Find the best Keyboard out there | The Modern Hidalgo

Typewriters, in theory, made writers more prolific.
Written: Thursday. September 26, 2019.

A lot in my mind right now. Hence, why I’m able to write something down today on this journal of mine. Although I am getting a bit of trouble with the laptop that I’m using right now. Lemme just give a brief background exploration for this laptop of mine real quick:

I got this laptop from my Uncle Michael. This is the first laptop that I’ve ever owned in my life. It’s a second-hand laptop, but I guess almost all of the things passed on to me were second hand stuff. In terms of tech, that is. Although, thinking about it, I do have some tech that was my own purchase. But I’ll get on with that story for another time. Let’s focus on the laptop here.

This things runs on 2GB RAM. So that means this thing isn’t really running. It’s crawling. And my God. Today, it’s fucking lagging so much, I almost can’t bare it already. But maybe that’s because I haven’t touched this baby in a while now. I’m not getting used to the slowness of this thing anymore. Maybe this thing has feelings…yeah, maybe. We don’t know. I might as well start treating this thing with tender loving care from now on, just to see if it acts according to my will if I need it to do so.

And so far, that last paragraph that I made—didn’t lag a bit. So maybe it’s working. Or it’s just a figment of my imagination. Which is it?

Anyway. I love this thing, no matter how hard it is to work with from time to time. There was a time, actually, when I wanted to give this thing back to my uncle, because I couldn’t bare using it, and just hated that it slowed me down and such. But back then, my mindset was that this laptop wasn’t mine. It was a borrowed item. A tool that I need to return to it’s owner once I’m done using it.

At the time, which was just last year or so, I wanted to have my own laptop. And I wanted it so bad, that’s why I had asked my uncle via chat online, if I could at least borrow his laptop, or a laptop from either him or his brother, which is another uncle of mine, but let’s not bother approaching that part of the story.

So when I had asked him back then, he said that he would ask his brother for a laptop that I could then borrow. And I think it took a very long while, before he messaged me back to say that I could swing by their house and get the laptop (the same laptop I’m using right now).

And while all of this was happening back then, I was still doing time for my OJT Job. I think I’ve been working for this company for like a week, when my uncle told me to come by and grab the laptop.
So when I did, I used it for my OJT. I installed the essential creative applications a creative designer needs in order to create his or her….designs. I’m talking about the Adobe Gang. Photoshop, Flash, Premiere, After Effects, Illustrator, etc. But I was only ever able to use Photoshop and Illustrator. Cause again, this was a 2GB RAM laptop. The Adobe Gang would just destroy it completely whenever I even attempted to open one up.

And then, long story short, I still have the guy. Yes, I prefer it to be a dude laptop, rather than a lady. I don’t clean this thing up so often. So it’s got that same vibe going as a dude who “Doesn’t Clean Up After Itself.

Though, I think the reason why I had to explain this laptop for a bit, is because in the near future (I’m saying near future because I hope it actually is as near of a future as it could possibly be), I will be switching this old thing for a faster laptop. Duh.

I’ve got my eyes set on a Macbook Pro. Specifically a 2015 version of the Macbook Pro. Because the Keyboard on that thing is the best one to type on, than any other keyboard in the Macbook Line. The rest are just these stupid looking keyboards that have these petite planes of buttons that feel much like mini-mouse pads, but only do one thing, which is to produce it’s specific letter or legend.

It’s not that I’m shallow as fuck about this. It’s just that the quality of the Keyboard you’re working on deeply reflects the level of productivity you get to…well, produce.

Remember when people used to work on Typewriters? Those people were living it up as they clacked those keys. I mean, really, living on the edge. They were clacking it up all the time. The feel of those keys must have been the most ecstatic thing to feel while you’re at work. And the sounds it made. The most wonderful mechanical sounds to ever be produced by an inanimate object in all of time.

The quality of the Keyboard is KING. If your keyboard sucks balls, then get rid of that Keyboard.

I’ve got this insane idea, that if I ever, if I EVER have enough money to spare, I would buy the most expensive Razer Keyboard, or whatever the fuck is the best Gaming Keyboard in the market, buy it, plug it into my computer, and simply use it to write stories…

Yeah, that’s right. I mean, I’m not much of a gamer. But to know that you have that much power on your fingertips—boy does that get you amped up to write the most epic of stories you could ever produce.

One thing I guess that I love about this laptop of mine, is its Keyboard. It’s not the best, but it’s also not the worst. I’ve experienced better keys than this, and worse keys than this. This is sort of in the middle ground, but could as much get to an above average level.

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