A Mantra I’ll be practicing | The Modern Hidalgo

“Don’t focus on getting from 0 to 100 real quick. Focus on getting to 10 first, then 20, then 30, then so on.”
Written: Wednesday. February 26, 2020.

We’re nearing the end of the first season of this journal. Only about 15 more entries after this one. Then it’s gonna take on a different name: Inner Machinations.

I dunno what’ll be different about it, yet. I just know that the new title will suit it better, cause these journal’s are exactly what the title entails. The inner machinations of my mind. Like the Patrick Star quote. Though they are not in any way enigmatic.

It’s been a couple of long days since I’ve done another one of these. I’ve been mostly caught up doing some collaborative writing with my pal Kurt for the past few weeks. Especially this month of February, we’ve been mainly focused on writing down this script that we’ll be auditioning for a film competition. If we get approved, we’ll be given the resources needed in order to make the full length film possible. I’m gonna have a writing session again by tomorrow.

Right now, though, I’ve been back inside my study. My home, my place of normality. It’s a balance, I guess. I’ve been away for days from this house of ours, that it literally takes a day or two to adjust.

A few days ago, starting Thursday, I went to my friend’s condo so that we could get picked up by his parents, for another Batangas mini-vacation trip. This time, I let my parents know that I was going. It’s sort of nice to finally have my life by the balls, and be able to do what I want with it without people telling me otherwise.

The Batangas trip was just like before, only that we were joined by another good common friend of Kurt and I, Jimmylee. But he’s called Mee-lay, phonetically. Cause Jimmylee’s too formal, I guess. Sometimes, you’d hear “Lay-melaine”. His name’s just too unusual, so let’s leave it at that.

We also had to write while we were there, me and Kurt. We needed to get the script done so that we could pass it to this director who seems to actually be someone who’s well-known already, named Joey Reyes. I personally don’t know who he is, or know what he’s done in the past. But my friend Kurt seems to know him very well, and trusts him enough to give good feedback for our script before we pass it along to Cinema One.

He gave out his feedback awhile ago, to which Kurt told me on the phone. But I don’t do well in phone conversations, so I told him we’d discuss it tomorrow once I get there. Plus, the signal was “choppy”, and I couldn’t understand much of what he said, so…

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I got back into working out. I read this self-help quote thing online the other day, subconsciously, but it stuck inside my head anyways. It goes like this:
“Don’t focus on getting from 0 to 100 real quick. Focus on getting to 10 first, then 20, then 30, then so on.”
Or something like that. Do you get it? I get it. It’s like saying you can’t expect yourself to run 10 miles if you’ve never ran prior to whatever marathon you’ve attended. You can’t read a book in a day if you’ve never tried reading one for more than 5 hours(though I don’t recommend this. I recommend setting a 30-minute timer so that you could maximize your time and not be over-bloated by what you’re currently reading as well. Also, my examples are kind of shitty, so actually disregard whatever analogy I said prior. If you understand the quote, then good for you. If you didn’t, here’s me trying to explain it.)

It’s like if you’re beginning to work out, you can’t expect to do 50 push ups in one try. You gotta focus on getting the first 10 push ups first. Once you’ve done 10, you’re exhausted. But that’s okay, cause there’s always tomorrow. And once you’re okay with doing 10 more, you do 20 in each set. Then eventually, you get to the goal of 50 push ups in one set.

I hope that fucking did it for the explanation.

I’m not pushing myself to get back to doing 25 reps, cause that was my regular rep back when I was consistent in my work out sessions. Now that I’ve slacked off, I can’t expect myself to fulfill the 25, without getting myself hurt. I do 10 reps for now, until I know that my arms and body could take on more.

Damn, I should’ve went with that one first…

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I’m still reading Color of Magic by Terry Pratchet. It’s still the most crazy thing I’ve read, or still reading, so far. It’s too rapid. The things that are happening are too random. There’s too many parodies of pop culture stuff or mythological stuff or random jokes, that I’m really finding it hard to read that damn book.

My mom and I recently went to the Big Bad Wolf event. It’s like a large book fair event that lasted for 10 days STRAIGHT. It was 24 hours. Hence the all-caps of it all.

I bought the following: Madness by Roald Dahl, The Rise of Io by Wesley Chu, and The Tetris Effect by Dan Ackerman.

I’m reading The Tetris Effect as well while I’m still not finished with Color of Magic. It’s such a damn good book to read. It’s not like any other book I’ve bought so far (technically my mom bough it, but you get the point). It’s like a documentary piece or something. On paper, it would be a reference book.

But the thing about this book is this: It’s written like a fucking Novel. It’s written in such a way that you’re kind of reading sci-fi, if you think hard enough that Tetris is like an ansible (meaning, a futuristic, high-tech, thingamajig you’d normally see in sci-fi novels). It also reads like a Robert Ludlum novel (although don’t take my word for it, cause I’ve only read The Bourne Identity and disliked reading it cause I thought it was too strong a read — I was still getting started on the whole read-a-thon train that I’m now in, so there’s that too. Bottom line, don’t trust me when I say that it reads like Robert Ludlum. Maybe. I dunno. He’s the only dude that comes to mind. Maybe some Tom Clancy or Clive Cussler, but I haven’t read them yet.)


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