The Sonic Movie was actually good | The Modern Hidalgo

I’m surprised.
Written: Tuesday. March 10, 2020.

It is fucking hot in the Philippines right now. More than usual. The cold days are over for now. The summer heat is here and it’s fucking blazing. Almost to a point where it makes it difficult for me to actually get shit done, or workout, or whatever. Cause fuck, this climate is intensely tilting my sanity.

I honestly don’t know what to write about right now. I went in this thinking that I might be able to get something done. But based on the things I’ve done the past few days, nothing much has changed.

My friend Kurt and I haven’t been writing with each other for two weeks now. And a third week of not doing collaborative writing is in effect, cause Manila is at a “no school for a week” hiatus due to the NCoV situation going on. I have nothing to say about it, other than I’m fed up with hearing about this virus already. It’s been two months of this, and it’s probably not gonna leave any time soon. Probably in September though… Other than that, I have no words for it. No comment.

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I’ve finished watching Altered Carbon Season 2. It was a good season, but I prefer the first season. I dunno, this season kind of wasn’t a cohesive story this time around compared to the first season. The first season had a more grounded approach. Season 2 was all over the place, which wasn’t really good, in my opinion. But that doesn’t mean that there weren’t any good parts in the season. Anthony Mackie as Takeshi Kovacs was sort of a hard shift to get by. He didn’t quite fit his sleeve. See what I did there?

Plus, the fact that we get two versions of Takeshi Kovacs in this season is what made him sort of out of the picture by the second half of the story. We get to see the original sleeve of Tak, his Asian sleeve. I dunno the name of the actor that plays the younger version of Takeshi, but he’s hella good to watch once he comes into play in this season.

I love how they chose to make him side with the good guys. It’s like the inevitability of a person’s core spirit and values cannot be triumphed over by other people’s ideals of who you can be. I didn’t know that I had that thought over this season until I wrote it down just now. Wow. Whatta yah know…

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Also watched Sonic The Hedgehog yesterday. It was fine, I expected more, but I guess I’ll get that in the sequel. Cause there will be a sequel, I’m sure that the franchise will find its way to get the funds to make more sequels. And I honestly want to see it. The first movie just wasn’t enough, but in a good way.

I wanna see more of Jim Carrey’s Doctor Robotnik. Love that guy. I also like Ben Schwartz’s voice for Sonic. Not so much for the comedy they did. But then again, this movie is made primarily for kids. Though that doesn’t mean they didn’t think of the adults who would watch this movie for Nostalgia. There were a couple of moments in the movie that older audiences would appreciate.

You know what’s weird? I don’t like the main Sonic games. The originals, I mean. I never got around to playing those and finishing them. But I did love playing this one Sonic game that was for PC. I can’t remember the name. But it was in 3D (as in the kind of 3D animation you’d see in the past, but still quite mind-blowing back then), and you get to unlock the Robo-Sonic, and Robo-Eggman, and the Saiyan-Sonic. Good times.

Also the PSP games, I really enjoyed playing those back when my brother had a PSP. I think it was one of the only games I actually played in the PSP, cause my bro didn’t like me using his stuff. Different story.

But now, my smartphone could play any PSP game that I want. I just need a good bluetooth controller so that I could actually enjoy playing them, rather than use touchscreen.

Speaking of which, I just downloaded a bunch of NES games for my Laptop. I have an emulator installed here, and I could play the shit out of these games with ease. Retro-gaming is dying, is what I’m trying to tell you people. We need to preserve that shit. Nintendo, Sega, Atari, etc. They need to be saved. Amen.

What else? I found out that the NES had the first 3 Final Fantasy games. That’s right, the first 3. Final Fantasy 3 was never made for American audiences. But that never stopped me from finding an English Rom for the damn thing.

All this time, I thought the third FF game came later on in the timeline with the NDS version. But oh was I stupid and blind. Now the franchise makes sense to me.

NES had the first 3 games,

SNES had 4–5–6,

PS had 7–8–9,

PS2 had 10 & 12,

11 was Online,

13 was for PS3,

14 was Online,

and 15 was for PS4.

And I’ve finished none of them. Bite me.

I’m gonna emphasize this right now, I’m an average gamer. I’ve had my fair share of the content since I was a child. But as much as what I’ve played and finished, it doesn’t compare to the experts of the world. Not even close. I got stuck in the Gameboy Advance stage of gaming, cause we were never given the NDS and the 3DS. And again, my brother was the only one of us that got the chance to live the PSP days authentically. I have to play it on an emulator, which is only half the real fun.

But I am trying to get myself to play more of the older games. There’s the bunch of NES games that I just downloaded this morning. Here’s to playing some OG Megaman, Kirby, Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Castlevania, and Final Fantasy.

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