That one time Chapters & Pages suddenly vanished | The Modern Hidalgo

these were rough times, indeed.
Written: Tuesday. October 22, 2019.

So I went to Fishermall today because nobody was at the house. My mom went to the hospital for a checkup. My brother went to wherever he goes. And I was left inside the house, with a 100 peso bill. So I went to Fishermall. I thought I’d go there to browse some books at Chapters & Pages. You know, to see if I could find another good book to buy at a very low price.

I went out of the house at about 4 PM. I’m not sure if it was earlier than that or later than that. But it was around 4 PM. I waited by the side of the road in order to catch a jeep heading towards Fishermall. Hopefully those that are headed for Muñoz. Cause those jeeps take a U-turn. And I’d prefer it that way, rather than catching a ride on a jeep headed for SM North Edsa, which would only go forwards and wouldn’t take a U-turn towards Fishermall.

After about 30 minutes or so of waiting for that one fateful jeepney ride, I decided to just take the one that goes to SM North Edsa, since it still goes to the direction of Fishermall, even though it wouldn’t U-turn.

The ride wasn’t that long. It was of moderate pacing. I got there in like 10–15 minutes, I dunno. But the waiting for that one jeep was like purgatory. I was supposed to say hell, but I’ve had worse encounters.

Anyway, when I got to Fishermall, the sky was already getting dark. I entered the mall, went a few flights of…escalators. Is that right? Can we use ‘flight’ when it comes to escalators? Cause we use it in stairs. I just thought…never mind.

I went up a few floors, and when I got there, Chapters & Pages was gone.
It was gone. Erased from existence.
This is something to be remembered, alright. But it would never be a good memory. Not really a bad one, either. Just…sad. Cause the place that I go to in order to relax and take time to breathe the scent of old and used books is now gone. It’s gone. It’s not there anymore. That’s one place off of the list of places I’d like to go to.

I went there for like more than 50 times. I’m not sure about that, but whatever. I’ve bought a lot of books in that Chapters & Pages branch. And now, I won’t be able to anymore, cause that place is gone now.
It’s gone. And that sucks.
All I have left are the book store branches in San Lazaro, in North Edsa, in Cubao, and maybe in Mega Mall but that’s too far to go to.

Dammit. I’m — I dunno. I don’t know what to do now; what to feel. I mean, I’m feeling sad about the whole thing. But I can’t be sad for long. I just have to accept that there’s nothing to look forward to whenever I go to Fishermall. Except maybe for the Toy Shops there. But I don’t buy toys that much anyway. Also maybe the Smart Kids Toys section, if ever I get the money to buy something from that place.

Honestly, that store is more interesting than the Toys Shops. They’ve got puzzles, wooden puzzles that form into three-dimensional buildings or vehicles or whatever, board games, all kinds of stuff you’d buy for your kid. I’m not a kid anymore, but I’m interested in those kinds of things because I didn’t get to have those when I was a kid.

Not totally true, since I did get those toys back then, but not often enough which caused me to be like this right now as I’ve grown up.

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In other news: I’ve gone back to the good state of things. Meaning, I’ve been exercising again. Writing again, as you can see. Reading again, then again, that never left me. But I’m not really doing much when it comes to my “graduation roadblock”. I’m not doing anything, I mean. Haven’t done anything yet. Maybe tomorrow, I dunno.

It’s like my mind can never stay put in one place. It needs to be in several places, thinking of several things all at once. I can’t help it, I’ve tried and failed and tried and failed. Nothing ever goes my way. But everything is going my mind’s way.

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I’m re-watching Naruto again. Currently downloading the episodes as I’m writing. I also just finished watching this series called HarmonQuest. It’s an animated series of a live-streamed D&D game, and then they make it animated afterwards. Thus, the animated series.

I like it. It’s funny. Not gonna watch season 2 just yet. Maybe soon.

Going back to Naruto, I might plan on finding all of the Naruto manga, if that’s even possible. Or just the first manga issue. I dunno. I’m not ruminating that much in that area. Just a little.

The reason why I’m re-watching it is because I’m trying to see if I could learn something from the series as a whole. Cause there’s a significant difference when it comes to Eastern pop-culture and Western pop-culture.

Most Characters in Western movies or TV shows or whatever, they don’t really change that much. They’re always the chosen one. Always the best of the best. Nobody can beat them cause they are somehow unbeatable from beginning to end. It’s not always like that. But it’s almost always like that.

On the opposite side of that spectrum, and specifically with the Naruto series as a whole, we are represented with this annoying kid who’s not good at anything at all. He’s bullied. People don’t like him. The kids in the neighborhood don’t like him. His classmates don’t like him. The elders are afraid of him.

Basically, everybody doesn’t want this kid in orange walking around town. They want him gone. But then, years later, he becomes the Hokage of the village and everybody loves him and he’s the best there is. That happens slowly, of course. And we get to grow up at the same time as Naruto. We get to see his journey to greatness.

And when that journey is finally fulfilled, it’s satisfying.

The closest thing to anime might be sports movies…or the MCU.

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