The Omnivault: Chapter 7.

Written: Friday. October 4, 2019.

When all of the Purple Gangster NPCs were defeated, and the Kingpin-ripoff looking Final Boss was all but turned to dust by LDOT’s Inferno Spell, he and Magento456 went to see PolygonSky at the Central Tower.

The Central Tower was at the middle of the game’s open-world map. New players start the game entering the Central Tower. From there, they get to choose their Mentors, which are the available Superheroes in the game that allow you to gain a second class once you reach a certain level in the game. Once you reach that level, you then gain new skills that may or may not match the first hero class that you took when you first created your hero. Around the Central Tower are a bunch of NPCs that you could interact with in order to trade items with another hero account, or customize your hero’s looks depending on your preference. There is also a bank vault system, where heroes could store special items they would need at a later time, but don’t necessarily need to be carrying inside their inventory.

LDOT and Magento456 arrived at the top of Central Tower. Other than the stone bench that Toby, Tom & Drew hang out on — or used to hang out on — the top of the Central Tower is the place they usually go to whenever all three of them are online in the game.

“U guyz r nt gon believ how I got deez Metmorphr Devces!” Tom typed.
“Tom,” Drew replied, “We’re not here for that right now.”
“Yeah,” Toby said. His character appears to be glitching near the edge of the Tower. “We’re here to talk about the Metal Ball. Where do you guys think we should start looking?”
“Hw bout here?” Tom asked the both of them. “I cud go to the Supr Cht n ask ther! OK, how’s dis: ‘Anbdy kno of a strang metal bal apearin in ur nbhood? PM me.’”
“Are you serious?” Toby typed. None of his two other friends could determine whether he was annoyed again or actually just asking if Tom was serious about his idea.
“Ye, Y nt?” Tom replied after a minute of silence from the Chat bar. “Iz wht we logd in to dis game t do aftr all, rght?”
“I’ll say yes to that, Tom.” Drew typed. “Nobody’s probably gonna take that message seriously. The ones that do would know where the other metal balls are. Maybe they even have one of their own right now.”
“Yea,” Tom replied. “Xactly.”
It took a while for Toby to answer. “Yeah, sure. Let’s give it a try.”
“Ayt!” replied Tom.

So Tom went and opened up the Super Chat Box, which is basically a central chat box where every player, depending on the server, could talk to one another. He typed in the question.

“Anbdy kno of a strang metal bal apearin in ur nbhoood? PM me. ASAP!” Tom typed in the Super Chat. Both Toby and Drew saw the same message on the Super Chat.

It took a while. A few troll users PMing PolygonSky about their genitals, and how they were hard as steel, here and there. Some only talked about the strange Meteor Shower that happened a few days ago, but none seemed to know or have encountered anything close to a metal ball.

“Any leads?” Drew asked.
“Yeah,” Toby typed. “Anybody with a metal ball, that’s not their actual testicles?”
“Ey Dudez, lest I tried, ayt? Lay off me.” Tom replied. “I din’t realy say it’d work.
“W8, hold on a momnt!”
“What?!? What is it?” Drew typed.
“Is it just another troll account with testicles of pure steel?” Toby followed.
“Guyz, I think dis guyz legittt!”

With that, Drew immediately typed down a reply asking for what the PM said. Toby did the same thing a few seconds later, given that his Internet fails him just at the proper moments.

“OK, OK, OKKK!” Tom typed back at them. “I’l cpy-pste d msg. Its frm a dude named ‘Hirundinidae’ Here yah go:

If this is somehow connected to the Meteor Shower that happened last week, then I know something about it. In fact, I have, well, it’s not a metal ball, actually, but a flat metal disc. Kind of like a CD or a DVD, but it doesn’t have the hole in the middle. Plus, it’s about three times the size of a regular CD. I dunno if it’s connected to the metal ball you’re talking about. But I can assure you that this flat disc came from one of the Meteors. It’s literally the Meteorite. Only it looks like a Vinyl. Weird, I know. Is this a prank or something? I’m starting to think you might just be talking about your masculinity. I’m not interested in any way if it was the latter. Reply ASAP.”

Toby laughed alone in his room at the last part of the message. Drew smiled a bit, but since it was weird for him to be laughing by himself, he made the first reply.

“Well, what did you reply?”
“I havn’t yet.” Tom typed. “W8ng on u guyz.”
“Tell him that it’s definitely not about your masculinity.” Toby said.
“Wel it cud def be abou my masculnty, if evr dis ‘Hirududey’ turns out to b a gurl. We dunno.”
“You said it was a guy.” Toby said.
“Yeh, but dis is a game we’r in rn. U never kno, dud.”
“I mean, there’s a chance of that happening but,” Toby replied, “Wait! Dammit, we’re going off topic! Tell him — or her — if they’re near our school, or somewhere near, like the mall, or something.”
“Any public place,” Drew added. “We have to be smart about this. If Hirundinidae turns out to be, you know, the cops, or the NBI, or the guys that run AREA 51, or whatever, then at least we have witnesses.”
“Ayt,” Tom replied, “School or Mall or any Public Place. Got it!”

It’s been several minutes of waiting at the top of the Central Tower, when Toby broke the silence. He gave Drew a private message.

“I honestly didn’t think we’d see any progress here in this game.” Toby said.
“Yeah,” Drew replied. “I had doubts too. But what other options did we have?”
“I had a few ideas, actually.” Toby typed. Then, his character suddenly started to fall from the Central Tower. “Dammit! Every Time!”
“Guyzz!” Tom messaged on their shared chat box, “Hirududee stdees in r scool!”
“Please don’t tell me he or she’s one of our classmates.” Drew replied.
“W8, werz Toby?” Tom asked. Noticing that there were only two heroes on the screen.
“I’m okay.” Toby replied. “Magento456 fainted when he hit the ground. Will be back in a sec.”

End of Chapter.

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