Never read too much | The Modern hidalgo

Also, never let yourself do stupid shit.
Written: Thursday. September 5, 2019.

I have gotten myself into a Gordian Knot. I shouldn’t even be writing a journal entry right now. What am I thinking? I don’t have enough time, yet here I am. Clacking away words into this laptop of mine.

I technically have three major things to worry about. Make that three and a half.

I need to be researching for the book I’m going to do a project on. That’s sort of the main thing that I need to really do, cause it concerns my academics (though honestly, if I could somehow fix my reality to the way I wanted it to be, I would remove this completely, so that I could focus on other things. I’ve said this a million times. Let’s move on).

MIBF (Manila International Book Fair) is happening next week, starting Wednesday until Sunday (September 11–15). That’s an event I’ve been waiting for all year. I need to go there. That’s something that really needs to happen. So that’s kind of settled already, but since it still hasn’t happened yet, that whole train of thought is still lingering somewhere in the recesses of my mind. Which is a reason to why I can’t focus. Or at least, my focus is divided. It’s always divided. What am I saying?

And then, and then, and then, I have to find a way to not let my parents know that I would be selling the new (but old) camera at Greenhills, where almost all things could be sold, for I hope five or more thousand pesos. Hopefully. So that I could buy in return, a brand new Canon IXUS 185. A digital camera, to replace an old and very much difficult to use DSLR camera. I know that’s a stupid swap, but whatever. My goal there is to test the limits of a digital camera, compared to a DSLR camera. And the convenience of a digicam greatly outweighs the inconvenience of DSLR cameras.

And then last but not least, I have this new project that just popped up out of nowhere. It’s a full length film that we have to make a script on, which is about Maria Clara, the love interest of Crisostomo Ibarra in the novels: Noli Me Tangere & El Filibusterismo. To which, I am tasked to read the two whole books, within four days, so that I could be able to write a script about it, which the outline is due on Tuesday.

Five days, actually. But you get the idea. I might not be able to sleep at all. Maybe just a little, but that’s even more dangerous than not sleeping. Cause no sleep is quite better than little sleep.

I need to get my shit together. What was I thinking? Accepting the offer of writing a script for some full length film, while I’m supposed to be focusing on doing my “graduation roadblock”. I mean, we’re gonna get paid and everything, but I haven’t heard an actual number yet. So I’m skeptical about the whole project, but then again, there’s no time to do that either.
The clock is ticking. And I’m still trying to achieve a thousand words for today.
Sorry if I allowed myself to do this, even though I have all of this stuff that I need to do. The way I write here might not be deemed okay, or great. That is only because I am rushing myself in order to finish this, and get back to reading Rizal’s god damned manuscript.

It’s a great read, but I can’t really say that I’m enjoying it, because I’m reading it at such a pace that I don’t normally go far. I’m reading it as fast as I can. That means I don’t necessarily get to enjoy the experience of reading the story. Let alone, actually understand what I’m reading, in a psychological sense.

a visual example of reading too much…

I mean, I understand what I’m reading. But the amount of chapters and moments that I’m going to have to experience within a short amount of time—that’s something my mind would find hard to process.

I usually read a book within a week, maybe more. And that’s because I want to savor the story. I want myself to indulge in a story as slowly as I can, but as fast as I can, as well. Just the right amount of speed, when it comes to casual reading.

But, with what I’m tasked to do here, casual reading isn’t really gonna work out. I have to keep on reading. Take a quick break, breathe a few puffs of air. Drink a glass of water. Eat dinner. Maybe watch a vlog from Casey Neistat. And then, go back to reading, and then reading, and reading, and reading. And the wheels turns around and around.
Damn. I’m still two hundred words short.
Kurt had tasked me to go to Benilde, where he studies right now. That space-ship looking building located in Taft. Yeah, that’s the one.

I waited there, and surprisingly found an old schoolmate. It was Steven Delgado. I noticed his familiar face exiting the building, as I was waiting for Kurt. He didn’t notice me sitting by those weird stones with the lights placed inside them. So I called his name out. I also just did that, in order for me to make sure that it was really him.

Because upon seeing him, and the lack of recognition he was giving me with my presence, I began to think that he wasn’t actually the person I thought I saw. So I made sure. I called his name, and then he stopped walking, looked at me, and smiled as he remember his old pal, Elmo.

We chatted a bit. Caught up with what’s been going on in each other’s life. I was surprised to see him there, since I had no clue that he was studying in Benilde. But I wasn’t really surprised to find out that he was still studying. He wasn’t really that intelligent. But he made up for it for his cool personality. A personality I still saw when we were conversing.

Though the way he talks is a bit different. I think it’s a bit relaxed now, than how it was before. And before, he was already relaxed. So imagine being more relaxed than that.

I guess it was just the way I greeted him. I had this burst of energy from just being able to see an old face at such a random place, and a random time, that I might be seeing the situation differently. Maybe he was just really normal and chill, and I was all hyped up.

A few minutes later, Kurt had exited the building. I introduced him to Steven, and then introduced Steven to Kurt.

After that, we went to a Milktea place, and then the meeting commenced.

Oh, and we saw our friend Vince Batalla there as well. So he joined along for the meeting.

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