The Omnivault: Chapter 15.

Written: Friday. November 29, 2019.

June stands from her chair and pushes Miss Victoria away from her. The teacher falls to the ground, and every other student in the class just looks at June in utter astonishment. June takes no time at all to assess the attention that she’s caused; starts putting her bag on, and soon after, her friends follow suit of her as she walks out of the classroom.

“Why’d you do that, June?” Toby asked her, as they all run for the nearest stairs.
“Didn’t you see the glowing eyes?” June asked. “That teacher — or whatever it is — isn’t from this world!”
“Oh, she’s definitely out of this world.” Tom says.
“Not the time, Tom!” Toby said.
“Where are we even going?” Drew asked Toby.
“You think I thought of that already?” Toby asks back. “Well, actually yeah, I have. But there’s no time to announce it while we’re running for our lives. So just follow along, and hope that Miss Victoria doesn’t — “

A sudden thundering blast comes from behind them. It sends all five of them hurtling towards the ground, by the strong force of the blast. Toby looks at his friends as he carries himself up; they are all unconscious. He looks back at the direction of the blast, and sees a figure coming out of the smoke and fire. There’s broken glass all over the ground, home works are on fire, students running for their lives, screaming. And in the middle of the corridor stands Miss Victoria, her eyes glowing immensely green.

“You children need to understand,” Miss Victoria says, “that there is no running away from this.”
“Let me guess,” Toby tries to stands up. “You’re that alien from the other night, yeah? Where’s your pal? Probably disguised as another teacher?”
“It took me quite a while to perform this transformation.” Miss Victoria replied, “It wasn’t easy, you know. The eyes are the hardest part to manage. As for my knave, Ervagh’s been searching for the orbs elsewhere.”
“What kind of a name is Ervagh?” Toby looks back, and sees that Tom has regained consciousness.
“Not the best of names. I’ll agree with you on that, child.” Miss Victoria tells him, “But enough chatter. Hand me the orbs that you possess in your haversack!”
“Or else what, Lady?” Tom rose to his feet. “You gonna seduce us to death?” He moves towards Toby, “which I kinda wanna see happen.”
“Dude,” Toby says to him, “in what way does it make you think that she’s coming on to us right now?”
“I dunno if she’s coming on to you, but I certainly feel like a vibe goin’ on between us. No offense.”
“None taken — dammit! Dude, she is in no way trying to seduce you right now. Right, Miss Victoria? I mean alien lady. I mean — “
“My name is Lady Veergha, of the Volgan Empire.” She said. “A Warrior Queen destined to rule the galaxies! I’ve conquered dozens of planets, much like this one. And I will conquer dozens more, once I’ve obtained all of the seven orbs that have scattered across the land. And when I’ve finally done that, I shall — “
“Use them to get rid of this planet’s original terra-structure, and make a new Volgan planet?” Toby said to Lady Veergha. “Yeah, yeah. We know that part already. But how are you gonna do that if this thing isn’t even capable of learning new things on its own?”
“Wait, what?” Lady Veergha looks at Toby. “What do you mean, boy?”

Toby opens his bag, and shows Omnius to Lady Veergha. Drew and the two girls slowly regain their consciousness, trying to make sense of what’s happening. Tom looks at Toby questioningly. Toby holds Omnius up with two hands. “We’ve had this thing for a couple of days now. There were two of them, but now it’s just one big pyramid who knows how to talk like us, but that’s about it! It isn’t super-advanced, or super-smart. It hasn’t done anything but annoy me with it’s stupid questions. Like how to solve a rubix cube, or what is a rubix cube. It can’t even differentiate the colors that are on the rubix cube! This thing is a joke! So what ‘terra-forming the world’ nonsense are you talking about, Lady?”
“I…” Lady Veergha looks at Toby, and at the pyramid. “I don’t…you’re lying!” Her left hand starts to glow red.
“Don’t wanna believe me? Here you go.” Toby throws Omnius towards her. “You deal with that thing.”
Drew takes June’s glasses, which he noticed she was trying to find, somewhere on the ground, and gives it to her. The three of them stand up. June puts her glasses on, and sees what’s happening. “Toby, what’s going on?”
“He handed over Omnius.” Amanda says.
June looks at Toby, “You said you were able to teach him things yesterday!”
“Of course that was a lie!” Toby replied to her. “He never even got passed the Google Search Tab.” Toby looks at Lady Veergha, “What happens now, huh? You’re gonna let us go, right?”
“Oh, not quite.” Lady Veergha replies. “First, I’m going to activate the orb. Once I do, I will use the orb’s powers against you. And then, I shall — what is wrong with this thing?” She looks at Omnius, trying to tap all sides of the pyramid. Yet, nothing is happening. “Something should be happening to it by now. Like going back to being an orb. Why can’t I — “ She tries to twist and turn the pyramid, only to arrive at the same result. “What have you done with the orb? It’s not doing anything!”
“That’s what my friend’s been trying to tell you!” Omnius says to her. Lady Veergha is stunned, and drops Omnius on the ground. “Ow! What did you do that for?”
“How is that thing speaking?” Lady Veergha points at Omnius, who is still emitting grunting sounds because of the drop. “Tell me what you’ve done to it! Now!”
“What the hell, Lady?” Toby says, “Shouldn’t you be the one who knows why Omnius can talk?”
“What is this Omnius that you speak of?” Lady Veergha asks him. “You Terrans are not making sense to me!”
“Omnius!” Toby points at him. “The pyramid! Used to be a metal ball and a metal disc. Now, is a metal pyramid who can talk, but doesn’t know anything else! Anything else! That Omnius!”
He sees no recognition from Lady Veergha’s eyes. “You confuse me, boy.”
Toby slaps his hand across his face, “Is every alien we meet gonna be this stupid!”

End of Chapter.

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