The Inner Machinations | The Modern Hidalgo

Coffee, Hangouts, And New Ideas.
Written: Monday. November 25, 2019.

So, another week, another Monday, another journal entry for The Modern Hidalgo. I am in the influence of caffeine. Specifically, Kopiko Black Coffee.

I should probably try out the other flavors the next time around, if I’m gonna keep up the intake of caffeine.

I haven’t taken Coffee in quite a while. Actually, no. Technically, I did drink two shots of coffee when I was in that Puratos: Mall of Kitchens event. We were served these shots, which was something that the guest baker produced for the event. I took my coffee shot, which also had a smoked marshmallow with it. And I took the coffee shot that was supposed to be for my mother. She didn’t want it, so I figured, might as well. Right?

So I did that, and I, well, I can’t remember what happened that night, I wrote a chapter of “The Omnivault” that day. So there’s really no evidence that the coffee I drank took effect on me. Maybe those shots weren’t really pure coffee.

But today, I once again was able to get myself a Kopiko Black Coffee. For those who don’t live in the Philippines, Kopiko is a brand of instant coffee in a bottle, that you could easily find in your nearest convenience store. It’s also fabled to cause Heart Attacks, palpitations, all that stuff.

But that’s like a give and take, right? You risk your health for productivity. That’s how it goes. No two ways about it.

Damn, even the feel of my fingers clacking on the keys of my laptop are different. Though, maybe it’s just my uncut fingernails causing that sensation. I dunno. One of the two.

Yesterday, which was a Sunday, I didn’t really write anything new, since that’s my Cheat Day. But, I was due for re-editing the past journal entries and story chapters that were piling up in the ethos of my Medium Profile. So I finished doing that, and as I finished, I figured I could spend time fiddling with the older journal entries. And I mean, the first journal entries that I have in my profile.

See, what I do in every journal entry is that I title it as follows:

Written: Day. Month, DD, YYYY.

And then I have the Yellow Banner as my instant feature photo. Now, that’s great for being organized and all. But I feel like it’s not really eye-catching. It’s not interesting to see that everyday in my profile (this is as if I’m thinking as an audience finding one of my articles/journals/etc.)

And so commenced the start of me trying to change every single Modern Hidalgo Entry. I did the first 3 entries yesterday, and I followed it up today with the next 3 entries. So I guess 3 journal entries per day is enough.

Though I don’t know what’s gonna happen later on, once I finish writing this journal entry. Cause I might still have the energy to re-edit some of the old journal entries. I dunno, we’ll see.

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I met up with David, one of my friends, today at UST. We haven’t seen each other for quite a few weeks, mainly because he’s working now, and there were a few scheduling conflicts on my part as well. So I went and started this day, thinking that it would at least be worthwhile, or that he and I would be able to catch up on things that have been happening in our lives for the past few weeks.

But I guess things go the other way sometimes, and David totally was not present today. He was physically present, but his mind was in some place else. Now…I’m usually the person to do that to people. Not gonna lie. I zone out quite often on conversations. But today, little to no conversation actually occurred. He spent a good 20 minutes trying to fix a presentation from his work, through his laptop. I have no qualms over that, it’s work. But then, he spends another good amount of about 25 minutes talking with a friend of his over the phone. I could let that slide, seeing that it occurred while I was still eating lunch.

But then, when we were riding the LRT to get to Cubao: we were seated on the benches stuck on the walls of the train. There would’ve been a good amount of time for us to chat about stuff. Just, you know, stuff. Any kind. But he spends it browsing through his phone. Checking on reddit, imgur, I wasn’t sure. But he was pre-occupied with that the whole time we were in the LRT. And we were in the LRT for about 20–25 minutes. So that’s a lot of time.

Sure, I could’ve initiated bringing up cool topics to talk about. But he’d just give simple answers.

Now, I’m not complaining that he wanted to meet up today. But he could’ve at least been there, mentally.
I’ve said my piece. Moving on.
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There’s this new idea that I have brewing inside my mind. It’s sort of a solution to a problem that I currently have. That problem is: I haven’t been posting frequently on my Youtube Channel. There hasn’t been a video where I just talk in front of my phone’s camera, and just talk about a topic I had in mind.

So, here’s my solution to that: I’m gonna make those kinds of videos again. But this time, it’s gonna have an organized setting. Organized, but in a basic sense of “I’m just gonna give these videos a proper title, as part of a video series” kind of organized.

So, what I wanna see happen in this new series is this:
  • I’m gonna be talking about certain topics. Whatever comes to my mind, or whatever I’ve written down on a piece of paper for the episode.
  • I’m gonna post one episode per week. Hopefully.
Other things:
  • Probably gonna give each episode a 20-minute duration.
  • Probably gonna need to drink Coffee before each episode. Just so I could be more lively when I’m talking about the things that I’m talking about.
I might as well get on with planning out this new idea I have.

“The Inner Machinations of My Mind are an Enigma”
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