That time I was pissed with a Friend | The Modern Hidalgo

Also, my undying hunger for new game consoles.
Written: Wednesday. August 28, 2019.

Today was supposed to be a very good day. I had a lunch hangout scheduled for this day with a couple of my college friends. But that didn’t pull through, and was again pushed back for Friday. I can’t really be mad, but at this point, seeing that this hangout has been planned a month ago, one would definitely be annoyed at how hilariously dumb the situation is getting.

I originally proposed to hangout a month ago to this friend of mine. Just hang out. I’ve mentioned this already in a previous entry. The hangout got delayed. My friend was sick, so that’s a pass right there. The next week, another friend gets sick, so the hangout gets delayed again. No problem with that. Third time, which is today, that friend of mine didn’t wanna push through with the hangout, because there was a big chance that it was gonna be just the both of us.

Now, I understand that completely. I’m not mad that my friend wants everybody to be there. The whole reason for us not talking for quite a long while was because I insisted on the same thing: that my friend’s friends be there when the occasion needs them to be. Only that I applied a very uncalled-for action to how I was gonna achieve that goal for that friend of mine. Yadda, yadda, yadda—here we are again.

The thing is, I have no right to be angry. From how it looks now, I’m not the one calling the shots for this particular venture anymore. So I won’t lose anything, really. My biggest gripe about it is in how my friend phrases her sentences when it comes to the possibility that it would end up being just the two of us at the hangout.

I’m not gonna repeat what my friend said, I’ll leave that private. But take it from my perspective.

Here I am, looking like a fool because of how that friend of mine describes me towards her friends, who are also my friends. Yet, I’m not really doing anything at all. I’m just bothered by it, is all. But I don’t show it, those pissed off emotions, because I have no right to do so. And it wouldn’t really help the situation anyway.

Sorry if I’m sounding completely vague as to what I’m talking about here. I tend to do that a lot. It’s sort of a toxic habit of mine not to care if the reader understands the whole story. Just bare with me. Bottom line is, I’m pissed, but don’t have the right to be, so I’m sealing my lips shut towards them as to not create a commotion that would lead to multiple possible bad endings.


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In other news: Today was just like yesterday. I really need to quit playing Minecraft. It’s just that there are so many things that I could do in that game, that it keeps on getting me back to playing it the day later. How in the hell did I stop playing this game back then?

I know that I have to be focusing more on researching for my “graduation roadblock”, as discussed in yesterday’s entry. But I’m finding it really hard to…well…focus. God dammit.

There’s an old saying, “Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail.

I think I’m doomed to experience that. And the thing about it is, I kinda want to see myself fail here, and get to show my parents that this isn’t the right path for me to take. And so would begin my journey into living a career that never finished College, but was able to achieve a lot, because my true passion was really in some place else, rather than in school. Like how it’s really supposed to be, these days.

If you’re someone dealing with the pressures of your parents wanting you to finish college, when you yourself don’t see it as a merit to anything afterwards…then give it straight to your folks that you’re meant for a better path than that.
Stand up for yourself. Don’t be like me. I’m still afraid.
I can’t confront my parents about what it is that’s eating me up inside.

I feel like I’ve mentioned it a million times already in this Journal of mine, but I really don’t see myself benefiting from that piece of paper people call a diploma. I would just hang it around at home, I guess. I’m not expecting to work a 9–5 job at some big-named company.

I’m expecting to live my life the way I want it to be, and still be able to pay for the bills. Because I’m gonna do other things that don’t put you stuck inside a square cubicle, where you have to look at a monitor, checking emails or fixing stuff the company wants you to fix.
That’s not a life. That’s a gravestone.
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So the new Nintendo Switch Lite’s price was just announced today. Or at least the Verge Channel made a video about it being “Today’s Gameboy”.

That pitch alone already sold it for me. It’s priced at about 10,000 PHP, which is definitely a fair deal.

The last console I’ve ever had was the Gameboy Advance SP, which my dad bought for me for my birthday. I can’t remember which year that was anymore. He never bought me any other console afterwards. He didn’t buy me the PSP. Or the Nintendo DS. Or the 3DS. Or any of the Play Station or XBOX consoles.

Eventually, my GBA SP died, and I was stuck having nothing but the emulators on the PC or Mobile Phones.

I could play PSP on my phone quite smoothly now. I guess that’s compromise at its worst.

I’ve been dying to get a new console. I’m a Nintendo kid. And to see generations of games being put out there, and me not being able to play them at all because of my lack of consoles, is quite depressing.

I think it caused me to be the person I am today.

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Oh, and David went by the house. He’s a friend of mine. I’ve talked about him in the journal a couple of times, I think.

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