Questions from the past | The Modern Hidalgo

to my future self.
Written: Thursday. April 30, 2020.

Another day where the wheel spins and lands on “Journal Entry”, which is the only reason as to why I’d write more of these things.
I’m at a point where I don’t know what this thing is providing me anymore. I don’t know its purpose. I don’t know if doing more of these is actually bringing a good effect to my writing or sanity. It’s like if you’ve been doing therapy for so long, and still don’t exactly know what’s up with your brain. I still don’t know what I’m trying to find out about my way of thinking.

I’ve been fixing a few of my older entries recently. And it’s such a different time as to what’s happening now. There’d be some entries where I wrote about what was bothering me at the time. And it’s so petty. It sounds so petty hearing my past self and my past worries or problems — which later on, became nothing, or was resolved already, in such a simple fashion. Maybe that’s the point of this journal. To see where I’ve been. The footprints I’ve left behind. To know that the things I’m doing now will someday be an entry in this on-going journal. And that a future version of myself is looking at this now, thinking of the exact same thing. Wondering why I was so caught up with the things I’m caught up in right now as I’m writing this.

Here’s a message I would like to tell to my future self:

First off, is the quarantine gone? Is it better there? Have we survived? How many years did it take for you to finish reading all of the Wheel of Time books? Have you written and published a novel yet? Have you written your second novel? I’m listening to the Interstellar Main Theme Soundtrack by Hans Zimmer by the way. Which is probably why you’re thinking like this. It adds to the moment. And… your laptop is being an idiot, crashing quite a bit for like a few milliseconds before it returns to its natural state.

You’re still in the process of world-building for that Epic Fantasy series you’re hoping to write about. You’ve been reading a lot when it comes to Philippine Mythology, which is logical, cause that’s what you’re Epic Fantasy story is gonna be based on. And it’s also just as timely that you’re reading Wheel of Time right now. Don’t forget to read the Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson — does he get to finish the series completely? Or manages to catch the same fate as Robert Jordan, where he passes away right before the last book. And who’s taken his place in finishing that series? Is it Daniel Greene (Though I’d hope there’ll be someone better)? I know it’s morbid to think this way, but you know me (since you are me), that we both think this way. It’s just how it goes for us.

Also, maybe read The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit before being able to read your next Epic Fantasy series, just to, you know, have a good reference, since Tolkien is the Great Influencer of most other Fantasy that came after him. Never Read from Goodkind. Never stoop to that level. He bad.

One thing I’d hope for you to be able to do is to be able to publish that Epic Fantasy of yours under Tor Publishing. It’s a bold prediction. But since it’s been written, so it shall be done… or hopefully be done. Can you imagine just being able to actually land a spot with Tor? Your name and credit would definitely be raised a hundred times from the name and credit that you have right now as you wrote this.

Don’t forget to read as many Stephen King novels as you can. Maybe try writing a bit of Horror on the side. Be sure to still be writing a bunch of Short Stories. Maybe make a Short Story Compilation, like Ordinary World.

How many subscribers do you have on your Youtube Channel? Have you reached a million? Did your channel help you get to where you wanted to be? Did you become a successful author because of the channel? Did you become a famous filmmaker because of the channel?

Have you learned making music? Have you bought the drums or the bongos you’ve been wanting to buy and learn how to play? Have you returned to making artworks?

You’ve recently been trying to make some pixel animations, cause you discovered this neat new software called Aseprite, which a pixel animation software. It’s super easy to use. And the OS looks like it’s from a game.

Who’s the main villain for the last 10 years of the MCU? Did they ever make new sequel movies under the Planet of the Apes franchise? Or Terminator? Or Creed(Rocky)? Is Star Wars back to being good in their main movies? Has Shia Lebouf returned to Transformers?

Have you bought any new consoles? What’s the next best thing Nintendo made after the Switch? How many generations of Pokemon are there already? How many Legend of Zelda games have they made after Links Awakening? Have they made new Paper Mario games? Please tell me that they remade the original Paper Mario game. That’d be dope as fuck.

Have they made more Mystery Dungeon games? Have you returned to playing trading card games? Have you finally learned how to play D&D, and have a group of friends playing D&D with you?

How’s your book shelf game going? Mine looks like this:

Have you actually finished reading the Mythology book you’ve had on your study for the past 3 years now?

Who’s president of the Philippines? Manny Pacquiao?

What’s your business? Is it Co-working Cafes? Is it a Studio? Please tell me you have your own studio. Or at least your own house.

These are the things I’d like to tell and ask of you, my man.

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