. "If only you could hear me," said Edward, while looking at Terry sleeping on the bed, "make a sign." then Edward took the rock of Terry-which was Terry's favorite-from his pocket, and placed it on the table beside Terry's bed.

Edward was about to go out of the room, until he heard a sudden noise. It sounded like an object just fell. Then Edward turned around, and looked on the floor. He saw the rock-which he had placed on the table-on the ground. "I know that I put that on the table." he said. Then he picked the rock, and placed it on the table again. "Must've placed it at the side." Then he continued to walk out of the room. Seconds later, while Edward was half way to the door. He heard that familiar sound again. He looked back, seeing the stone on the floor. This time, it made him confused. "Why does it keep falling off the table?" he said. He took the stone, placing it on the table. "Is this a sign?" said Edward, to his beloved son.

"No." a voice said to him. It appeared to be Terry. "It is not a sign. It's a warning." "Terry" said Edward, while he held Terry on the upper arms. "are you awake?" then Terry replied, "well that's pretty obvious."

Terry awoken and left his bed. "you might not want to use the mirror first." said Edward, "it might shock you." "Why," Terry asked, "waht's wrong with my face?" "Well," said Edward, "at the day you touched the meteorite, your skin adapted to the rock you kept in your pocket. Now, you are partly rock skinned." Terry was surprised, and ran to his wall-where a mirror was placed-and took a look at his face. And yet, he saw nothing. "Where is it?" Terry asked. "Just kidding!" Edward said, "Would've been a good twist though." Terry noticed something new about his right eye. Last time he looked, his iris was color brown. Now, he noticed that his iris became kind of a yellowish color. "But my eye is new." he said. "did it have effect on your eyesight?" said Edward. "I think I have perfect vision." replied Terry.

Alan, Bruce, and Cain were waking up at the same time. At their room, Alan's lighter was placed on top of the table next to his bed. Bruce's gun was kept quarantine in biohazardous facilities. Bruce's dambell got lost, some say it was disposed of.

"What happened to us?" the three said, synchronizingly. "You fainted." a doctor said. "why?" Alan said. "Because we touched the meteorite." said Bruce. "How long were we out?" asked Cain to the doctor. "about 2..." weeks?" said Alan. "3 or 4..." said the doctor. "months? days?" asked Bruce. "maybe 6." said the doctor. "6-what?" "months! That's it. 6 months." said the doctor. "Then how come we can sill move our bodies easily, and not commandingly?" asked Bruce. "Well," said the doctor, "theoretically speaking, it might have been the meteorite that made you symphtoms stay normal." "Therefore," said Bruce, "the meteorite has something up its sleeves."

"Indeed." Terry and Sam, together with Dr. Obie, arrived at the same room as the three friends were. "And that's what we're going to find out." said Sam, "Doctor, if you excuse us." "Oh, sure." replied the doctor. "Wait," said Cain, "this is happening so fast for me." "we have to do things fast here," Edward came, and said, "I also need to find out." "then if were going already, we might as well wear more descent clothes." said Bruce. Your clothes are at the cabinets." said the doctor.

Minutes later, after the three changed their clothes, they immediately went outside the room. The doctor was left behind, as he wasn't needed. Then, while they were serching for an exit, Sam noticed some water dispencers placed at each corner. He was thristy at that time, so he went for a drink. "I'm just gonna have drink." said Sam. Then while he was drinking, the cup slipped off his hand. Unfortunately, only the cup fell. Alan, Terry, Bruce, Cain, Edward, and Obie were stunned. Sam, on the other hand, saw something breath taking. Water was floating in mid-air. Once Sam cleared his mind, the water began to fall. Then a stranger wearing a black suit came and said, "activated your powers, huh?" Sam looked at the Stranger, and asked him, "who are you?" a moment of silence came, and stopped at the moment, "My William Bennet."

-End of Chapter-

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