Because Good is Better than Nothing | The Modern Hidalgo

DIY Overhead shots, Life-Changing Quotes, etc.
Written: Monday. July 22, 2019.

I was debating on whether or not I should do a journal entry for today. Guess I am…

The reason why I was debating was because I had spent the whole day editing a video that I just recorded awhile ago. So you could just imagine that I’m pushing myself to release some inner energy I’ve got stored up inside me when it comes to these kinds of situations.

I didn’t get to exercise. Or I didn’t choose to exercise today, because that might’ve caused me to not get a video done for the day.

I shot a video of me talking about the books I’ve bought in 2018. Why I only did that now was because I only managed to man up and do it until now. I think that’s the only explanation I need to say.

Cause I’ve had the idea of talking about my 2018 books for awhile. But I always tossed it out of the bag, because I just didn’t think that I had the right setup for it yet, as to how I envisioned shooting the video.

See, in my head, I always imagined doing that sort of video with a kind of setup where I could place my shooting camera on an over-head mount. So that I could shoot over-head or flat-lay shots of the various books that I was gonna show on the video.

example of an overhead setup.

But I don’t have that kind of setup. I only honestly have a decent tripod that could capture a somewhat slanted angle, rather than a flat-lay.

I wanted the video to look polished, like it was very professional looking. And that’s what got me to not doing the video. Because I wanted it to be perfect. Or at least, my head was imagining it to be this perfect & polished video.

It was only a few days ago, that I decided to just screw that idea, and go for it head-first. Which means, to just go ahead and get the idea out there. Get the work done, even if it looks mediocre.
Because good enough is better than nothing.
What that means is that, we, as human beings, tend to always think that everything should be this, everything should be that. We’re always controlled by our expectations, that sometimes we neglect doing the things we want to do, only because we see that we can’t do it. Or at least can’t do it in such a way that we see it as. Like thinking of climbing mount Everest, versus climbing an indoor rock-climbing wall.

So I inevitably got to a point where I was able to convince myself to just do it anyway.
Forget the flat-lay shots, just do the damn video. You’ll thank yourself later.
I think a large part of my life, or how my life is right now, is completely predicted by my choices. There’s a pattern that I always follow, that I’m not aware of.

I make the same choices I make in some situations. When I feel like I can’t do it, I try finding other things that I know I can do, and instead, do that, rather than what’s important.

When I’m afraid of doing something, or saying something, I just keep it inside my head. It stays there as an alternate reality that I’ll forever be thinking about, because it’s not what had happened. Yet, it’s what I wanted to happen. But the fact that I didn’t do it, will haunt me forever.

There’s a saying that I tell myself. It’s a quote that I think Casey Neistat said, in one of his vlogs:
“It’s better to regret doing it, than not doing it.”
And I think he got that from Jim Carey, who was talking about compromise.
“When you compromise, and you fail, that hurts a lot more than failing at what you love. You can fail at what you don’t love, so you might as well do what you love. There’s really no choice to be made.” -Jim Carrey
That right there, that’s what I wanna incorporate in my life.

I’ve been dealing with an ongoing battle for what I want to do with my life, versus what I have to do with my life.

And the problem is that I’m not having that battle with myself, I’m having that battle with my parents.

They don’t get that I don’t want to do what they want me to do, which is graduate, in order to get a stable job, which is working in front of a desk 8 hours a day, looking at a monitor, clicking and typing away my life, to hopefully earn some decent cash.
That’s not a life that I want to live, yet they are too close-minded to even care.
There was a thought that came into my head awhile ago:
“It might be too late for me to do that kind of change in my life already. But it won’t be too late for my kids.”
And I won’t let it be too late for them.

I might not be able to persuade my folks to let me carry on with what I want to do with my life, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t get the right to do that to my kids, once they arrive at that moment of their lives, as to where I am now.

The gap between me and my parents is so far, that it’s hard to make them understand the side of the new-age thinkers. They’ve absorbed too much of an antiquated style of living, that they can’t see that there are other ways to live life.
They didn’t have it easy, but that sure as hell doesn’t mean they get to make ours difficult too.
I’m sick and tired, but I’m not capable of helping it. Cause it might just be too late to make such a radical shift.

Word of the day: Quidnunc.
  • a gossip. Literally means “what now?” in Latin.

“What now?” Wow. I just hope I get to answer that someday…

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