I should read more Stephen King | The Modern Hidalgo

and watch more Horror.
Written: Wednesday. March 25, 2020.

It’s been another long while since I’ve written one of these, mainly because I don’t know what to write about anymore in these entries other than what’s new or simply update whoever reads this about my life, and the things that go along that subject.

The first time I really got into doing these journal entries was back in 2017 or something like that. It was sort of unlocked because of my emotional imbalance within those times. I was vulnerable, just to add. And it lead to an array of entries that were written in some cheap notebook.

I didn’t want to write in that notebook anymore, Seemed only appropriate, cause it felt like that chapter in my life was finished, and I’ve already moved on to a different chapter, so I started writing on these small colored paper note-thingys that I bought a while back, maybe 2 years ago, now. Or just a year ago. Not much for details.

So when that chapter was done, I decided to move to a digital format, and here I am. Writing on my Evernote account on my laptop, cause MS Word isn’t meant for making stories.

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I’m also currently downstairs. My laptop is literally in my lap right now. I don’t do this often. But since our room feels like a sauna during the midpoint of everyday within this time of March (which kinda already started late February), I can’t stand being in there. We both couldn’t, my brother and I. So we spend the day down in the living room. Which is also the dining room, and where the sink would be, just next to the dirty kitchen, and the stair leading up to the second floor. We have a small house, is what I’m saying.

I’m currently reading The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, and Carrie by Stephen King. Yes. I read two books at a time now. I’ve reached a point where I’m able to do that. 2 years of training, I guess.

I’m taking my time when it comes to reading Carrie. Only having to read it during the late hours of the night. Sometimes, like last night, during the Wee Hours. It’s a very good book. I was hooked the moment I started reading it, cause it reminded me so much of whenever I read Ordinary World.

It’s this unfiltered, uncensored, eerie-feeling text gathered up together, forming a story you’d rarely hear people tell in real life, cause it’s so challenging to merely listen to one of these stories for the way it’s told. For the particularly dark details you get to imagine once you’ve heard it be said.

I’m seeing a strange pattern growing with the books I find interesting. Ordinary World is one of my top 5 favorite books to read. It may honestly be the top 1, or either already has a permanent place in the list. Battle Royale is quite gruesome as well, for its themes and setting. Ender’s Game is middle-ground. For those who haven’t read it and have only seen the movie, you should know that it’s not for kids. Despite having children as the main characters, the story it provides is clearly an another direction. It’s heavy, I’ll put it at that. And the average child won’t understand this. If one does, then that child is warped.

And now, there’s Carrie. Here’s me telling myself that I should’ve started reading more of King years ago. I bought 11/22/63 back when I was in High School. Didn’t really appreciate it for my age back then. And I haven’t bought any other King book ever since. Excluding Carrie.

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This liking for stories of the disturbing and unsettling kind may be the cause of early exposure to The Twilight Zone. I was introduced to it by my father back in High School, and now, I’m almost one season away from finishing all of the Twilight Zone episodes in the original series.

I’ve grown a liking to the genre. A twist in my overall existence in this world, that I never saw or would have predicted could happen. But here we are. I never liked watching Horror movies. Deprived myself of going through any of them. And now I feel like I’m rebelling from that mindset.

I wanna read all of King’s books. Watch all of the famous Horror movies. Listen to a lot of podcasts that talk about strange things happening in the dark.

Speaking of Podcasts, I’m currently listening to Creep Silog. It’s a Filipino-hosted podcast that talks about famous serial killers, folklores, all that shit.

I’ve been interested in doing a podcast since last year, but I’ve never done it yet. Properly. Cause I have been doing it, kind of, with my phone’s sound recorder. I’ve been recording myself speak, cause I wanted to get better in speaking in English. And in general.

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Don’t really know what to talk about anymore. Trainspotting and its sequel. That’s something to talk about.

I liked it. It was a different kind of movie. I hate that the girl Mark met in the bar wasn’t much of a major character in the sequel. Instead, they had to introduce a fresher actress. Believe me when I say that the girl from the first movie barely aged a day since then. She looked good after all those years. It blows my mind just thinking about it. But they didn’t revisit that as much, at all, in the second movie. I was disappointed. Like, it’s unfair, even.

They could’ve made her have more presence in the sequel, and have Mark try to rekindle their relationship as much as he could. But no, they made him settle for a younger character… it’s sad. Mark and the first girl (can’t remember her name, cause details) had good chemistry. The second one… I didn’t feel it anywhere. She was a vanilla character. The flavor is just there, and just serves as a placement for… something. I dunno. They screwed up that part of the story, but the rest is A-okay.

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