Something I Wasted My Time On | The Modern Hidalgo

Don’t be like me. Don’t waste your time.
Written: Saturday. July 20, 2019.

So today is Saturday. About the last day of writing a journal entry before Sunday, which is my chill day. Which means I get to spend the whole day doing whatever it is that I want to do. And I don’t have to worry about doing some exercise, or writing a daily journal.

Today being the last day of a six-day streak, I could definitely say that I’m still feeling a bit burnt out from all the productivity I’ve been doing, and/or have to be doing. Though it’s not that severe as last week. It’s a little bit more contained than that. It’s safe to say that I’ve managed to survive this kind of schedule.

Getting to the spring of things, I wanna talk about something.
Today’s Topic is about FILMS. So let’s talk about that.
I am still technically a student, through the eyes of universities, companies that are hiring, and basically the rest of the world, most especially my parents. But I don’t see myself as a student…anymore. I feel like the title is something that I have to get rid of in order to live out what I really want to be called.
A Creator.
A creator of many things. A creator of stories, of art, of brilliant ideas, and of films. I feel like that’s what I am right now. I was a student before. But now I see myself as anything but.

Yet people get the wrong idea. Or they don’t accept it to be that way, because they think they know more, which they really don’t. But what’s gonna stop them?

The reason why I’m still “a student” is because I chose to drop my thesis, over finishing it. If my parents are reading this, know that it wasn’t because of my father’s condition. He had a heart attack at a time when it was crucial that I was supposed to be focusing on my thesis rather than attending to my dad’s health.
I chose not to do any of the work that needed to be done in my thesis, because I didn’t want to do it. Because I didn’t want to lie to myself, that I was doing something if importance. Which I wasn’t. Really.

I wasn’t doing anything that meant anything. And for me to do something of that nature, for as long as a year’s worth of time, was so aggravating, so painful, that it caused me to take the path that I am in right now.

Though I don’t take it so pessimistically. I actually take it as a positive step into being able to do what I really want to do in my life.

My thesis was about film-making, actually. Smartphone Film-making. It was something that was new at the time. We needed to come up with something new. And use a brand to promote something new.

A lot of the other students went for stupid projects. Not everybody, but a large sum of the batch just up and grabbed an available brand, fixed some stuff that was wrong with the brand, and from there, they wore their togas, celebrated their graduation, and are now unemployed couch potatoes.

Some, and I mean this literally, would not have graduated if it were not for my help. And they didn’t even thank me.

I didn’t want to follow along with these fake people. These squares. I wanted to do something that was worth a damn, even after the evaluations.

Don’t get me started with the evaluations. In a condensed explanation, that system is too subjective. Thesis is about objective progress. Yet most of what went down that day: pure subjectivity.

Anyway. As I was saying: I wanted my thesis to mean something. To actually be of use. To actually be something that could start a revolutionary movement that could change a lot of things. Those things concerning the film industry.

See. My thesis was basically about proving that Smartphones were just as qualified to be used as a main camera for recording videos, and being able to make short films with it, as the DSLR camera. Or better yet those fancy RED cameras.
The thesis was in the form of an event.
That was what got me riled up. Cause I had no prior knowledge when it came to doing events. So that was my Achilles Heel.

The Event was to be a Film Festival, called:

Munting Tabing Film Festival: Presented by Cherry Mobile.

Cherry Mobile being the benefactor of the so called event. “So called”, because we were never really tasked to make it an actual event, but to “think” like it was…so that really didn’t help me at all.

My plan was to shoot 25 short films. Twenty-Five Short Films. That’s a lot of short films.

These short films were supposedly the winning entries for the Munting Tabing Film Festival. Munting Tabing translating to “Small Screen”. Small Screen, being the screens of our Smart Phones. Genius, is it not? Or just a bad pun?

Anyway, I was able to do the posters,

the schedules,

what the floor plan of the event was gonna look like,


I was honestly good to go. I can’t really recall what else I was missing. Other than the thesis book itself, having to print all the posters, the ads, all that stuff.

And I chose not to continue. And even now I’m still wondering if I did it for the right reasons.

If I were to give a direct answer to why I didn’t continue my thesis, it would be this:
I don’t want my Thesis to be just a Thesis.
Meaning, I didn’t want this idea of mine to just end up being forgotten, or put into school archives. Because that’s what was gonna happen to my thesis.


I can admit that the Thesis was Ambitious. Hell, having to do 25 short films, on your own, was definitely a long shot.

I was only able to do one short film. Check it out right here.

And one of the so called short films was actually just one of my old short stories, you can read about it here.
The Thesis was Ambitious. But it isn’t TOO Ambitious.
It’s just too Ambitious to be made in a year…

Word of the Day: Pysma/Pysmatic
  • In Ancient Greek, a pysma was any question that required a detailed explanation rather than a straightforward yes/no answer. The term is still used in rhetoric today to refer to a figure of speech in which someone asks a chain of difficult questions, typically with the intention of belittling or picking holes in someone else’s idea or suggestion.
See you on Monday.

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