The Titans — Prologue : Meteor Strike.

(National Aeronautics and Space Administration H.Q.)

In the facilities of NASA, a group of FBI agents have informed that a sudden Meteor Strike occured in a small town called Aleville. An officer in the NASA facilities was named Albert Rickman. Albert was incharge of a group that studied meteor strikes. He was in formed of the case and hurried down where the FBI agents were found. "I heard that there was a meteor strike in a town called Aleville. I was shocked to hear it because I, myself am living in that specific area." The FBI agents became aware of this information and started to make arrangements.

"here's our plan so far," said by an FBI agent, "we will send you to your hometown, not because of any holiday or vacation, it's because we decided to send you there to check on the meteorite and do some observations. Try to find some readings on the meteorite. And never, ever, touch it, until you find the readings safe."

Then another agent said, "Then after that, you must return immediately to this base." "What happens when I accidentally touch it?" asked Albert. "...we don't actually know what will happen, we just want to make sure if the meteorite is just an ordinary meteorite, or, we might actually have something here." said the agent awhile ago.

A week later, in the military airforce. Rickman was getting ready to go to his hometown. He was so focused on the subject, that he spent the night working on a way for him to be completely safe in his mission.

"The meteorite is placed in a yard, we don't actually know which yard it was, because we weren't informed." said the FBI agent. "I know a guy there who might provide me with help, so don't worry about it." responded Albert. "We shall give you up to 10 days to isolate, till then, make some observations." said the agent. Albert headed to his designated helicopter, and took name of the pilot and the other crew. The pilot's name was Jeff, he was quite the mouth full. "So, heard you lived in Aleville. I used to live there, you know. But since I graduated college, I had to move to find a job in the air force." Aleville only had small portions of airforce groups, so Jeff decided to do more than just drive a plane, he had to use a fighter, and sometimes, fly a huge bomber. "Once we take flight," Jeff siad, "You have to wear your seatbelt tight. Even though out flight would probably be a safe one, we still take risks." "Yeah, way to go Captain Obvious!" responded Albert, "Just ready the engines and let's go." "Roger that Mr. Bossy!" replied Jeff.

A few hours later, the helicopter, together with Albert, Jeff, and it's crew has reached the helipads of Aleville. "Here we are," said Jeff, "Aleville." "I actually have a son here," said Albert, "his name is Sam Rickman. As I know so far, he has four friends. Alan, Cain, Bruce, and Terry. They're just ordinary kids who my son happens to like." "is your son the adventure type?" asked Jeff. "he better not be." replied Albert. "By the way," said Jeff, "what's your friend's name?" "You mean the guy that I told you who can handle it?" asked Albert. Then Jeff nodded. "Yeah, his name is Jack." replied Albert.

When the helicopter reached the land surface, Albert went down and said good bye to his friend Jeff, and his crew. At first, he felt the breeze of the air flowing through his skin. Then he took a deep breath, and closed his eyes slowly. "Home Sweet Home." Albert said.

"Albert went to his house, seeing his son, Sam playing with his friends. Terry, on the other hand, did not play with his friend Sam, even though Terry was a kid, he rarely played as one, he was more of the mature-type. Albert went to Terry, and confronted him. "Terry," he said, "why aren't you playing with your friends?" "it's just that I have a lot to think about right now than that. You see, my yard was struck by a meteor." said Terry. "A meteor?" Alvert said, "Yeah, a meteor landed on our yard, and now, the police are puting caution signs so that no one might touch it. So far, no one has." "Where's your house?" said Albert. "it's just across this street. It would be easy to find, 'cause you can see the big meteorite." Terry replied.

"Ok," Albert said, "Terry, you take care of things here. I'll take a look at the meteorite." "don't waste your time on that, the police won't let you see it." Terry said. Albert walked out and stopped by the door. He looked back and said, "don't worry, I'm from NASA." Then he continued to go outside.

At Terry's house, there were several police groups standing infront of the meteorite in a surrounding pose. Albert rushed his way to the meteorite, until he was pushed away by a police officer. "what is you business here?" said the police officer. "I'm here to see the meteorite, and take some readings." responded Albert. "Civilians can not pass at any cost. So tell me, what makes you think i'll let you pass?" asked the police officer. "I," said Albert, "am an officer of the facilities of NASA." Then Albert presented his Identification to the Police officer, while the officer gladly accepted Albert's excuse. "Ok," said the police officer, "you're clear to go. But, there are certain rules once you go closer to the meteorite. Rule number 1: Do not touch the meteorite. Rule 2: Always keep a feet away from the meteorite. Rule 3: Any visitor who enters is allowed for about 30 minutes, once a visitor extends his/her time with the meteorite, that person's life is in grave danger. That person might get the following: infection, brain malfunction, this person might get infected with whatever the meteorite holds." "What makes you think that a guy like me would break the rules?" asked Albert. "Just follow the rules, and stop sassing me." said the police officer.

Albert went near the meteorite and took samples. He took a fragment of the meteorite by using forceps, while wearing rubber gloves. "This should go for my research." he said. Then after that, Albert took out his radiation sensors and found out that there were large readings of cosmic radiation within the meteorite. At first, Albert was shocked of what he had seen. Then he was confused. Cosmic rays only occur in outer space. As Albert solved thoroughly to this mistake, it turned out that when meteors travel through paths of cosmic rays, the meteor then would have its specific radiation.

Terry told Sam and his other friends to go check on Albert. Same agreed and so did his friends. So they went outside and set their course to the meteorite. When they got there, the police struggled their way to capture the five kids. happened.

-End of Chapter-

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