Getting back into the world of writing | The Modern Hidalgo

James Bond, Minecraft, Studios, & The Omnivault.
Written: Monday. August 26, 2019.

So it’s Monday again. I’m going at this quite abruptly. I just came from watching a James Bond film (On Her Majesty’s Secret Service). I didn’t finish it yet. It was a 2-hour long flick, so I just finished the first half, and would continue on it for some other time, I guess. I’m finding it a bit difficult to finish long movies these days. I’ve often resorted to shorter things. Like a TV series, which is 45 minutes long per episode.

I’ve been getting myself back into playing this game called Minecraft. I guess anybody who’s anybody knows what Minecraft is. It’s a sandbox game, with the most open-world game-play as open-world games get. You can literally build and destroy anything you set your eyes to. Except the square shaped moon and sun floating in the sky, I guess. Those are titans that can’t ever be meddled with by inferior beings such as your character, Steve.

I’ve played this game since high-school with a few of my friends. We used to do multiplayer sessions, which is when we get to play the game in a single world, and get to adventure at the same time. Those were fun times. But then again, as time passes by, so do the things you do…

I stopped playing because they stopped playing. I really liked the game back then, but without the presence of friends, or just other people, it didn’t feel the same. So I distanced myself from it for a lot of years.

And now, I’m back into it. Playing the game just so I could pass the time. I think it’s my escapist-complex that’s making it happen, specifically within this time, this point of my life, where I have to deal with a very important thing (to other people), and really have to spend a lot more time having to focus on that important thing (to other people, never to me).

But my mind isn’t letting me play it easy. I’m running from it, from this thing I need to do. That’s why I’ve resorted back to playing video games. Pity me.

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I haven’t been productive lately as well, when it comes to my Youtube Channel.

I have a few videos that are still due to be uploaded, but that’s been scheduled already. I haven’t done anything else so far. Or at least, haven’t accomplished anything so far, and be able to call it a video.

I’ve attempted to record something twice now. Only to fail at it because it’s proving to be a really difficult task to accomplish.

It’s about the new microphone I had just bought from Lazada, an online market where you get to see products with hilariously low prices.

The microphone is good. It’s an okay piece of audio-recording equipment. What’s making things difficult is the place I’m in. I usually record my videos inside our room. And it’s not the best room to be in when it comes to recording audio, but it’s the best place in the house where I could record myself in peace (despite the loud hums of the jeepneys and the tricycles passing by every 30 seconds).

I guess I bought this microphone a bit too early in my career. I of course need it for my videos, but having it now, and trying to utilize it, maybe not so much.

I think what I really need is a Studio. I’ve mentioned this before in the Journal. And I’m mentioning it again to put emphasis to the idea at hand.

I need a studio where I could do everything I could put my mind into. I need a space, a private space, where I could record my videos, edit my videos, and then upload those videos. And I need it now more than anything else.
I was interrupted by the bluetooth earphones I was wearing — or previously wore. I’m now charging the damn thing because it doesn’t allow me to charge it while I’m using it at the same time. Probably for the best, I’m just now realizing, since there’s a slight chance that those earphones could explode whilst wearing them on while it’s being charged…

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There was this strange feeling I was having awhile ago. I think I felt it yesterday as well. It was the feeling of wanting to writesomething. Anything, really. But yesterday was a Sunday, so it was generally my Chill Day. Which meant that I couldn’t write a single thing, nor do anything profoundly productive in any sense of the term.

It’s a way for me to prevent Burn Out from happening to me. I don’t think I get to have that feeling of burnout anymore, compared to the early days of writing on this Journal of mine. I think I’ve finally gotten the hang of things.

And especially with this odd feeling of wanting to write on a day where I’m not supposed to write.

I’ve been spending a lot of time in my mind thinking about what I could possibly write next on “The Omnivault”: a weekly written story I’ve started on just last Friday, and would be writing another chapter this Friday.

There’s just so many places I could take it, at this point. It’s still very early. Not a lot of world-building has been done yet. It’s got more character pieces than exposition. I guess that’ll come later on. I’m excited to find out what I’d end up writing on the weekend.
This feeling — I haven’t felt this in a long time.
It’s a healthy feeling, I’m sure of that. I’m allowing my brain to exercise it’s creative muscles again. Not like how I exercise it through this journal-writing. It’s something different. I can’t quite put the proper words to it, though. I guess in order to explain that idea, is by expressing it through story-telling.

And I just can’t stop thinking about it. I know I shouldn’t even be doing this, cause I might end up not being able to write anything at all because of the amount of ideas I want to tackle.

That’s what’s fun about it. And also what makes it quite scary.

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