Some Catching Up To Do | The Modern Hidalgo

What I’ve been doing; Why I’ve been away; and also a new idea.
Written: Monday. December 23, 2019.

I have the urge to say “It’s been a while”, since it literally has been a while since I’ve written one of these.

Let me get some things out of the way. Some key moments or events or whatever, that happened while I didn’t write anything.
  • I made a new channel. It’s called “Enjoying Life’s Mundane Obstacles”, or simply an abbreviation of sorts for “ELMO”. This channel is an experiment of mine. To see if I could manage a separate account, wherein all the things I post there are purely just to gain some views(and then maybe a few moolah); because the videos that I’m putting out there have little to no purpose, but to entertain and adhere to a general audience. And, I guess it’s also a way for me to exercise my editing skills.
  • I haven’t been doing that much videos concerning the actual video ideas that I have in plan for my channel. Videos such as Inner Machinations (the unscripted, rumination of the mind-kind of video series that I’m planning on making — maybe in 2020). I’ve been doing more of the travel videos. I recently posted three videos regarding our travels to The Desert Museum, City of Dreams, and then back to Mall of Asia, where we then watched the Grand Festival of Lights Parade.

  • The Sky Fiber cable finally arrived yesterday morning. I’ve been procrastinating ever since. Except for what’s happening now, as I’m writing this journal entry. We’ve been running on PLDT Home Plan ever since we moved here in Sampaloc, Manila.
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*My mind literally just conceived of a new idea.*

So, there’s this friend of mine; his name is Lherry. This idea sort of came from him. And it’s kind of been a year since the conversation happened. But as of right now, I think my mind found a way to make that conversation into an idea. Lherry suggested to me that I should record a video EVERYDAY, and then compile those recordings into one video. Sort of like a Supercut of my whole year.

So, I’m not gonna do exactly that. Instead, I could it like this: record key moments of your day, and then turn edit it out into a 1 minute video, and then post it on Youtube. It’s kind of like daily vlogging(which is sort of a major goal that I’ve been trying to reach for a while for my channel), but it’s simpler.

Daily Vloggingfor the lack of a clear-cut definition of the actual phrase — is documenting your life every single day, through an 8–10 minute video.

This new idea of mine would be similar, but I’m only giving myself the range of one minute per video. I don’t know what it would do for the channel. But I’m honestly just kind of interested to see if I could manage to post even just a 1-minute video, every single day.

The challenge starts January 1st.

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Where was I?

Ah, yes. I’ve still been writing chapters for “The Omnivault”. It’s sort of the only consistent thing so far that I’ve done in the past few days.

It’s getting harder and harder for me to come up with something good for the story. Because every time a chapter comes along, I have to come up with a new part of the existing story. And when that chapter is written, new parts of the story now exist. So I then have to also worry about consistency for what’s already been written. I have to figure out where the story should go, or where it’s headed towards. But, so far, I feel like every time I’m writing a new chapter for The Omnivault, I’ve been free-styling my way into the story.

Like, I’m just allowing myself to write stuff as to how I feel, at the moment, would be a good addition to the overall plot.

I feel like I’m just writing jibber-jabber right now; giving myself excuses about my year-long story. So I’m gonna stop right now.

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Tomorrow, we’ll be travelling to the Provinces again. So I’ll be away again. Probably won’t have the time to write some journal entries. Although, I would have more time to read. I haven’t been reading as much for the last few days. It’s also because I don’t find what I’m currently reading(20,000 Leagues Under The Sea by Jules Verne) quite a good read. He’s too verbose. Too much narration is going on. A lot of antiquated ways on writing a novel. Mainly, it’s just the same issues I’ve had for the previous books that I’ve read, that are from 1980’s or earlier than that.

I guess those are the cons one would always face when it comes to reading older books. Come to think of it, I haven’t read a modern book in quite a while now. Probably need to rethink my To-Be-Read Chronology List.

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I can now also play League of Legends on my Laptop. Which is cool. It’s like, the day has finally come, my friends. I can finally enjoy playing this game privately, where no one can disturb me while I’m playing it. No one but the infrequent internet connection, since I’m only running this Laptop on Wifi.

I could always just play on my phone. But playing League is something else. Mobile Legends is easy. League is well balanced…well, for the most part. The players aren’t synonymous to the actual game itself.

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I’m stretching the journal entry at this point.

Still thinking about that new idea that just popped into my head as I’m writing this journal.

Most of my ideas come from when I’m taking a bath(which I didn’t take today).

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I just got word from my dad that we would be the only ones who’ll be travelling tomorrow for the holidays.

It’s gonna be interesting; I’ll put it at that.

I haven’t even packed my stuff yet. Still have to clean the goop off this laptop, cause this thing is leaking no matter what I try to do. It’s days are numbered.

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