The Omnivault: Chapter 14.

Written: Friday. November 22, 2019.

Toby’s friends went to their homes after lunch time. Toby just lied in his bed when all of them left. Or at least, most of them did. Nobody really knew what to do with Omnius. Tom was the first to leave, since for some reason, he had to go and meetup with this girl he was texting, at the mall. June and Amanda asked Drew if he was always like that. Drew just nodded, and was the second person to leave. Amanda soon followed. June went up to Toby’s room to say that everybody else left. And then soon after, she went home as well. So Omnius got left behind.

“Where’d everybody go?” Omnius was inside of Toby’s room. June kind of just left him there before she went out. After a few seconds of silence, Omnius said, “Are you like, dead, or something?”
Toby replied under his pillows. “No.”
“Then why are you just lying there?”
“I’m resting my mind. Be quiet. My mom will hear you.”
Omnius moved to his bookshelf, but instead bumped into it, and a couple of books fell off. Omnius emitted a loud screeching noise.
“God dammit.” Toby said, tiredly. He picked up the books, “Stop yelling! They’re just books.”
“More like falling debris.” Omnius retorted. “What’s a book?”
“Oh, that’s right. I forgot that you’re dumb.” Toby opened a book up and put it on the ground for Omnius to see. “Books contain stories in them. You know what a story is? It’s like writing down what happened in your life, or in some cases, what happened in your mind.”
“I’m not following.”
“Which part? Everything I just said?”
“Oh, come on.” Omnius replied. “I’m not that stupid.”
“Just unlearned. Uncultured.” Toby said under his breath. “Alright, man. Obviously, it looks like there are a lot of things about Earth that I need to teach you in order for you to get up to speed.” Toby cracked his neck, and then his fingers. “It’s gonna be a long day.”

* * *

The next day, classes resumed. Tom and Drew came in early and talked about this new anime that aired on TV last night. Amanda was seated a few rows behind them. She was still a bit sleepy, mainly because of how late she ended up sleeping. Her parents were deeply worried and questioned her for hours as to why she didn’t go home the other day. June had a similar problem. She was scolded by her parents, yes. But she didn’t really have any leftover homework to finish. June’s the type of student who works on assignments the minute it’s given to her. The downside is that she ends up ‘sharing’ her homework with the other students. Sometimes unwillingly. June also still felt a bit sleepy, but due to her being seated next to Tom, there was little-to-no chance of her taking a quick nap before the first class begins. She looked behind and saw Amanda drooling on her armchair. Lucky girl.

A few minutes later, Toby arrived. “Morning.” he said.
“G’morning to you as well, mah dude!” Tom greeted. “So, how’re you and Ominous holding up? I bet you weren’t able to sleep easy last night, huh? What with all his hilariously stupid questions, and all.”
“Oh, Omnius and I got along real well, actually.” Toby replied.
“Wait, what?”
“Yeah, I sort of figured out what to do with the guy. I taught him how to read, how books work, and then other words in the dictionary so that he has a wider vocabulary than what he’s heard from our conversations. Then after that, I went on to other subjects. Like Math, Science, History, everything else. Oh, and I showed him how a computer works, which really helped speed things up a little. Turns out, he could manipulate how some circuits work, or something like that. I don’t really get it either. It’s like how he’s able to talk in our language. He’s controlling some kind of invisible frequency in the air, that enables him to control things like sounds, or electronics, or whatever.”
“I’m like Google now!” a muffled voice came from Toby’s backpack. It was Omnius. “Quick, ask me anything!”
“Why the hell did you bring him here?” Tom asked. “Did you forget about the two aliens looking for him?”
“He’ll be safer if he’s near us.” Toby said. “Plus, I can’t leave Omnius at my house. Can you imagine if my mom discovered a metallic pyramid — that can talk, by the way — moving about in the house? She’d freak out, and we’d lose Omnius.”
“He’s got a point, dude.” Drew said to Tom.
“Yeah, but — “
“Good morning, Class!” An unfamiliar voice came from the front of the classroom. It was a lady teacher. “Sorry I’m late. The faculty just assigned me to this classroom. Your supposed teacher, Mr. Summers, won’t be joining you. Instead, I’ll be the one to teach you today. My name is Miss Victoria.”
June raised her hand, “What happened to Mr. Summers?”
“Had a case of the flu, I’m afraid, Miss?”
“Mhmm, well, alright now. Let’s begin the lesson for today.” Miss Victoria takes a piece of chalk and starts writing on the blackboard.
June looks at Toby, “Mr. Summers has been having a lot of sick days, huh?” she proceeds to intensify her look towards him.
“I don’t — what are you doing?” Toby asks her.
“Is it just me,” Tom says, not really towards anybody, but more to himself, in general. “or is Miss Victoria lookin’ fine today?” His eyes are sort of looking downwards.
“Dude.” June says to him.
“What? I’m just saying. I mean, for a teacher, especially in this school, she kinda still has it goin’ on…know what I mean?” He looks at both Toby and Drew. Toby just shakes his head, and Drew slowly puts his gaze down towards his notebook.
“Anyway,” June dismisses whatever it was that Tom just said. She looks at Toby, “What I was trying to say was — “
“What were you trying to say,” Miss Victoria was standing right in front of her seat. “Miss Capistrano?”
June looks at Miss Victoria. Her eyes intense. “ — that there’s no Miss Victoria in this school.”
Miss Victoria’s eyes starts glowing green, “Clever Girl.”

End of Chapter.

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