I’m allowing my future self to skip this one | The Modern Hidalgo

nothing happened here, bro. the topics are obsolete and irrelevant to wherever you are right now in your life.
Written: Monday. October 7, 2019.

This laptop of mine is reaching its days if I don’t do something about it. I mean, it’s got a lot of flaws. It’s kind of like your first car (I wouldn’t know, haven’t had my first car yet. But that’s what old people say sometimes, right?), where it’s not really the best, doesn’t get up to the speed that you want, the seats don’t feel right. It’s got a lot of dust inside, the air-conditioning sucks, almost always overheats, and the battery is shit.

I could say about almost the same stuff with this laptop. But no other car or laptop would ever be as memorable as your first one. That car would be the first car that got you to places you dreamed of going, checking those places off that bucket list you made when you were still dreaming about having that first car. This first laptop of mine got me to be a more prolific writer. It got me productive again, or just productive, in general, to a religious degree. That car of yours got you to win a date with the girl you’ve been looking at all day in school or at work whenever she passes by. It’d be the car where you’d eventually lose your virginity in.

Analogies here. Analogies there. You get what I mean. The fact of the matter is: That hunk of junk is making your life a living hell when you’re using it. But at the same time, it’s what’s getting you a little bit closer to heaven. Not in the sense that these things are gonna be the death of you. No. These things are like your favorite teachers. You wouldn’t remember shit about what they taught you inside of the class room. But once the bells ring, you notice that your teacher is a cool person to hang out with, and would actually teach you a few things about how to survive your life at the age of maybe 14 or 15.

My laptop right now, or at least, has been for a while, having problems with the sides of the screen. Not so much the monitor. No problem on that end. On the other end, the physical aspect of the laptop itself, specifically the edges of the screen, is starting to melt. Or at least, has been melting for quite some time now.

I haven’t really bothered to consider having it fixed by an expert, since the monitor display isn’t acting up. But a while ago, the fluid started to seep in to the upper right side of the monitor. It looks like my laptop has a mini Nickelodeon goop logo from the early 2000’s at the side of my monitor. I mean, it’s not really affecting the display just yet, but seeing that foreign liquid starting to crawl its way into the interior of the monitor is a bad sign.

So I decided to go to the mall, to the Cyberzone section, where the PC blacksmiths usually are. And I asked how much it would cost to repair my laptop’s monitor. The guy said 4K pesos. I said thank you, and walked out of the store. Didn’t have that amount of money with me at the time. Also didn’t have the laptop at the time. If I had, the guy could’ve said 3K pesos instead. Cause I was pointing at a laptop that was on top of their counter desk. Though I didn’t know if it was the same size as my monitor. Looking at my monitor right now, I feel like this one is a bit smaller than their laptop’s monitor.

If only I have some money to spare. And also maybe more money to spare for a RAM upgrade. I’m not 100% sure if this laptop’s RAM could still be upgraded. Though I have checked on the internet if it could, and the results said that the laptop’s RAM could be upgraded. It’s just that, given that this is an old model laptop, it’d be hard to find the right store that has the right RAM component.

Hopefully I get to find that store.

* * *

Though that’s not actually the only reason why I went to the mall today. I went there to look for some markers. I ended up buying markers, but I also ended up buying three ball-point pens. I mean, I was due for a restock of ball-pens anyway, so…

I also found this sketchpad, but it wasn’t an ordinary sketchpad. It was a Bristol paper sketchpad. It had 50 sheets. It might be the sketchpad that I need for the artworks that I’m gonna be doing for the “graduation roadblock”. But it costs 999 pesos…too expensive for me to buy. But, if I could convince my dad to buy me this particular sketchpad, then that’s good.

I tested out the markers, wasn’t really convinced that these markers were the markers that I needed for my artworks. But these were the markers that I could afford, so la-di-da.

Make use of the resources you have. Or some bullshit like that.

I also still have to figure out the color mediums that I’ll be using. My eyes are set for Oil Pastels. Though I’m not sure yet. I don’t really want to go for the more wet mediums, like Oil paint, or Acrylic, or whatever. I’m more comfortable with…Now wait a second.

There was something my adviser told me. Not directly, or word-for-word, but I think she was pointing out that the method I was doing with my project was very interesting, because I was looking for the right style for the book that I had chosen to do illustrations on. (If you don’t understand what I’m talking about here, it’ll all make sense once I’m done with the project, and could confidently talk about it, and not call it “graduation roadblock”).

She might have meant that I had to find mediums or styles that were out of my comfort zone. Meaning, the art actually shows itself more if the artist isn’t comfortable with doing it. It’s the rawness to it that gives the art flavor, gives it more meaning.

Hmm…I’m gonna have to cut this train of thought short. I think I’m on to something here. Just don’t know what quite yet.
