The Perfect Length of a Video | The Modern Hidalgo

is dictated by your sheer power of entertaining viewers.
Written: Monday. November 11, 2019.

Didn’t wake up early today in order to do my morning walks. So you already know that today was a complete failure. Not only that, I completely wasted the day. I didn’t do anything regarding academics. I haven’t touched anything on it ever since I got sick. And even now that I’m clear of the fever, I can’t get myself to even start. Cause I don’t know what to do.

I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. That’s all I’m gonna say about it.

I posted a new video today. Well, technically, it was today. But I started uploading the damn thing last night. But nevertheless, I posted it. It was the Weekend in the Province video. It was a bit longer than I expected. I thought I’d only have 5 minutes worth of good video. But in the edit, it turned out 14 minutes, or so. I’m not sure. It’s longer than 10 minutes. Let’s just put it at that.

I have this sort of rule whenever I edit videos. It’s not really a rule; more of a guiding sign. If the video is longer than 10 minutes, you’ve failed. This rule mainly applies for vlogs. Or at least I mainly apply it to my vlogs. Cause the attention span of the average person is only about 6 seconds.
So, not a lot.

A 3 minute video is too short, a 5–8 minute video is just right, a 10 minute video is risky. Though, you have the power to make those 10 minutes worth it, by making the edit better. If you suck at editing a video, at telling a story, telling your day if you’re a vlogger, then you’re out for the count. You failed.

I can consider myself a good editor more than a good vlogger. But only because of the current equipment that I have. I work on a 1200d Canon DSLR. So no flip monitors. Just look at the lens and hope for the best, right?

No. You also have to worry about the focus of the lens, the framing of the shot, all of that bullshit. That’s why I can’t vlog that easily. I can’t use my phone all the time, not only because of the low quality video compared with a DSLR camera, but the sheer embarrassment I always feel whenever I hold my phone out in front of me, and talk to myself in public, as if I’m a psychopathic maniac.

I can never get myself to just own it. “Just embrace the lifestyle of a vlogger”, they say. It’ll be easy as hell, they say. But not a lot of people realize the difficult-as-fuck methods we creators need to do, in order to come up with a good output for the video.

Vlogging is hard as hell, and I’m finding it hard to maintain my level of sanity. If there even is some left.

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It’s Monday today, so it’s the start of the week. But I already feel like it’s been a long week. And it’s only gonna get even longer, because there are all of these upcoming events that I have to go through. My friend Kurt, who I’ve mentioned a few times already here in the journal, is not having a birthday celebration this year, which is a first since I’ve met the dude back in ‘14.

There’s my mom’s birthday event plan happening on Thursday. And then on Saturday, another event plan. So I’m gonna be vlogging those two events when those days come. It’s gonna be one hell of a week again, and I already feel tired. Not because I don’t want to, but because I keep on worrying about the “graduation roadblock” thing that I’m clearly still trying to deal with. So it’s turning out to be difficult for my brain to even process what’s currently going on in my life.

There’s just so many things happening all at once, that I just want to focus on just one thing. If I can, I would get rid of the “graduation roadblock” problem that I have, and focus on the events. The videos. The vlogs.

Basically, my career. The thing I’ll be doing even after I’ve graduated. The ‘job’ I’ll be focusing on. The thing that’ll make me a lot of money. The things that I actually love doing.

I can’t go outside and hang around at the mall, because I feel guilty of not having done shit when it comes to the “graduation roadblock” problem.
Fuck. When is it gonna end?
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Still reading Jimmy Go by Go Puan Seng. I actually thought that I forgot it in the province. Cause I couldn’t quite recall having placed it inside my bag while I was packing up. And the annoying thing was, I started to question the reality of that situation, while I was taking a bath. So imagine me, taking a bath, and then suddenly having this wild thought of having left a book that I was reading, to a place that’s thousands of miles away from where I currently was. And that there was no way for me to go back there, because I had no mode of transportation available to me.

Plus, it was placed inside of a black…edc container. I dunno if that’s the right name for that thing. It’s basically a pencil case kind of thing, with the zipper, it’s shaped in a rectangle. Perfect for holding pocket books inside. Or books that are not that big, and not that thick.

* * *

Currently, the whole family is at the second floor. My dad just replaced an old light bulb from the staircase. Now there is light.

Now they’re cleaning up the whole place and doing all of these unnecessary shit that’s just annoying me like hell.

I’ll probably be sneezing up because of the array of dust particles now flying around the air. But who’s gonna care? Not them. Not in the slightest, until they hear me do so.

End of Entry. Bow.

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