Never set a meeting at an Open Bar & Resto | The Modern Hidalgo

it never works.
Written: Friday. August 30, 2019.

Supposedly, I would be writing chapter 2 of ‘The Omnivault’. But since it’s still early in the morning, and I had just arrived back from my friend’s house (Kurt), I thought I’d write about my day yesterday. And why I didn’t choose to write yesterday.

I had a semi-formal business meeting with a friend of mine (Kurt), and a high-ranked member of our company. We were supposed to talk shop about re-branding our company (called Shockpoint Entertainment), but the location Kurt had chosen…wasn’t the best place to conduct a meeting.

When you’re trying to talk shop while a live band was performing just 30 feet away from your table, you’re not gonna be able to talk shop. Instead, what happened was we were given a complimentary dinner from the owner of the food-place we were talking shop on. Or attempted to talk shop on, since we just ended up talking about other things, like promoting the food-place, music artist events plannings, etc.

We weren’t able to truly talk about what we intended to talk about. But we were able to at least start the conversation.

The main thing was: our company doesn’t have good portfolio to show the clients. Some clients would stalk a company’s or organization’s websites, or fb pages, whatnot. And then they would base their impressions on the content the company or organization has provided in their websites, or social media pages. That’s what serves as our portfolio for clients. The problem is that we have a bad history with the social media page that we have.

In the early years of building the company, we were doing nothing but post laughable content, that was passable to common people, because the only agenda there was to gain a lot of reactions and shares for our said “content”.

The problem with that, even though it’s an effective strategy to gain followers and likes, is that it’s not setting up a good image when it comes to the perspective of the clients. Or at least, in this case in particular, personal managers of said clients. Because those people are hired to sniff out the good stuff from the bad stuff.

So us having bad professionalism, or just no professionalism at all when it comes to our web pages: to them, that’s a red flag. It leaves a bad impression of “Oh. These guys don’t know what they’re doing.” or “These are children. Immature. We don’t want that for our projects.

And I get that. Which is why I opted to be able to attend the meeting yesterday, so that we could converse about the many things we need to change for the company to have a good impression towards on-looking clients.

But again, what happened was the opposite. We ended up just eating dinner, being served with a cold bottle of beer, and just enjoying the night.

It was a slow night, yesterday. We had talked about a lot, yet the time never moved as fast as it did in our previous meetings. I wonder why.

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So when we had finished up on what we could talk about in the food-place, we booked a Grab, and went to Kurt’s place, and were up until 3:30 am.

Kurt had to leave early in the morning, so I as well had to leave his house early in the morning. Which worked out fine.

Here I am. Settled on my desk at home. Enjoying the white noise of the jeepneys and the tricycles passing by the street just a few feet away from us. It’s almost a welcome anthem that I get to anticipate whenever I go back to Manila, where I’m based right now. And the old “Manila by Hotdog” song always comes to mind while I’m in the middle of my commute going back to Manila.

Seems like the most appropriate song to think about.

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I’ll still be writing a chapter of “The Omnivault” later. So stay tuned for that. But if it’s the far future already, the link to that is just right here.

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just took a quick break to the bathroom.

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Oh! I had just bought another book from the Wheel of Time saga. It was the Thirteenth book of the franchise (Towers of Midnight). though it’s not the thirteenth book that I bought from the franchise. It’s the 14th. I had already bought the prequel (New Spring). Now I’m due to finding a copy of “A Memory of Light”. And then that’s it. The quest would be completed. It’s been a year and a half already. Maybe more.

If I find a copy of it at MIBF (Manila International Book Fair), I might not buy it. Though it’s optional. If I still have spare money to buy it, then there we go.

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Speaking of MIBF: That event happens on September 11–15. I may or may not be able to write a journal entry within those days, because I would be busy as hell trying to vlog the shit out of that book fair event.

This would be my third year in a row of participating in the event.

There’s this challenge that I’ve made for myself in the first year I participated in the event. I was just going to spend 1000 PHP. That’s not a lot of money, but I was able to buy at least 5–6 books/comic books out of it. And then, the second year, I had only 2000 PHP to spend, and I was able to buy 7 books.

Hopefully, this year, with a 3000 PHP budget, and a specific goal of only buying local (Pinoy-authored) books, I could get to buy more books.

And of course, get to vlog while I’m at it.

I’m planning on vlogging the whole week for that event. Seems like a very extreme plan, but I hope I get to do it. Or at least get to vlog for maybe 3 days. Cause it’s only a 5-day event. So reaching 3 days worth of vlogs might be a break-even.

We’ll see. We’ll see.

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