There’s a New Voltes V? | The Modern Hidalgo

Blacking out, Daily Uploads, and shitty Premiere Pro 2015.
Written: Saturday. January 4, 2020.

I just woke up from a long blackout. Not because I was drunk or anything. I guess it’s because I’ve been editing videos for four straight days on my Youtube Channel.

Why am I doing this? I dunno. I think it’s an accidental new year’s resolution that I brought upon myself this year, 2020.
*I’m listening to a funky hiphop radio video rather than the usual lofi hiphop that I listen to. I thought it would help boost up the writing mojo. It’s not. So I’m gonna switch right now.*

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I’m glad that I didn’t go back to the province to celebrate my grandmother’s birthday. Luckily my dad didn’t insist on all of us in the family to go and travel with him just to visit our grandmother. I’ve been getting sick and tired of travelling too much, that I just wanna settle here in the house. Weird, cause I would’ve easily went and joined them if it meant getting out of this house…a few months ago.

Now, I’m sort of the opposite of how I feel when it comes to both situations. I now like being in the confines of the four walls of my house, and dislike going out to far away places in the country.

There’s a factor in this that also might involve my brain wanting to be able to post a video within today(January 4).

Remember in the last entry, when I said that I might not be able to post daily anymore, after two videos in? Well, I kinda found a way to make it still work: I posted the second video of the year on a midnight. So that video serves the whole day(January 2). I was able to record a video for the third day, but didn’t post it before January 3. But, since it was still technically a new day within the 24 hours of January 3, I decided that I could still post a video on that day. And the same logic applied for today, as well.

What I’m saying here is this: I’m not limiting myself to a midnight upload anymore. As long as I post something each day, I’m good to go.

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What made today quite exhausting was because of the fact that I had to uninstall the old Adobe Premiere Pro 2015, in favor of the 2017 edition.

That took a lot of time from the day, and I was able to post a 1 minute-plus video on my channel within 5 or 6 pm.

And then right after, I went to bed, and immediately fell into a deep slumber.

You kind of know that it was a deep slumber, because as you wake up, you realize that you’ve experienced several dreams while you were asleep. That doesn’t happen to me on fast naps. I slept until 9:20 pm.

And now I’ve got all of this energy to write a journal entry. Hence, bla bla bla.

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I think another factor as to why my body fell into deep sleep was because, not only did I exercise awhile ago, I also did…2 or 3 jack & jill sessions. If you understood that, move on.

I have to stop doing that to myself, or at least limit the sessions to at least once per day; or none at all. That’s probably not gonna happen, but here’s to hoping that it does.
“So it is written, so it shall be done”, as they say.

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I almost forgot that I spent a good amount of time trying to clean up several old boxes of antique stuff that was just cooped up in our closet.

I was able to find a piggy bank(bear bank, since it looked like a bear instead of a pig) filled with old coins. Most were from our country, and some were American. There was a Japanese coin. At least I think it was Japanese, since they’re the most recent people to have invaded the Philippines.

imagine this, but red.

I also saw a fake Bakugan toy that I bought back in High School. Those things were the rage back then. I wonder if they still make’em these days.

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You know what else I found out today? GMA is making a live action Voltes V series, called Voltes V Legacy.

I’m probably gonna start writing out prompts for that teaser trailer they uploaded last December 31st. The video is sort of hard to believe, given that GMA isn’t really the best producer of Teleseryes in the Philippines. I’m more of an ABS_CBN watcher, myself.

But the video does give us a brief look into what looks like a live-action version of Voltes V. The titular Super-Robot seems to have been given a more Pacific Rim-type of look into his new design. With more shapes to the arms and legs, rather than the box-type dull look of the original, which doesn’t at all look possible to make any of the super-moves it does in the anime series.

This sleeker version of the Super Electromagnetic Machine gives a more dynamic look to Voltes V. It looks more realistic. The animation of the teaser trailer seems fine. I’m just not sold to the fact that GMA is the one that’s helming this project. I just — I need to see a full-trailer first, with the live action cast, what they look like combined with the obvious CGI scenes with the Super-Robots, all that shit. Only then will I give my final verdict.

And then, of course, they also have to do a good job with the story. I don’t want a too much dramatized version of this series. I just want to see these giant-ass super-robots fight each other out, in CGI.

I’m just really not sold to the idea that GMA was hiding this project from the people, and just so happened to be able to get ready to post a teaser for this massive series.

I didn’t even think that Filipinos had the right to adapt this old anime series, even though we clearly have a strong connection to it, because of the show being banned from TV that one time in Filipino History…

Other than that, I’m curious, but not invested.
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