Small ideas that never saw the light of day | The Modern Hidalgo

“An idea is only stupid if done incorrectly.”
Written: Thursday. October 17, 2019.

I have an idea. It’s not the grand scale-level kind of idea I get every once in a while. It’s sort of just a small idea. I was just lounging around inside Papemelroti awhile ago. You know, just to jog my brain a little in order to potentially come up with an idea for…something. Anything, really. And yeah, I was able to come up with this idea of buying one of these 100% recycled notebooks, and then filling each notebook up with a short story. Just a short story. Not a long, chapter per chapter, novel. Like how I usually write stuff.

The thing is this: I don’t write a lot of short stories. I’ve tried it before on some occasions. But not enough, if you compare it to how prolific other professional writers come up with short stories. So the idea developed inside my brain in that way. I’m willing to go back to writing on notebooks — or mini-notebooks cause the regular sized notebooks might take too long for me to finish a short story — just to get into the spring of writing short stories more often.

The only problem is that I have all of these other things that I’m doing already, that I don’t know when to put the time in order to focus on this one thing. Even if it’s a small idea, it most definitely would still take up a lot of thinking time.

Ruminating. That’s a good word to use. It means to think carefully and deeply about something.

That’s the word for the day, I guess.

I didn’t buy a notebook, or a mini-notebook, awhile ago. Because, again, I felt like I needed time to consider the situation at hand. I felt like if I had bought myself a notebook, or a mini-notebook, awhile ago, then I’d have to start writing a short story, while having to worry about doing the things I’m already doing.

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Right now, I’m remembering the previous mantra that I just talked about in one of my last entries. It’s the one about regretting to do something is better than regretting to not have done it at all.

I feel like I might’ve just done the opposite of what I lived by. Does that make me a hypocrite? Or I guess not, since I can guarantee that I just completely forgot about that while I was at Papemelroti.

If that mantra of mine had gone through my head awhile ago, I might’ve just bought a notebook or two.

But then again, I’m also saving money. So I guess there’s a silver lining to what had transpired.

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Just took a quick break from writing this entry, in order to check something out on Minecraft. I haven’t been playing the game on PC for quite a while, but that’s only because I’ve been playing the game on Android. And the Minecraft on my PC isn’t actually the same edition as the one on Android. So that’s mostly why I’ve stopped playing on PC.

Which brings me to an idea. I’ve been wanting to screen-record my play-through of Minecraft. I just don’t know how that would be an entertaining piece of content for my channel. I’m not really the best gamer out there. I’m not really even a gamer in the general sense. I feel like that title isn’t earned by someone like me who spends more time reading books and writing journal entries, rather than playing video games on a computer or on my phone.

I used to play a lot, but then I got frustrated by the realization that I’ve spent a large chunk of my days, months, going years, playing League of Legends. I mean, I’m not saying that I hate the game in its entirety. I like its world-building & the lore behind each character. There’s even an animated series coming out next year, that would hopefully bring us into the world of League of Legends. So I’m excited about that.

But no. I’m not willing to go back and play that game. Until I know that I can afford to spend time playing that game. I’m not willing to spend time on any particular game. I could spend an hour, maybe, on playing a game in a day. But I can’t go back to a lifestyle of me playing games the whole day.

Though I can’t say the same for other things, like TV shows, or movies. Cause those things are a completely different topic in general.

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But yeah. Going back to why I brought up Minecraft. I might try doing a Survival Run. Wherein I would create a new world map, and then try to survive that world map as long as I can. If I die. I delete the world, and then start a new map.

But I would just be doing that once for my channel. I’m not gonna do another play-through. But that depends on how good the video becomes. If it gains a lot of views, then I’d be down to making more videos. If not, then goodbye to that idea.

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I also had this one cool idea about making a book review. But instead of making a video about my review of the book, like how booktubers normally review their books, I’m gonna do it MKBHD style, baby!

Just look at an MKBHD video, you’ll understand what I’m talking about. Imagine reviewing a book in the kind of style you’d be reviewing a phone, or a pc, or any sort of tech. Sounds stupid, right?

But then again,
An idea is only stupid if done incorrectly.
I think I just invented that quote. Or no, maybe not, I dunno. I’m just stretching this journal entry at this point. Not gonna lie.

So I guess that’s it for today. If you’re reading this on your phone, the “Previous | Next” buttons on the end probably won’t work. Yeah, I dunno either why it isn’t working. It just doesn’t for some god damn reason.

If your reading this on a PC, then I suggest reading another entry of mine. If you were interested, that is.

I won’t force you to do something you don’t like. We’re humans, not machines.

Machines don’t get to choose what they wanna do.

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