The Omnivault: Chapter 6.

Written: Monday. September 30, 2019.

The three boys all went back to their respective homes. Toby had to rush his way back to his village. Tom went home with the metal ball. And Drew went home to his condo unit, which was near the school.

It was about 7:30 pm. It was dark out when Drew arrived in his condo. This condo, by the way, is not only Drew’s. It’s sort of a temporary place he goes home to while he’s still studying high school, since he and his parents live very far from the school. Drew entered the condo unit, which was a few floors up from the whole building. To his expectations, his parents weren’t home yet. Typical. He thought to himself as he unpacked his bag.

Drew’s condo is a very small place. Though it’s big enough so that claustrophobia won’t be a very big factor to deal with while he’s living there. Not that he’s a claustrophobic person. It’s just that compared to his friend Tom’s house — come to think of it, Tom’s room alone is already slightly bigger than Drew’s condo. Not that Drew cares for that sort of thing. Toby might be someone who would notice that comparative distinction, though. Given that Toby lives in a so-so house, but gets flooded within the first floor whenever there’s a huge storm happening in the country.

Going back, Drew’s pad is very basic. He has a room for himself, a room for his parents, a living room, a small kitchen, and the living room also serves as Drew’s “Man-cave”. Meaning, his video game consoles are where the TV set is, his PC is just in one corner of the living room, which is close to the door. It’s not really even a Man-cave to begin with. But nonetheless, it’s the man-cave Drew’s working with while he’s still studying high-school. He has a very different looking man-cave at their actual house. A bigger one, and a more private man-cave, than what he has in the condo. Toby and Tom have a very vague image in their heads as to what that looks like. Drew doesn’t talk about it much anyway either. Some things are left alone to the imagination.

As he goes from his school uniform to his ordinary clothes, he opens up the PC, and starts breaking down the firewalls that were preventing him from playing games in the PC. His step-dad knows a lot about computers, so he changes Drew’s computer settings so that he can’t play video games on it on a school day.

Once Drew manages to close the firewalls in his PC, he then opens up this game called Defenders Online, an MMORPG game where you get to create your own super-hero, and play around an open world with your friends, who are also super-heroes, but with totally different classes or archetypes, depending on their preference. Toby, Tom, and Drew all play this game. And it was settled before they went to their houses that they would continue their chats about the metal ball’s existence, and their hunt for the other pieces, inside of Defenders Online.

It was the best logical way for them to talk about it, since the game was very science-fictional. So talking about the metal ball there wouldn’t cause any sort of real life danger to the three of them.

Drew logged in to his Defenders Online account. His super-hero was of the Firebrand Archetype, a class of super-heroes that mainly used fire-type spells or attacks. Pretty self-explanatory really. Good with Offense stats, Bad on Defense stats.

His character was named LastDefenderOutThere. LDOT for short. Drew had tried many names prior, but was declined of being able to use the names he was able to think of, and settled for this very literal username. LDOT spawned where he was last time, before Drew abruptly logged out of the game because his parents arrived in the condo.

What’s taking those two so long? Drew thinks to himself, as he looks at the time. It’s 8:10 pm and they’re still not here.

LDOT was in the middle of a quest. He was still inside this abandoned warehouse just outside the main city. The quest was to find some stolen crates containing futuristic tech from a bunch of purple gangster-looking NPCs. LDOT took the gangsters out easily, given that LDOT is already at max level, and Drew was just really doing the mission because he was trying to help Toby’s character level up.

Speaking of which, where is Magento456 anyway? Drew thought to himself. Magento456 is the username of Toby’s super-hero character. An Icemonger Archetype, which uses ice-type spells or attacks. Bad with Offense stats, Good on Defense stats. Magento was supposedly Magneto, but Toby screwed up on the name, and ever since, he’s been laughed at by both Tom and Drew for having done so.

Moments later, Magento456 appeared in the middle of the ongoing fight between LDOT and the remaining purple gangsters. If it weren’t for Magento456’s Defense stats, he would’ve already fainted from the mission.

“Sorry I was late.” Toby managed to type in the chat bar. “PC was acting up again. Had to reboot a couple of times.”
“No worries.” Drew replied. “We need to finish up on this quest we’re on if we wanna meet up with Tom.”
“You mean PolygonSky?” Toby typed. PolygonSky is Tom’s super-hero username.
“Yes. PolygonSky.”
“Well, he might be arriving a bit later than I did.” Toby typed. Magento456 used his Glacial Barrier skill in order to absorb a few blows from the purple gangsters arriving from the fifth floor of the abandoned warehouse they were currently in.
“Why’s that?” Drew asked, while managing to burn a few gangsters to dust with his special Inferno skill.
“He messaged me awhile ago on Facebook that he totally thought we were gonna play on that other game tonight.”
“Which one? FC Online?”
“Yeah, that one.”
“Dammit.” LDOT was running low on HP. “Need help.”
“No problem-o.” Magento456 uses a healing spell on LDOT.
“Yoh! Wazzup Bitchezzzz!” Tom finally came into the chat box. “Wer r u guyz?? Here rn @ Central Tower.”
“Still finishing a quest with Toby.” Drew typed. “Meet up with u later.”
“Meet up with me nowwwww.” Tom replied. “I got these sweet event-exclusive items that turn you into a fuckin’ Lightning Zombie!”

End of Chapter.

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