Plotting out my story on the spot | The Modern Hidalgo

as caused by caffeine in the bloodstream.
Written: Monday. February 10, 2020.

I dunno what to write. I just felt like writing today, because I’ve forgotten about it for the past few days.

I’ve been busy too. I met up with my friend Kurt the other day. Just a hang out, which turned into a very productive night, cause we ended up plotting out a screenplay that we’ll be passing by the end of the month. It’s gonna be for a full-length film, which is something we haven’t done before.

I don’t know if it’s productive on my part, cause that had nothing to do with my personal shit. It was more of a collaborative project, I guess. Not a lot of those are going on in my life, really. I’ve been focusing more on my self. Not lately, because I’ve been doing that quite a long while now. But really more focused than usual.

When it comes to my writing sessions, I’m getting overwhelmed by the state that I’m in. I’m nearing my 26th Chapter for The Omnivault, which is the midpoint of the story, or the year, since I’m only gonna write this story for a year. And it’s only been half of a year, and it’s getting really difficult to write something down.

Here’s my theory on that. I observed this just last night while I was intoxicated by Kopiko Iced Blanca(they didn’t have Black Coffee, so I chose a different flavor. Which was eye-opening. I think I like Blanca more than Black Coffee now). I think the reason as to why I’m having a hard time writing more chapters to this story is because I’ve started to write it for the sake of following a plot or path or whatever lore I wrote down that would potentially help me with writing this story down.

The lore does help, don’t get that wrong. But it also kind of keeps me from straying away too much to where the story wants to be. Sometimes, I believe in this idea that writers are never really in control of what they end up writing. The stories shift constantly in our heads. It’s either we choose this for our characters, or that. But sometimes, the characters and the story sort of lends itself to me.

It’s like I’m just a vessel for the words to come out of me. It’s like that one quote that I heard of, “It’s not my fault that the voices speak to me.” Which symbolizes this illusion of control within the writer’s mind. We are not truly in control of what we write about. The stories are too powerful, that’s why they want to get out of our heads and into reality.

At least, that’s one theory to think about when understanding writing. One theory that I believe in, sometimes.

But having said that, I think a lot of people would disagree on that theory. People would definitely point out that as much as we would want to believe that the characters in our heads are in control of us, we are much more powerful than them, and we are in control of their fate.
Either way is food for thought. I’m just happy to be a writer.
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Going back to The Omnivault problems, here’s my epiphany: The Omnivault is a prequel. I’m writing a prequel to a grander story.

This is like the Hobbit, the story that takes place before the Lord of the Rings. The Omnivault is a prequel to my Lord of the Rings. It’s not gonna be called Lord of the Rings, obviously. It’s gonna be whatever I come up with.

But here’s what I know for sure. The Omnivault isn’t the real story that I want to write about. It’s just the setup for the main series of books that I’ll be writing about in the future.

Or this is just me denying the fact that I’ve already screwed this story up so much, that it’s too late to turn back, and just say “Fuck it.” with this story, and get it finished as much as possible, and not worry if it’ll be good or not. Cause it’s not the main story in the first place.

It’s like every prequel to a series. It’s the First Class of the X-Men Franchise. The Fantastic Beasts of Harry Potter. Episodes 1–3 of Star Wars. Bumblebee of Transformers. The Gotham Series to the Batman Story. Every other Prequel out there in the world.

But is it considered a prequel if it actually was written first? The story I’m writing about is too complicated anyway. It might even be a sequel for the actual reality of this story.

It doesn’t make sense to you, but I don’t care. I’ll write it down, so if you’re interested, go look up The Omnivault on my account, and start fucking reading.

So here goes: The story so far is showing me the potential that it might actually be the second time around that the following events of The Omnivault have taken place. The main character of the story has been seeing visions of a past life for almost three years now, but he doesn’t know it yet. And I could make him find that out in the chapters to come.

These visions are the first reality. The failed reality of this universe. And the story that I’m currently writing is the second reality, which will ultimately still lead to a failed attempt on saving the universe(and the plot). So last night, while my mind was intoxicated by caffeine, I was able to give The Omnivault a solution. Or at least give myself a solution on how to not worry about how this story ends.

Because this second reality will fail, it will open up a new reality. A third potential, not just for the story or plot, but it also works for the kind of story that I’m writing about.

The story so far is already screwed. Everything’s fucked up. The first reality was wrong to make the main character the one to remember(I was wrong to make him be the one to remember). So the second reality will see to it that another character from the story will remember the third time around.

It’ll all make sense in a couple of years. God willing.

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