The Titans — Chapter I : And then, there were five.

Half an hour before the event occured at the meteorite, the five friends were at Sam's house. Sam was so energetic at that time. But, from time-to-time, he had to take a rest, 'cause Sam was born with asthma. Asthma, on the other hand, is a chronic respiratory condition causing difficulty with breathing. But it wasn't much of a deal to Sam, 'cause he had with him his inhaler.

As another part of the story, Sam has a friend named Alan Dove. Before they played together, Alan was playing with his lighter, it was given to him by his father. Alan kept playing with it, sometimes, he gets burned...but still he plays it. Alan became bored at that time, and kept the lighter at his side pocket, then played with Sam and his friends.

Cain was the oldest in the group. He lifted weights everyday as exercise. Cain has a dambell with him everytime, his reason is that he wants to look strong to everyone. On that very day, when Albert was about to find some readings on the meteorite, Cain went to Sam's house to show him that his muscles are super huge. Sam wasn't amazed, and decide to start a play. So Cain agreed.

Bruce Flinn was the intelligent one in the group. He enhanced his brain by doing some training in the subjects, some advanced reading, and some researching. Bruce was so smart, that he had made his own prototypes of different kinds of new technologies. He once made a project called "the Electro-Blaster". It was a small, but very powerful gun. It was specialized to shoot balls of electricity that is contained inside of bullets, Istead of gun powder, the gun also had to use electricity for it to work. Yes, Bruce was rich for his work, but he was not famous. The Government allowed Bruce to keep his work going, they also managed to make Bruce design other kinds of weaponry. And, on the same day that Albert went to the meteorite, Bruce kept his gun with him and played with Sam.

Then, there is the maturity of the group. Terry Stone is a silent kid. His mother died last month, that's why he's more focused than usual. Since his mother died, a lot of mishabits have passed through the following days. Mixed emotions of sadness, Anger, and Pain were felt by young Terry. Ever since Sam heard the tragic news, he has comforted Terry thoroughly so that things wouldn't be hard for him. Terry has the hobby to collect rocks, with different kinds, shapes, and sizes. He kept with him the very first rock he collected and headed to Sam's house, on the same day as Albert went to the meteorite.

When the kids were playing their favorite game, Sam decided to go and join his father to the meteorite. "Hey," said Sam to his friends, "let's go to the meteorite and see my dad." "that's a great idea." said Alan. "aren't we allowed there?" said Bruce. "Why, you chicken?" said Cain to Bruce. "No!" replied Bruce. "Then lets go," said Sam, "you could come too, Terry." Terry nodded, and joined the group.

As they go to the meteorite, Sam stepped into a puddle. He said, "Ahh, Man! Now I'm wet." "Clean up later," said Alan. "I want to see the meteorite now." Sam moved on to Terry's house and saw the guards, policemen, and some scientists. He also saw his dad taking a closer look at the meteorite. "There's my dad." shouted Sam. Then he ran to his father, but, as they reach the meteorite, Sam's foot got caught in some cable that was placed on the ground. Sam fell, while the rest of the group stumbled upon Sam. Each of them accidentally touched the meteorite. Each of them collided with the cosmic radiation that the meteorite held. Sam's body was floating in mid-air, while the land below him became wet. Alan's body started to have a reddish pigment, and he became warmer than usual. Cain was hurt and punched the ground, leaving cracks as effect. Bruce's body was surrounded with massive lightning strikes coming out of nowhere. While Terry's hide became as solid as a rock, literally, he looked like a rockman. Each of them fainted as effect.

Albert was shocked in what he had seen. Unfortunately, he wasn't allowed to touch them 'til further notice. As soon as the government heard, they immediately sent out 10 T-copters, 5 Tanks, and one 5-star general.

"Alright," said the general, "I want each and every one of you civilians wear these custom designed radiation suits. That goes for you too, Mr. Rickman." Albert went to the provided radiation suits and took one to wear. "Now," said the general, "I want all of you to step away from the kids, and the meteorite." Each one of them stepped back, as they followed the general for their own sakes.

4 T-copters surrounded the kids, and 1 carried the meteorite by a hook. The 4 T-copters took landing to take the kids. The General said to the air units, "Ok, I want each of these kids on quarantine in our Secret Base. Each of you wear these radation suits, same with these civilians. Let Albert come too. His son was included in the event, so he is also a part of this. Make contact on another copter so that me and Albert here would talk about the incident." Minutes later, The General and Albert saw a helicopter headed towards them, once it reached the ground, they immediately went to the helicopter. Albert stepped outside for awhile, and took a look at his son. A tear took Albert's face, as he felt useless to everyone else.

6 months later, Sam opened his eyes, and woke up. He found himself in a hospital, all alone in one room. But, nothing attached to his skin. Not even a pulse monitor in the room. Which made him confused. Although, he was wearing patient clothes. "Where am I?" he said, "What happened?" leaving him unanswered. "I have to know what's going on here." Sam gently moved his body, then his legs, until he formed a sitting position. He stood up, walking towards a cabinet, opening it, finding his clothes at the day of the incident. "I better wear this first than go out of this room with this outfit." he said.

Sam went outside of the room, finding himself in a long hallway. Several rooms were entered. But no sign of Sam's friends. "Where are they?" he said. Unfortunately, he searched everywhere, and still end up not seeing his friends. And there was once more thing that kept him confused, "Why am I not struggling for air?"

-End of Chapter-

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