Food is NOT a Religion | The Modern Hidalgo

It’s a preference of taste.
Written: Saturday. November 9, 2019.

Today’s entry is written in the province. I’m here right now with my dad. Well, he’s not here exactly. He’s downstairs, and I’m upstairs, in the room we’ll eventually sleep in. I’ve already taken a quick nap. Though I thought I’d slept longer. Cause I went down awhile ago to check if my phone was fully charged. Turned out that it was only half-charged, like 56% battery life. So I plugged it back in to the socket to let it fully charge. Then took my bag up. Took the laptop out. And here we are.

We’re only here until tomorrow morning. So I’m not gonna be able to post this entry until tomorrow afternoon or something. No worries, it’s a Sunday tomorrow. That means I don’t have to write an entry. I just need to post this one.

I honestly didn’t want to go here today. Mainly because there’s nothing to do here but look at my phone all day, browsing through Instagram, or playing mobile games. The other thing I can do while I’m here is to read the book that I brought with me. I always bring a book with me. It sort of keeps my sanity in check.

I’m still reading Jimmy Go by Go Puan Seng. I’m really having a hard time trying to read the book, cause it’s written in such a stoic way. Or a mundane way, like the things that are happening in the story aren’t really that exciting or interesting. Maybe I’m feeling this way, because I know that the things that happen in the story are actually real. And if that’s the case, the main character is for sure alive at the end of the story. Otherwise, the book wouldn’t have existed in the first place. So having that in mind, while trying to read this book, sort of takes me out of it. That’s why I can’t enjoy reading it.

That, or it’s just a really boring story about a Catholic Chinese man trying to escape the Japanese military at the time of their invasion in the Philippines, which is where I live in. Or, the writing style.

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I did decide to go to the province at the last minute, only because of the idea that I could make a video out of the trip. And I’ve video’d a couple of stuff, but just eyeballing it, I don’t feel like it’s gonna be an interesting video to watch. Cause I’m not really gonna do the usual narrative that I do. Or I dunno, we’ll see on the edit.

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We just had dinner. Luckily, there was a meal that I knew how to eat. I’m a very picky eater, not gonna sugar coat it. I don’t like most foods people eat. Like hot-dogs, or fried fish, or some vague types of vegetables. I pick the food that I want to eat, and I stray away from those that look weird. I don’t even put ketchup on things. I don’t like the taste of ketchup. It’s red, it’s gross. I like the color red, but not when it comes to food.

If you’re somebody that I know in real life, you probably already know me as the guy who only eats a handful of things. And I take it as it is, and you should too. There are people out there who just don’t give a fuck when it comes to what they intake. I’m some of the people who think carefully on what I put in my mouth. My dad’s side of the family have a very green-lifestyle. Meaning, they eat a lot of vegetables, a lot of grass, herbs, all that healthy shit that’s been told to prolong a person’s life.

But to me, what does that do if you’re not enjoying what you’re eating? If you wanna live a long life by eating a bunch of leaves, then do it. I just don’t get by with the people who insist on making other people eat the same way they do. It’s not a religion. It’s preference of taste. Plus, I don’t want to live a long life. I don’t want to look like an old and dried out man. I want to live a full life. So if I die, that’s fine by me. People die everyday. But I don’t want to die knowing that I haven’t fulfilled everything I’ve wanted to do in life. If I die, I want to be sure that I’ve done the best that I can in order to leave this earth not in the same way I entered it, but a better earth than when I started. So a Full Life would ultimately be a better choice, than say: living until you’re 90 and being able to do nothing cause you’re a cripple in a wheel chair.

Seems dark, but take it as it is. Fight me.

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What else is there to say? I guess that’s it, actually. Nothing much happened today. Yesterday, I wrote another chapter for The Omnivault. I’m not so sure with that chapter. I feel like I’m faltering when it comes to writing that story, since I’m not writing a lot of this journal entry anymore. Or I’m writing lesser entries than I used to.

I mean, it’s only because I don’t have anything cool to write about. There’s nothing interesting about what happens in my life that’s worthy of writing about. I dunno. Maybe I’m just kidding myself, cause a part of me knows that I’m only writing less, because I’ve been less productive lately. I’ve been lazy, and it sucks.

But I am getting back to the spring of things. I’ve done two morning walks so far. Today was a pass on the morning walk, cause of the whole travel thing in order to get to the province. But yeah, at least I was able to get back on the daily routine.

Still haven’t exercised my upper body, though. But I do need to work on the legs more often. Cause we just rode bikes awhile ago, and my legs are sort of weak afterwards. So I still need to work on them real hard.

I was gonna write “maybe on Monday”, but that means there’s a possibility of me not doing it. So, on Monday, I will start exercising again.
So it has been written, so it shall be done.
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