The Start of the New Year 2020 | The Modern Hidalgo

Abstract Ideas, Random Stories, and a whole lot of catching up.
Written: Thursday. January 2, 2020.

Another year has come! It is now the year 2020. A start of a new decade. A new beginning.
Once again, it’s been awhile since I’ve written one of these journal entries. It’s also been a while since the last time I recorded a video for my Youtube Channel. I haven’t talked to the camera in quite a while now, so while I was recording for this one video that I’ll be making, I was stuttering a lot than usual. And I mean, it was really bad.

If I was a newscaster, people would laugh at me cause I’d be stuttering the whole time. And the news goes LIVE! Can you imagine?

I don’t talk a lot at home. That’s why it’s hard for me to speak. I also feel like my absence of writing these journal entries also caused me to wander off whenever I’m trying to figure out what I want to say. Like, in my head, I don’t even know what I wanna say at the moment, which only adds to the mess I was making when I was recording awhile ago.

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I had this idea in my head, before 2020 came, that I would upload videos on my Youtube Channel every single day. I guess that won’t happen anymore, cause I couldn’t think of anything that’s worth posting today. Or I’m limited by the equipment that I have.

Let me explain: I’m planning on buying a Canon IXUS 185(once I have the money) even though I already have two DSLR Canon Cameras in my arsenal. The reason being is that I think the Digital Camera size of the Canon IXUS 185 would be a greater advantage than the size of a regular DSLR camera.

When we went to the Province for our Christmas Vacation, the only thing I could think about was:

“I fucking hate bringing this Canon 1200d with me all the time. I hate putting it inside my bag. I hate that I need to bring two bags, and one of them is dedicated for the Canon 1200d that I have. I want a fucking Digital Camera. Right. Fucking. Now. It doesn’t matter if it’s always on auto, I already shoot my videos on auto ISO, so what’s the point of the manual shit if it only means more work for when I record my videos. My DSLR doesn’t have auto-focus, so buying a digital camera like the Canon IXUS 185(which is always on auto-focus) would be a good investment. And it’s not even just for me anymore. My parents need to have Digital Cameras with them as well. They don’t have the mental capacity to learn how to use DSLR cameras anymore. And I’m not saying that just because they’re old, but because of the fact that they’re…old. They can’t process stuff quickly anymore in their minds because that’s how the human brain works. It deteriorates as we grow old. That’s why people forget stuff when they get old. And that’s why they need to be using the Canon IXUS 185. Because it’s the easy solution in order for them to record videos.”

Those were the only thing I was thinking about while I was on vacation.

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Today, I went to Fishermall to check on some books. I found the third book for the Tyrnants and Kings Trilogy of John Marco, The Saints of the Sword. It’s the third book, so I didn’t buy it, because I only had the first book(Jackal of Nar), and couldn’t find the second book(Grand Design).

an example of what it would look like if I already had all of the three books.

So, I just wasted my time. But it was about time that I ventured outside of my house. I’ve been stuck at home, unless if ever we’re going to see relatives, or go to a place, or see an event, etc.

And I’m getting fat. It’s getting scary. My belly is getting huge. I need to start walking again in the morning, so that I could reduce the size of my belly.

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Other things I was thinking about while we were travelling to the province and back: What am I gonna do once I’ve bought myself the Canon IXUS 185. I came up with a few things.
  • Make a No-Cut Video.
  • Make a Video until the battery runs out.
  • Make a video until the memory card is full.
  • Make a video using only pictures, until the memory card is full.
  • Make a video using only pictures, until the batteries run out.
  • Make a stop motion video.
  • Make a Where’s Waldo parody video, where I hide myself in a picture, and reveal myself using the zoom-in feature.

Those were the video ideas that I came up with, on the bus, while we were on our way home.

I also came up with a new idea for a potential project. (As if I don’t already have enough ideas in my head to work on right now).

The idea is called the Book Banking Project.

It’s basically what the title indicates: It’s a banking system, but for books.
  • Deposit books you want to sell/auction to other readers.
  • Withdraw books you want to buy from other readers.
  • Propose a Trade of books with other readers.

Book accounts gain interest in the form of surprise packages that would be deposited in their book bank accounts, which they could then easily withdraw in order to enjoy reading.

The Purpose is simply this: To connect with other Book Readers like you, near you.

This project would probably only work if you own a large studio, and you have a spare storage room to put all of the book accounts in. People can’t go in and out of the “book bank”, much like how a money-bank works. They get to look at a book-directory where all the book-accounts are cataloged. You then simply have to place your requested book.

It’s full-proof.

You people are free to take this idea project from me. I just want to see some version of this to exist in the real world. Cause this is what the book industry is lacking right now.

Make it happen, people!

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