Skip the first topic, my dude | The Modern Hidalgo

the others are where your head’s supposed to be at, never the first.
Written: Saturday. October 5, 2019.

I slept at four in the morning today. I think it’s the Kopiko Black Coffee, which costs 20 pesos, that I bought at 7/11, at around 11 am last Friday, which was the cause of this insane amount of energy that I had yesterday. There were other factors, like the fact that what happened on yesterday’s consultation for the “graduation roadblock” was the complete opposite of what had happened the last Friday.

Last Friday’s consultation went super bad. It got me depressed and all that. So I honestly went to the school yesterday with the premonition that I was gonna face the same situation all over again, but only that it can’t possibly be worse than what already transpired last Friday. To my surprise, that wasn’t the case, and the situation actually went my way.

I was able to communicate my thoughts a bit better than last time. My ideas for the project were clear, even though in my mind, I thought that the artworks that I had shown, or what I was able to produce within the span of six days, maybe more, were just scribbles on a paper. Because it literally looks like a bunch of scribbles on a paper if you’re not somebody who’s well versed around art.

So I went to my adviser, knowing for sure that it wasn’t gonna go my way at all. But instead, it did. And now, I have this reinforced sense of purpose jammed in the recesses of my brain. I can do it. I’m on the right path. It’s only a matter of where my interests are placed, that is the impending problem.

I don’t really want to jinx the moment. I think I’m still stuck in it, actually. I think the jolt of caffeine also really made things go their way. It’s like that movie Limitless, where you’ve taken the NZT pill, and now you have this ridiculous amount of productivity mojo running through your thoughts, waiting to be let out.

That was me after the consultation. When I got home, I was able to come up with this idea of mine, a very ambitious idea, about collecting and being able to read a thousand books…as much and as soon as possible. Though, no rushing. Cause it’s unhealthy to rush reading a book. I know, I’ve tried, and it took a toll on me. I think I’ve talked about that in a previous entry. Guess you’ll just have to find it if you’re interested in that story.

And yeah, I was able to plot out that idea, as well as write another chapter for The Omnivault. And here I am right now, writing another journal entry six days in a row already.

I completed a whole week! Something I haven’t done in a while, which started I think when my dad had his operation, and continued with the whole wedding commission job, and then still went on after that, because of other factors. But yeah, finally I was able to outdo myself. I got my shit together.

Though today speaks a different tone. I wasn’t able to do much today in terms of what I needed to do for the “graduation roadblock”. Though I did exercise.

And I am now also reading a new book, called Codgerspace by Alan Dean Foster. I didn’t really think it would capture my attention. I thought it’d be a hard sell for me, given that it’s an old book, and it’s Sci-Fi, which I have to admit, has let me down a couple of times already when it comes to books, but not so much when it comes to films. Reading Sci-Fi novels has been quite an acquired taste, at least for me.

It almost took a day for me to get the hang of reading it. Because the opening paragraphs of the first chapter were very verbose. I mean that in the sense that it was very much wordy. There were a lot of words you wouldn’t normally use in a real life conversation, but would almost only read on a book or a dictionary. Those are one of what I most prominently dislike when it comes to reading older and dated novels. The words the author uses are beyond my vocabulary most of the time, that I find it hard to understand or comprehend half of the time.

But after pushing through with the first chapter, the book finally found its way to pique my interest. I like where it’s going so far. Codgerspace is about everyday devices becoming annoyingly philosophical, trying to find out if there are intelligent life out there in space, other than human beings. Imagine an AI-supported toaster suddenly stops performing warming up your breads in the morning, and starts to go idle, plus having a conversation with it about searching for existential meaning in the universe…

Yeah. This book is my cup of tea, alright. I guess I’ll talk about it more in the next few entries. For now, it’s got a good introduction. I needed a bit of a push, but nevertheless, I’m interested now.

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A little about the side of today where I spend time searching about Fire Emblem and The 7th Saga, both titles are Fantasy games. Fire Emblem is a Tactical RPG, while The 7th Saga is just the more traditional RPG, but it’s combat difficulty is…well, difficult, which makes it more engaging.

I’ve been interested in these games, also I guess mentioning The Legend of Zelda series as a whole, because these franchises are built out of a constant foundation, and that’s Storytelling, World-building, etc.

Most of the games I love playing, and love re-playing, are the ones that have stories throughout the whole game. These are not games like Galaga, or Tetris, or Pac-man, where it’s mostly aiming for players to reach the highest score in the board.

No, the games that I like and enjoy playing are the ones that give you a sense of direction. It has a beginning, a middle, and an end. It gives you various choices. It tells you the history of whatever land or country the game is taking place in, and you get to interact with all of these NPCs with different backgrounds to their characters, and more.

I just don’t know yet where this idea or passion is heading towards. I know that it’s heading towards somewhere, I just can’t figure out which one I’d like it to go.

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